(nat) Aromatic annual or biennial herbs; stems 20 dm long, stout and unbranched below the inflorescence, branched in the inflorescence, coarsely hirsute and glandular pubescent above. Leaves ovate to oblong or oblanceolate, 2-8 cm long, 1-3.5 cm wide, densely villous to hirsute, margins coarsely serrate, lower ones on petioles 1-4 cm long, upper ones sessile and often with stipulelike lobes at base. Heads several to numerous; involucre 7-9 mm high; ray florets 25-35 per head, rays 4-6 mm long; disk corollas ca. 4 mm long; pappus yellowish brown to reddish, the outer series inconspicuous. Achenes 3-3.5 mm long, inner ones strongly flattened. [2n = 18.] Native from California to Arizona and Baja California, Mexico; in Hawai‘i a relatively common weed of dry, disturbed areas, 10- 2,270 m, probably on all of the main islands but not documented from Ni‘ihau and Moloka‘i. First collected on Maui in 1909 (Faurie 937, BISH).—Plate28.