Synonyms: Acrostichum paleaceum Hook. & Grev.; A. micans Mett.; A. squamosum sensu A. Heller, non Sw.; Elaphoglossum hinum sensu auct., non (Sw.) C. Chr.; E. hirtum (Sw.) C. Chr. var. micans (Mett.) C. Chr.; E. splendens Brack.
Common names: maku'e
Latin paleaceus, chaffy, in reference to the scaly nature of this species.
Plants medium-sized, terrestrial, epipetric or epiphytic. Rhizomes short-creeping to ascending, 2-3 mm diam. without scales (to 8 mm with scales), entirely covered with light to dark brown or black scales, phyllopodia densely covering rhizomes. Stipes 1/5-1/3 blade length, scales linear-lanceolate, orange brown, similar to rhizome scales but membranous, less pigmented. Sterile blades with a nodding growth habit, oblanceolate to linear, 10-55 cm long, both surfaces covered with ciliate, lanceolate scales. Fertile blades densely covered with scales on adaxial surfaces, sometimes scales scattered over sporangia. Veins parallel, free, usually obscured by scales.
Common in various habitats from mesic open woods to wet forests, 875-2,075 m, all major islands except Lana'i.
Elaphoglossum paleaceum is also found in Central and South America, the Azores, and Madeira. It is quite variable in its American distribution and is most likely part of a poorly understood species complex.
Elaphoglossum paleaceum may be distinguished by its very scaly rhizomes and ''nodding" fronds heavily covered with scales.