Fronds to 4-pinnate, l-2 m long. Stipes densely scaly only at bases, scales sparser distally (much less dense than in var. paleacea), scales linear-lanceolate, dark. Pinnules remote, obtusely lobed, slightly den-tate with small teeth, scales somewhat sparse, scattered on rachises and costae. Ultimate segments remote, 2-4 mm wide, usually wider than in var. paleacea, margins and tips more obtusely lobed, tips with (0-) 1-2 teeth.
Scarce, but common at some sites in wet forests, 450-1,675 m, all major islands.
Dryopteris unidentata var. unidentata may be distinguished from var. paleacea by its sparser covering of scales on the upper stipes, rachises, and costae; and its mostly wider ultimate segments.