Synonym(s): Asplenium rahaoense Y. Yabe ex Matsum. & Hayata; A. resectum sensu Hillebr., non Sm.; A. unilaterale sensu auct., non Lam.; A. unilaterale var. rahaoense (Y. Yabe) Hayata; Hymenasplenium excisum (C. Pres!) Hayata; H. rahaoense (Y. Yabe ex · Matsum. & Hayata) H. Ito ex Tuyama
Common names: pamoho (P. & E.)
Latin excisus, cut out, alluding to the deeply concave lower surfaces of the pinnae.
Plants small to medium-sized, terrestrial, or epipetric. Rhizomes long-creeping, narrow, less than 4 mm diam. Fronds well separated on rhizomes, 25-55 x 5-11 cm, not proliferous. Stipes 1/3-1/2 frond length, dark brown. Blades 1-pinnate, basal pinnae not or only slightly reduced; frond tips usually tapering abruptly to a tail-like terminus. Pinnae strongly dimidiate, 14-25 pairs, alternate, 3-6 X 0.8-1.4 cm, thin, membranous, proximal halves of lower margins (closest to rachis) moderately to strongly concave; upper margins with coarse teeth, often in pairs mounted on small lobes. Veins conspicuous, 1-to 2-forked. Sori to 5 mm long.
Locally common, in mixed mesic to wet, mossy forests, often near streams, 200-1,830 m, all major islands.
Asplenium excisum is also native to Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, South China, and scattered in island groups in Polynesia. Some authors place this species and A. unilaterale in the genus Hymenasplenium, largely because of their distinctive, narrow, long-creeping rhizomes and well-spaced fronds.
Asplenium excisum, a 1-pinnate fern, resembles A. unilaterale and can be confused with it. It is separable by its larger size with more deeply concave lower pinnae margins; upper pinna margins with coarser teeth, often in pairs, mounted on small lobes; and frond tips that usually taper abrupt