Kuntze [Melampodium australe Loefl.; Acanthospermum brasilum Schrank] (nat) Spiny-bur, Paraguay bur, kukae- hipa, ‘ihi kukae hipa, pipili Stems prostrate, often rooting at the nodes, 1-6 dm long, pubescent with short appressed hairs. Leaves rhombic-ovate to triangular, 1.5-3.5 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, with conspicuous glands on both surfaces, margins irregularly serrate above the middle, base cuneate, petioles 0.3-1.5 cm long. Heads 4-6 mm in diameter at anthesis. Burs ellipsoid to oblong, 7-9 mm long, the ribs bearing 1-2 rows of hooked prickles 1-2 mm long, the prickles all uniform in size. [2n = 20, 22.] Native to South America; in Hawaii naturalized along roadsides and in relatively dry, open, often disturbed areas on all of the main islands. First collected on Kauai in 1840-1841 (U.S. Expl. Exped. s.n., US).—Plate