Cap 50-150 mm broad, at first cylindrical-convex, becoming convex to plane in age, dry, white with reddish brown flattened squamules especially on the disc; odor strongly of almonds. Gills free, close, broad, at first white to pink, becoming dark brown in age. Stem 60-150 x 15-25 mm, cylindrical or subbulbous, white, staining yellow where bruised; with a persistent, white, membranous annulus near the apex. Spore Deposit dark brown. Edibility: edible and choice.
Agaricus subrufescens, the Almond Mushroom, has a strong odor and taste similar to almond extract. The cap is covered with fine reddish brown, flattened squamules, and the lower half of the stalk bruises yellow when touched. This species is edible and adds a wonderful flavor to pasta and other foods. It is widespread and also has been found under coastal Casuarina (ironwoods) and in ginger fields, but it is more commonly collected on compost piles. Is: HA.