Greek kyrtoma, arch, in reference to the anastomosing veins that form arches.
Plants medium-sized, terrestrial. Rhizomes decumbent to erect, short, bearing scales and old stipes. Fronds erect to spreading, forming a rosette at rhizome tips. Stipes dark brown, brown, to straw-colored, scales at base, tan to brown, membranous, cross-section at base with a semicircle to a ring of small, round vascular bundles. Blades 1-pinnate, tips of fronds resembling lateral pinnae. Pinnae ovate-lanceolate, falcate, darker green adaxially, moderately fibrillose abaxially. Veins reticulate, joining to form areoles with included free veins. Sori small, round. Indusia peltate.
A temperate and tropical genus of possibly twenty-five species found in eastern Asia and the Americas. Represented in Hawai 'i by one indigenous and one naturalized species.