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Bidens pilosa
Bidens pilosaL.
Family: Asteraceae
[Bidens odorata Cav., moreBidens pilosa var. bimucronata (Turcz.) Sch. Bip., Bidens pilosa var. minor (Blume) Sherff, Bidens pilosa var. pilosa L., Bidens pilosa var. radiata Sch. Bip., Coreopsis alba L.]
[B. p. var. minor (Blume) Sherff; B. sundaica Blume var. minor Blume] (nat) Ki, ki nehe, ki pipili, nehe Erect annual herbs 0.3-1.8 m tall. Leaves pinnately compound, usually 2.5-13.5 cm long including petiole, leaflets (1—)3—5(—7). Heads 21-42 in compound cymes terminating main stem and lateral branches, discoid and 0.7-1 cm in diameter or radiate and 0.8-1 cm in diameter including ray florets, peduncles 1-9 cm long; outer involucral bracts spatulate-tipped, 2.5-5 mm long; ray florets absent or 4-7 per head, rays white or yellowish, 2-8 mm long; disk florets 35-75 per head, perfect, corollas yellow; pappus of 2-3(-5) barbed awns 1-2 mm long. Achenes dark brown or black, straight, wingless, 8-16 mm long, setose. [2n = 24, 46, 48, 72, ca. 76.] Native to tropical America but now a pantropical weed; in Hawaii widespread in disturbed areas on Midway Atoll and all of the main islands. Introduced to the Hawaiian Islands before 1845 (Degener, 1939b).— Plate 19.