IUCN Red List Recommendation - Tonga
Sensitive species checklist for: Kingdom of Tonga
Authors: W. A. Whistler and Michael B. Thomas
Citation: Whistler, W.A. 2011. The Rare Plants of Tonga. Conservation International. CEPF.
Locality: Kingdom of Tonga (-21.202640, -175.215450)

From the list of 97 rare flowering plant species recognized for Tonga, 30 species have been selected for recommendation for inclusion on the Red List of Tonga plants produced by the IUCN. These are discussed in more detail below, arranged in the following categories: Tongan endemics, represented by six species; indigenous non-orchid species, represented by 19 species; and indigenous orchid species, represented by five species. Additionally, eight non-native species have also be selected for recommended for inclusion on the Red List. These species should also be considered for some kind of status, since these are either ancient Polynesian weeds possibly threatened over their entire range, or traditional cultigens possibly threatened over their entire range. They are divided into Polynesian adventives, represented by three species; and Polynesian cultigens, represented by five species.

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Families: 21
Genera: 29
Species: 30
Total Taxa: 30

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Endemic, Tree, reduction in cultivation
Indigenous, Palm, restricted distribution and infrequency of collection
Indigenous, Herb, restricted in Tonga to a pair of islands, and its disappearance from elsewhere in Polynesia (Samoa)
Indigenous, Herb, infrequency of collection, and restricted in Tonga to one island
Indigenous, Liana, infrequency of collection
Indigenous, Tree, restricted in Tonga to one island (with one old collection on another)
Indigenous, Vine, infrequency of modern collection
Indigenous, Sedge, restricted to a single locality in a threatened habitat
Indigenous, Tree, restricted in Tonga to one island (with one other island record)
Indigenous, Shrub, restricted in Tonga to one island group and infrequency of collection
Endemic, Shrub, infrequency of collection and endemic to one island
Indigenous, Shrub, restricted in Tonga to a pair of islands, limited elsewhere to Kermadecs
Indigenous, Herb, infrequency of collection and restricted in Tonga to one island
Indigenous, Shrub, infrequency of collection
Endemic, Tree, endemic to one island
Indigenous, Shrub, Other than surveying the cliffs of Eua to determine if it is more common than the only known collection would indicate, nothing much can be done for this shrub other than to protect its habitat in Tonga. It is known in Tonga only from ‘Eua, and the
Indigenous, Orchid, infrequency of collection and restricted in Tonga to one island
Indigenous, Orchid, infrequency of collection
Indigenous, Orchid, infrequency of collection and restricted in Tonga to a pair of islands
Indigenous, Orchid, infrequency of collection
Indigenous, Orchid, infrequency of collection and restricted in Tonga to one island
Endemic, Shrub, endemic to one Tongan island (with an old collection from another)
Indigenous, Herb, infrequency of collection
Indigenous, Grass, apparently disappearing and modern collections restricted to one island Status: rare indigenous
Indigenous, Shrub, restricted in Tonga to one island
Endemic, Tree, endemic to one Tongan island
Indigenous, Tree, infrequency of collection and restricted in Tonga to one island
Endemic, Shrub, endemic to one Tongan island
Indigenous, Shrub, infrequency of collection and restricted in Tonga to a pair of islands
Indigenous, Herb, infrequency of collection and restricted in Tonga to one island