[C. 5. var. zoharyi Degener & I. Degener; C. spinosa L. var. mariana (Jacq.) K. Schum., pro parte] (end, V) Maiapilo, pilo, puapilo Shrubs; stems usually decumbent or prostrate, 1-5 m long, young shoots and buds glabrous to puberulent, usually glabrate with age. Leaves fleshy, often glaucous, ovate, elliptic, or broadly elliptic, blades 2.4-6 cm long, 1.9-5 cm wide, apex obtuse or emarginate, petioles 1-4 cm long. Flowers opening after sunset; calyx zygomorphic, outer sepal strongly saccate, 2-4 cm long, the others 2-2.5 cm long, glabrous or puberulent at base; petals white, turning pink with age, upper pair rhombic, 2-5.5 cm long, densely pilose along the line of union, lower pair broadly obovate to sub-orbicular, 3-4.5 cm long; stamens ca. 120-180, white, turning pink with age; filaments 7 cm long; gynophore 1-1.5 cm long at anthesis, elongating to 5-6 cm long in fruit. Berries orange at maturity, ellipsoid, 4-5 cm long, 1.7-3 cm in diameter. Seeds dark reddish brown to gray, asymmetrically reniform, 2.5-5 mm long, embedded in foetid orange pulp. [2n = 40*.] Scattered on coral, basaltic rocks, or in soil along the coast or somewhat inland, 0-100(-575) m, on Midway Atoll, Pearl and Hermes Atoll, Laysan, and all of the main islands.—Plate 60.