Greek polys, many, + podion, little feet, alluding to the short stumps left on the rhizome when the fronds abscise. (Some say the name alludes to the highly branched rhizomes that resemble many little feet.)
Plants medium-sized, epiphytic, epipetric, or terrestrial. Rhizomes short- to long-creeping, scaly, bearing phyllopodia with clean, concave scar on apexes. Stipes arising in two alternate rows on upper rhizomes. Blades simple, triangular, pinnatifid, or with orbicular and forked leaves (Platycerium). Sori round, up to 2 mm diam., exindusiate, with or without paraphyses, or in large patches spread over fertile leaves (Platycerium). Spores bright yellow.
A family of about twenty-nine genera with worldwide distribution. Represented in Hawai 'i by six genera.