Greek gramme, line, in reference to the linear sori of some species.
Description as of the family. Rhizomes erect or long-creeping. Fronds simple (in Hawaiian species), glands absent. Blades often with hairs. Veins usually free. Sori round to oval, exindusiate.
A genus of about 200 species found in wet forests in tropical and south-temperate regions of the Old World and the New World. Represented in Hawai 'i by one indigenous and three endemic species.
The closely related species Grammitis baldwinii, G. forbesiana, and G. hookeri probably do not belong in the genus Grammitis and a transfer to another genus may be imminent. The very odd G. tenella is only distantly related to the other three, and DNA studies suggest a greater affinity to Adenophorus than to other Grammitis species. Ultimate generic placement depends on future studies.
1. Fronds arranged in a tangled, compact mass; blades narrow, long-linear; rhizomes long-creeping, thin, wirelike, less than 1 cm diam., in intertwined mats; sori sparse, irregularly scattered, often large and extending beyond blade margins; all major islands ............................ 4. G. tenella
1. Fronds arranged in tufts at rhizome tips; blades with tapering tips and bases, wide-linear to spindle-shaped; rhizomes erect to decumbent, 3-5 mm diam.; sori more numerous, arranged in regular rows on both sides of blades, not extending beyond margins (2).
2(1). Sori submarginal; blades nearly glabrous; stipes short, usually less than l/30-- l/8 frond length; Kaua 'i ................................. 1. G. baldwinii
2. Sori medial or near costae; blades with numerous and conspicuous stiff black hairs; stipes longer, mostly 1/15-1/3 frond length; Kaua'i and other islands (3).
3(2). Sori medial; blades moderately hairy (half as hairy as G. hookeri); Kaua'i, Moloka 'i, Maui ...................................... 2. G.forbesiana
3. Sori near costae; blades very hairy; all major islands .............. 3. G. hookeri