A genus of about 25 species of the Neotropics, with several introduced into the Old World.
Shrubs or perennial herbs.
Leaves bipinnately compound, leaflets small, opposite, often with a petiolar gland, stipules small, subulate, persistent.
Flowers mimosaceous, perfect, sometimes those in lower part of inflorescence staminate or neutral, these without petals but with staminodes, each one minute, in axillary, solitary, stalked heads or short spikes, bracteoles absent; calyx campanulate, shortly 5 lobed; petals distinct or slightly coherent at base; stamens 5-10; filaments distinct, exserted; ovules numerous.
Pods linear, straight or curved, flattened, dehiscent, valves thickened or membranous.
Seeds more than 15, longitudinally or obliquely arranged, ovoid, compressed, without a pleurogram.