Greek stichos, line, row, probably referring to the sori that are borne in rows.
Plants large, terrestrial. Rhizomes creeping, scaly, scales linear-triangular, dark, margins ciliate. Fronds of indeterminate growth, scandent, repeatedly forking, becoming very long, forming tangled masses, dormant buds present at forks. Stipes adaxially grooved, scales and hairlike scales present, scales cordate, tan or white, with long hairs projecting from margins, hairlike scales present distally. Blades heavily covered with dark, linear-triangular scales with marginal cilia; primary rachises sometimes continuing after the first forking, subsequent secondary rachises bearing long segments, segments on either side and closest to the forks often smaller. Pinnae pectinate. Ultimate segments with scattered scales and hairlike scales on undersurfaces. Veins 1-forked. Sori exindusiate, with 2-6 sporangia.
A genus of about eighty pantropical and southern species. Represented in Hawai'i by a single endemic species.