Lycopodium phlegmaria L. var. mannii Hillebr.; L. mannii (Hillebr.) Skottsb.; Phlegmariurus mannii (Hillebr.) W. H. Wagner; Urostachys mannii (Hillebr.) Nessel
Name honors Horace Mann Jr. (1844-1868), German-American botanist; assistant to Asa Gray at the Gray Herbarium at Harvard and curator of botany at the Boston Society of Natural History. Mann visited Hawai 'i in 1864-1865 and collected plants with William Tufts Brigham. He died at age 24 from tuberculosis.
Plants narrow, medium-sized, epiphytic. Stems sterile portions short, usually much less than 15 em long, bases pink to red. Sterile leaves well separated, elliptic, 5-12 x 3 mm, tips thickened with usually sharp, triangular apexes. Fertile leaves short-ovate, slightly pointed, 1-2 mm long, tips cartilaginous, tips mostly rounded to slightly pointed, equal to or slightly shorter than exposed sporangia. Strobili abruptly differentiated from sterile portions of stems, up to 30 em long, 0.8-1.4 mm in diam., much more extensive than sterile portions, about 1/10-1/5 stem widths, forking up to 7 x at 70-1400 angles, branches of strobili generally curved.
Federally listed endangered species usually growing on rough bark of trunks and tree branches, 1,200-1,600 m, Kaua'i, West and East Maui, and Hawai 'i. Fewer than 300 individuals in four populations are currently known. Not seen on Kaua'i in recent years.
This species and Huperzia stemmermanniae are probably related to a group of about twelve similar tropical American species.
Hupenia mannii (and H. stemmermanniae) may be recognized by sterile portions of the stems that are short (usually much less than 15 cm) in proportion to their long (up to 30 cm) fertile strobili. Huperzia mannii may be differentiated from H. stemmermanniae by its pink to red stems, narrower strobili with often curved branchlets, and strobili forking at a wider angle.
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Copyright 2015 University of Hawai‘i.