Synonym(s): Asplenium acuminatum var. subintegrum Hillebr.; A. goldmannii W. J. Rob.; A. polyphyllum C. Pres.!; A. poJ:>phyllum var. subintegrum Hillebr.; Tarachza polyphylla (C. Pres!) C. Pres! [Hillebrand's Asplenium acuminatum ~ var., A. patens Kaulf. ~ var., and A. poly-phyllum ~ var.]
Common names: lola
Latin acuminatus, tapering gradually or abruptly from inwardly curved sides to a narrow point, alluding to the shape of some of the pinnules. .
Plants medium-sized to large, terrestnal. Rhizomes short-creeping to decumbent, covered with linear-lanceolate scales. Fronds 45-200 x 17-25 em, not proliferous. Stipes brown, nearly glabrous, with a few dark, linear-lanceolate scales at bases. Blades always 2-pinnate, dark green, obloglanceolate, coriaceous. Pinnae 18-28 pairs, close, short-stalked, alternate, lower ones subopposite, 7-21 X 2-4 em. Ultimate segments 7-32 pairs, short-stalked, oblong-lanceolate, 1-2.4 x 0.5-1.2 em, slightly lobed (especially in distal basal area), oriented. at 45° angle from pinnae midribs, distal margms of bases parallel with pinnae costae, proximal margins heading straight out at 4.5° angle, tips often acuminate, tip margins w1th small obtuse teeth. Veins pinnate, forked or unforked, terminating in marginal teeth. Sori up to 12 per ultimate segment, 4-6 mm long. Indusia linear.
Locally common in mesic to wet forests, 275-2,500 m, all major islands. Asplenium acuminatum may be recog-nized by its large, 2-pinnate, dark green, nonproliferous fronds with characteristic slightly lobed, marginally toothed, some-what pointed pinnules.