Habitat and Distribution Rauvolfia insularis (omechidel) grows as an understory tree in the volcanic forests of Airai, Ngchesar, Melekeok, Ngarremlengui and Ngiwal on Babeldaob Island. Omeichidel is found only in Palau.
Description Size and shape: Omechidel is a small tree that is up to 4 meters tall with a trunk diameter from 7 to 12 cm. The younger branches are green and flexible.
Leaves: Simple, opposite leaves with entire margins cluster at the branch tips. Leaves are inversely spear-shaped and measure 13 to 17 cm long and 5 to 6 cm wide and have a rounded tip and a narrow base. The upper surface is deep green and shiny and the lower surface is light green. There is a prominent central vein with numerous lateral veins. The petiole is 3 to 4 cm long.
Flowers: The white flower clusters are divided into 3 parts with flowers maturing from the bottom upwards (panicle) and have modified leaves (bracts) at the base. The calyx lobes are oval shaped and 1.5 mm long. The corolla tube is 3 mm long with 5 petals that are 2 mm long and hairy within. The flower stalks are 3 mm long. The flowers were observed in August and November.
Fruits: The black fruit consists of 2 fleshly 1-seeded fruits (drupe) that are fused into one fruit. The drupe measures 1 to 1.25 cm in diameter and has 2 sharp horns at the apex. The fruits were observed in November.