Distribution In the Hawaiian Islands, endemic to O`ahu, Lana`i, Maui, Hawai`i.
Habit Diffusely branched shrubs up to 2(-3) m tall, closely velvety stellate pubescent. Leaves Leaf blades deeply cordate-ovate, 3-10(-14) cm long, sometimes angulately 3-lobed, margins finely to coarsely crenate to serrate, apex acute to long-acuminate, petioles 2.5-5(-8) cm long. Flowers Flowers solitary in the leaf axils, pendulous, pedicels 2.5-3.5(-5) cm long, articulate; calyx 1.1-1.7(-2.2) cm long, glabrate or densely pubescent, lobes sometimes remaining joined in twos or threes, reflexed; corolla rotate to reflexed, petals maroon grading to yellow basally, unguiculate, emarginate, 1.5-2.5 cm long; staminal column yellowish, exserted, 2-2.8 cm long, conspicuously antheriferous apically; filaments spreading, 2-3.5 mm long; style branches maroon.
Fruit Schizocarp pale brown, cylindrical, 8-10(-13) mm long, closely pubescent, mericarps (6)7-8, oblong, apiculate or short-spined, loculicidally dehiscent in upper 1/2.
Seeds Seeds 3 per mericarp, dark brown, reniform, 2-2.5 mm long, striate papillate and striate stellulate pubescent.