Greek podos-, foot,+ soros, heap, referring to the sori raised above the blade by a short stalk or foot.
Plants medium-sized, terrestrial. Fronds often drooping (versus usually upright in var. crinalis). Sori globular, raised on narrow, pale, vascularized stalks (less apparent on dried specimens). The fronds fall within the range of variation of D. crinalis. Very rare and restricted to wet, mossy walls near streams in damp, dark valleys, 1,060-1,525 m, near the Pihea Trail in the Koke'e area, north of Wai'ale'ale, and at the head-waters of Kawaikoi, on Kaua 'i.
Dryopteris crinalis var. podosorus, found only on Kaua'i, may be distinguished from var. crinalis by sori that are globular and raised on conspicuous, narrow, pale, vascularized stalks 0.8-1.3 mm long.