Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Hedyotis korrorensis
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-57 of 57

Belau National Herbarium

Hedyotis korrorensis (Val.) Hosok.
395S. A. Hardy   1191968-01-26
Palau, Airai, 7.37896 134.53608, 3608m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Val.) Hosok.
1728Derrel Herbst   93801991-07-16
Palau, Ngatpang, 7.488514 134.48538, 2503m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok
1984Ann H. Kitalong   AK1229062006-12-29
Palau, Airai, 7.374276 134.533724, 129m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok
1985Ann H. Kitalong   2007-06-29

Hedyotis korrorensis var. korrorensis
2039Michael Balick   MB44542007-08-13

Hedyotis korrorensis var. korrorensis
2218David Lorence   96492008-01-23

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton.) Hosok.
2274Steve Perlman   207312008-01-25
Palau, 7.439722 134.666667, 61m

Hedyotis korrorensis (veleton) Hosok
2972Steve Perlman   208662008-02-07
Palau, Ngardmau, Ngardmau falls, 7.591205 134.593423, 492m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valton) Hosok
2980Steve Perlman   208612008-02-07
Palau, Ngarchelong, 7.708334 134.627983, 2670m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok
3146Michael Balick   MB46072008-08-08
Palau, Ngatpang, Ibobang, 7.492452 134.526124, 672m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Val.) Hosok.
3541Michael J. Balick   46692013-11-12
Palau, Melekeok, 7.513694 134.604333, 63m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Val.) Hosok.
3903Ann Kitalong   AK051905A2005-05-19
Palau, Ngarchelong, Ollei

Herbarium Pacificum (Bishop Museum)

Hedyotis korrorensis var. subglomerata Fosberg
601422Hosaka, E.Y.   Collector Number: 34191946-07-22
Palau, Republic of, Airai, 152m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
601423Fosberg, F.R.   Collector Number: 324551950-03-28
Palau, Republic of, Ngeremetengel, 1m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
601424Hardy, S.A.   Collector Number: 1191968-01-26
Palau, Republic of, Airai, road to Nekken down small hill beyond fork in road

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
601425Fosberg, F.R.   Collector Number: 505921968-11-23
Palau, Republic of, Nekken

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
609570Herbst, D.R. Stemmermann, R.L.; Canfield, J.   Collector Number: 93801991-07-16
Palau, Republic of, Ngetpang State; Southwestern part of State; Bauxite mining ruins along road to Ibobang Village at junction with road to Ngchesar, 50m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
649314Herbst, D.R.   LR 262081996-02-18
Palau, Republic of, Savanna (Ked) along road toward Ibobang about 16.5 km west of Hirai turnoff from airport road

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
649809Dayton, F.   LR 261701996-01-27
Palau, Republic of, Savanna edge in Ngarard State

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
660914Ward, J.V.   Collector Number: 2091996-05-20
Palau, Republic of, Ngrikill River valley, freshwater forest, ca. 1 km east of river before it discharges into bay, 7.3725 -134.565

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
738438Balick, M.J. et al.   Collector Number: 44542007-08-04
Palau, Republic of, Airai, Ngeruluobel, trail to Obakradebkar' summer house, 7.36831 -134.517

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
748076Lorence, D.H. et al.   Collector Number: 96492008-01-16
Palau, Republic of, Airai State. Vicinity of Ngerusar site of Kitalong's Ngeruluobel summer house, 7.37667 -134.518, 61 - 76m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
748118Lorence, D.H. et al.   Collector Number: 96492008-01-16
Palau, Republic of, Airai State, Vicinity of Ngerusar site of Kitalong's Ngeruluobel summer house, 7.37694 -35.5183, 61 - 76m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
11932Hill, P.J.R.   Collector Number: 21949-02-12
Palau, Republic of, Mizuho, S. Aimaliik, 30m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
17552Stone, B.C.M.   Collector Number: 13281956-07-16
Palau, Republic of, Aimelik, clearing near cacao plantation, 152m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
174817Hill, P.J.R.   21949-03-15
Palau, Republic of, Mizuho, S. Aimaliik, 30m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
174830Hosokawa, T.   67851933-11-15
Palau, Republic of, Arumonogui-sogen, near Arumaten

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
174831Herre, A.W.   161933-10-19
Palau, Republic of, On dry hillsides, Corror

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
174832Takamatsu, M.   13471936-04-05
Palau, Republic of, Garudokku

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
174833Takamatsu, M.   13471936-04-05
Palau, Republic of, Garudokku

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
174834Hosokawa, T.   67831933-09-15
Palau, Republic of, Arumonogui-sogen, near Armuten

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
428396Shearard, D.A. Spence, G.   1081978-10-15
Palau, Republic of, About 100 yds. from the dam, along road to the dam, 152m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
571812Anon.   34
Micronesia, Federated States of, Oreor. Savanna area cerca Airea Airfield

National Tropical Botanical Garden

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok
PTBG1000072433Tim Flynn   63741998-02-10
Palau, AIMELIIK STATE, NULL, Along road between Airai and Aimeliik near Tabecheding Waterfall turnoff., 7.456389 134.5425

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok
PTBG1000072415David H. Lorence   82071998-02-10
Palau, NGATPANG STATE, NULL, Along road heading N along W coast towards Aimeliik, 9 mi. N of turnoff from main paved road to Airai. Near trail to Taki Falls on Ngardmau River., 7.453889 134.530556

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok
PTBG1000072427David H. Lorence   82281998-02-11
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Along road from airport to Oikull, ca. 1.6 miles NE of the airport., 7.366111 134.591111

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok
PTBG1000072421David H. Lorence   82761998-02-16
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Along road from Airai to Ouikuul, at 2.2 miles NE of airport entrance., 7.371111 134.550833

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok
3141Clay Trauernicht   3292008-01-27
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babeldaob Island. Airai State. Road to Oikul village on SE side of island. Open savanna with mixed patches of second- and old-growth forest., 67m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok
15331Steve Perlman   207192008-01-17
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Urukthapel, Rock islands, Taoch island with Scaevola taccada, Badusa palauensis, Intsia bijuga, Pandanus, Morinda citrifolia, Bikkia palauensis, Pemphis acidula, Maytenus palauica, Eugenia reinwardtiana, Geniostoma rupestre, Hedyotis biflora, Capparis, Ficus, Glochidion, Soulamea, 3m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok
15347Steve Perlman   207712008-01-25
Caroline Islands, BELAU: rock islands south of Koror, Ngermid island with Tarenna sambucina, Glochidion kanehirae, Milletia pinnata, Allophyllus timoriensis, Pandanus, Eugenia reinwardtiana, Pouteria, Fagraea, Bikkia, Ficus, Intsia bijuga, Dracaena, Schefflera, Badusa, Morinda citrifolia, Wikstroemia elliptica, Heritiera, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Ixora casei, Maytenus, 3m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok
18688Steve Perlman   207142008-01-16
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Koror, Bukrairarong rock island, Chris's transect in native forest with Pandanus, Morinda citirifolia, Eugenia palauensis, Pipturus micronesicus, Cocos nucifera, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Ficus spp, Eugenia reinwardtiana, Osmoxylon, Pleomele, Pouteria obovata, Premna, Wikstroemia elliptica, Schefflera, Ixora casei, Psychotria hombroniana, 61m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok
8111   96462008-01-16
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babelthuap (Babeldaob) Island. Airai State, along main road SE of Ngerusar. Kitalong residence. Agroforest with Areca catechu , Psidium guajava, Musa, Morinda citrifolia, and native wet forest remnants including Horsefeldia, Campnospermum, and Pangium edule., 15m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok
5084Relio Lengsi   362006-04-07
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Nett Municipality. Eirke. Collected in agroforest., 79m

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok
PTBG1000006082Clay Trauernicht   3322008-01-27
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Road to Oikul village on SE side of island. Collected in open savanna., 7.386111 134.568889

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok
PTBG1000029953Steve Perlman   208612008-02-07
Palau, NGARCHELONG STATE, NULL, Todai, north end of island., 7.721944 134.623611

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok
PTBG1000029949Steve Perlman   208662008-02-07
Palau, NGARDMAU STATE, NULL, Ngardmau falls, Ngertebechel in forest along stream., 7.587778 134.589722

Hedyotis korrorensis var. korrorensis
PTBG1000072439David H. Lorence   96492008-01-16
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Vicinity of Ngerusar, site of Kitalong's Ngeruluobel summer house. 61-76 m elvevation., 7.376667 134.518333

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
Michael J. Balick   44542007-08-04
Palau, Republic of, AIRAI STATE, Obakradebkar's Summer house, Ngeruluobel. 07 Deg. 22' 05.91 N 134 Deg. 31' 00.02 E.

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok
PTBG1000072414Michael J. Balick   44542007-08-04
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Obakradebkar's Summer house, Ngeruluobel. 07 Deg. 22' 05.91 N 134 Deg. 31' 00.02 E., 22.0985 134.517

New Zealand Virtual Herbarium

NZVH-Allan Herbarium
Hedyotis korrorensis (Val.) Hosokawa
CHR 448417F.R. Fosberg 50592   1968-11-23
Palau, Republic of, Palau Group; Nekken., 122m

NYBG, C.V. Starr Virtual Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
206840D. H. Lorence   96492008-01-16
Palau, Babelthuap (Babeldaob) Island, Airai State, Vicinity of Ngerusar site of Kitalong's Ngeruluobel summer house, 7.3767 134.5183, 61 - 76m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok.
205381M. J. Balick   44542007-08-04
Palau, Airai, Ngeruluobel, Trail to Obakradebkar, 7.368308 134.516672

United States National Herbarium

885365Fosberg, F. R.   326021950-04-08
Palau, Melekeok, east coast of Babelthuap I, hills between Melekiok and Lake Ngardok., 30 - 60m

Hedyotis korrorensis var. korrorensis
885366Fosberg, F. R.   476971965-09-02
Palau, Airai, Airai, near west end of airstrip, 60m

Hedyotis korrorensis var. korrorensis
885367Fisher, T. R.   1531970-05-16
Palau, Airai, Ngerikii

Hedyotis korrorensis var. hosokawana Fosberg
5460Fosberg, F. R.   326011950-04-08
Palau, E coast, hills between Melekiok & Lake Ngardok., 20 - 60m

Hedyotis korrorensis var. subglomerata Fosberg
5485Hosaka, E. Y.   34191946-07-22
Palau, Airai, Airai., 20 - 60m

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