(nat) Pualele (Niihau) Vegetatively similar to E. coccinea but the leaves more coarsely dentate. Heads cylindrical, ca. twice as long as wide, ca. Va as long as corolla; involucral bracts 10-13, usually 9-14 mm long; florets ca. 50 per head, conspicuously longer than the involucral bracts by often as much as 2-5 mm, corollas brick red or rarely lilac, the lobes 1.5(—2) mm long. [2n = 20.] Place of origin unknown, probably an allotetraploid hybrid between E. coccinea and E. sonchifolia in Central or East Africa (Nicolson, 1980), now a pantropical weed; in Hawaii a common weed of low elevation, dry, urban and disturbed habitats documented 2. E. fosbergii from all of the main islands and Kure Atoll. First collected on 0‘ahu in 1920 (Garber 93, BISH).—Plate 25. Plants of this species were previously included under Emilia javanica or E. son-chifolia.