[H. a. var. argenteum A. Gray; Lithospermum incanum G. Forster; Pentacarya heliotropioides DC] (ind) Hinahina, hinahina ku kahakai, nohonohopu ‘uone (Niihau), pohinahina Prostrate subshrubs, sometimes forming mats; stems prostrate, decumbent, or some-times ascending, producing many short side branches along the length of the main stem, 1-5(-10) dm long, flowering stems ascending to erect. Leaves distributed along the stem or, on young or flowering stems, densely clustered toward the tips and appearing whorled, thick but not fleshy, linear-lanceolate to spatulate, 1—3(—5) cm long, (0.1-)0.2-0.5(-0.8) cm wide, densely soft, silky, appressed villous, gradually tapering to base. Flowers sweetly fragrant, in short, congested, bracteate cymes 0.8-1.3cm long, peduncles (1.5—)3—6.5 cm long; calyx stiff, deeply 5-lobed, the lobes linear, unequal, 1-2 usually slightly broader than others, 2.5-3.5 mm long, densely appressed pubescent; corolla white to pale purple, funnelform, 5-6-lobed, twice as long as the calyx, 6-11 mm long, the tube 5-8 mm long, appressed villous externally, especially on the tube; stamens as many as corolla lobes, subsessile. Nutlets 4, 1- seeded, obovoid, slightly compressed, ca. 1 mm long, appressed villous. [2n = 28*.] Widely distributed from Hawaii nearly throughout Polynesia; in Hawaii occurring in sandy sites in coastal areas on Niihau, Kauai, 0‘ahu, Molokai, and apparently rare on Maui and Hawaii, perhaps formerly also on Lanai and Kaho‘olawe.— Plate 41. Our plants are referred to the endemic var. argenteum, which is similar to var. ano-malum except it has closely appressed, silky pubescence.