(nat) Coat buttons Taprooted perennial herbs; stems ascending to procumbent, often rooting at the nodes, 1.5-4 dm long, sparsely to densely hirsute. Leaves ovate to lanceolate, 2-7 (-12) cm long, l-4(-6) cm wide, both surfaces sparsely to densely hirsute and often rough to the touch, 3-lobed, margins undulate, petioles 0.4-3 cm long. Heads campanulate, solitary on long peduncles (7-) 10-18(-20) cm long; involucral bracts 3.5- 6.5(-8) mm long; ray florets 3-6 per head, rays pale yellow to cream, 2.5-4(-5) mm long; disk corollas yellow, 5-6.5(-7) mm long; pappus of 20 plumose bristles unequal in length, that of ray florets reduced. Achenes black, cylindrical to narrowly obconical, 2-2.5 mm long, densely pilose. [2n = 36.] Apparently native only from Mexico, Central America, Venezuela, and Colombia to Peru and Bolivia, but now widespread throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world; in Hawai‘i naturalized and relatively common primarily in low elevation, dry, disturbed habitats on Midway Atoll and all of the main islands except not yet documented from Ni‘ihau. First collected on Maui in 1922 (Degener 27276, BISH).—Plate37.