Dicksonia prolifera Kaulf.; Asplenium deparioides Brack.; Athyrium deparioides (Brack.) Christ; At. macraei sensu Copel., non Deparia macraei Hook. & Grev.; At. mauianum Copel.; At. proliferum (Kaulf.) C. Chr.; Cibotium proliferum (Kaulf.) C. Presl; Deparia mauiana (Copel.) M. Kato; D. triangularis Underw.; Diplazium mauianwn (Copel.) C. Chr. [Hillebrand's Asplenium deparioides Brack. J3, y ,0, E, ~,and 11 vars.; Deparia macraei Hook. & Grev. (corrected to Deparia prolifera [Kaulf.] Hook. & Grev. in addenda and corrigenda)]
Latin prolifer, fruitful, productive, alluding to the proliferations on the tips of the fronds and often on the pinnae.
Plants medium-sized, terrestrial. Rhizomes 2.2-4 cm diam., decumbent to erect. Fronds 35-120 cm long, nearly always proliferous on upper rachises. Stipes dark brown, sparsely scaly at bases, scales linear-lanceolate to narrowly deltate, brown to reddish brown, acuminate, soon deciduous. Blades 1-pinnate-pinnatifid to 1-pinnate-pinnatisect, linear-triangular, glabrous, acuminate, not or only minimally narrowed at base. Pinnae to 30 pairs, sessile or nearly so, alternate to sub-opposite, deeply lobed, sometimes proliferous near tips, basal pinnae not or only slightly smaller than next distal pinnae. Ultimate segments perpendicular or slightly oblique to costae. Sori submarginal, marginal and short-linear, or extending beyond margins, hooked to globose. Indusia linear, sub-marginal to marginal, or cup-shaped when projecting from margins.
Locally common in wet forests, 215-1,280 m, all major islands.
Deparia prolifera may be separated from D. marginalis by having elongate-triangular fronds with basal pinnae not or only slightly smaller than those above, and especially by its sori that are marginal or extending beyond the margins.