Psilotum complanatum var. flaccidum (Wall. ex Spring) Domin; P. complanatum f. fosbergii 0. Deg. & I. Deg.
Common names: moa, moa nahele (forest moa), pipi, flat-stemmed whiskfem
Latin complanatus, flattened, in reference to this species flattened stems.
Plants mostly epiphytic. Stems flattened in one plane, 13-65 cm x 2-3 mm, not narrowing at apexes, lower unbranched por-tions 25-70 percent length of branch clusters, distal branched stems strongly arched and bending downward. Synangia in 2 parallel rows on opposite sides of stem branches.
Locally common, mostly epiphytic, found in mesic to wet forests, 250-1,100 m, all major islands. This pantropical species is less common and widespread than Psilotum nudum.
Psilotum complanatum may be distinguished from P. nudum by its stems flattened in one plane, curving and bending downward, and sporangia arranged in only 2 rows.