Synonyms: A. cuneatum sensu W. J. Rob., non Lam.; A. insiti-cium v:u: pseudonitidum Hillebr.; A. spathu/inum J. Sm. [Hillebrand's A. insiticium vat. grandipinna is a form intermediate between A. insiticium and A. sphenotomum]
Common names: pi'ipi'i lau manamana (lau, leaf, manamana, dissected: the cut-leaved pi'ipi'i), 'anali'i (P. & E.)
Latin insiticius, grafted or inserted, pos-sibly referring to the proliferations "grafted" on to the fronds near their tips.
Plants medium-sized, terrestrial, blade dis-section intermediate between those of Asple-nium lobulatum and A. sphenotomum. Fronds 17-75 x 3.5-33 cm, proliferous on upper surfaces of rachises near blade apexes, occasionally with more than one proliferation. Stipes deeply grooved, brown to dark brown, with scattered fibrils extending to rachises. Blades 2-pinnate toward bases, be-coming 1-pinnate-pinnatifid distally, long-triangular, widest at base, tapering to pinnatifid tips, thick, coriaceous; rachises with dark fibrils, deeply grooved. Pinnae 10-22 pairs, alternate, stalked, ovate-oblong, pin-nate at bases, ending in pinnatifid, acuminate tips (basal pinnae resembling small fronds of A. lobulatum in shape and cutting), occasionally proliferous. Pinnules obovate, 2.5 x 1.2 cm, bases cuneate, margins prominently toothed without midribs. Veins arranged in fan shape radiating from bases of pinnules, forking before reaching margins, prominent on upper surface. Sori 4-8 per pinnule, linear, to 1 em long. Indusia prominent, lighter colored, opening toward midrib.
Occasionally found in mesic to wet forests, 365-1,200 m, all major islands. Also native to Fiji and to New Caledonia.
The basal pinnae of A. sphenotomum resemble small fronds of A. insiticium, and the basal pinnae of the latter resemble small fronds of A. lobulatum. Some botanists have recognized all three species as a very variable A. lobulatum. Plants intermediate between all three species occur, but there are three distinct clusters of morphologically similar plants bearing the specific names. All three species produce at least 1 proliferation near the frond tips.
Asplenium insiticium, 2-pinnate at blade base, may be recognized by its blade dis-section that is intermediate between those of A. lobulatum and A. sphenotomum. It shares many features with both of these species, including almost always having a proliferation near the tip of the rachis.