PTBG1000072883 F. Sohl 88 2001-03-11
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Sokehs Municipality, Kepin Kep.
PTBG1000072878 David H. Lorence 8256 1998-02-14
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Koror, near Koror State public landfill by M-Dock; grounds of the Marina Hotel., 7.342778 134.464722
7456 Joel Lau 1061 1985-06-06
United States, Hawaii, OAHU: Bishop Museum.
7456 Derral Herbst 2345 1972-01-27
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Koloa District, Lawai Valley. National Tropical Botanical Garden., 46m
PTBG1000072813 Tim Flynn 1256 1985-10-03
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Koloa District, Kalaheo. Puuwai Road. Cultivated plants.
Natalia Tangalin 1323 2007-05-30
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kapaa, Wailua Houselots, EggerKing Road. Eascaping out of lot onto roadside.
19308 David H. Lorence 10005 2009-03-17
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Tafunsak Municipality, Yela River valley, upper slopes and crest of ridge on southwestern flank of valley. Rocky slopes and cliffs with evergreen wet forest of Elaeocarpus kusanoi, E. carolinensis, Adenanthera pavonina, Macaranga, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Antidesma, and occasional Artocarpus altilis., 200m
PTBG1000072890 K. R. Wood 3365 1994-07-13
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Ritidian to Pajon Pt.; 40 deg N asp.
6357 Tim Flynn 11256 1985-10-03
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Koloa District, Kalaheo. Puuwai Road. Cultivated plants.
PTBG1000072940 Michael J. Balick 4072 2000-08-12
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Sokehs Municipality, Dolon. Form of Fredirick panuel, beside and including old Japanese road from 1940's., 6.990556 158.355278
PTBG1000072910 David H. Lorence 7831 1996-12-02
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Malem Municipality, Trail from Malem River (2 km W of Malem) to summit of Mt. Ohma. Elev. 200-450 m., 5.291667 163
PTBG1000072891 David H. Lorence 7903 1996-12-08
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Kitti Municipality, 3 km inland from main road (turnoff is at Wenik School) along side road to Sahwurlap and Sahwartik Falls, then along footpath to plateau above waterfalls; elev. 160-190 m., 6.85 158.166667
PTBG1000072873 David H. Lorence 7927 1996-12-10
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, U Municipality, Heading W from Alamoar to end of unpaved road, then up trail along ridge leading to Mt. Kupwuriso. Elevation ca. 150 to 230 m (ridge crest)., 6.941667 158.258333
PTBG1000072898 Tim Flynn 6232 1997-09-02
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Sokehs Municipality, Nanimwinsapw. Home of Ioanes a nd Angelina Santos. Elev. 1-2 m.
PTBG1000072928 David H. Lorence 8188 1998-02-07
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Between Medalaii and Malakal adjacent to causeway, behind Mobil gas station. Elevation 0-30 m., 7.333333 134.455
PTBG1000072916 David H. Lorence 8132 1997-09-12
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Utwe Municipality, SW part of island. Along coastal trail from Utwe to Walung (6-7 miles)., 5.283333 162.966667
PTBG1000072879 Michael J. Balick 3807 1997-08-31
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Sokehs Municipality, Sokehs: Trail to Pohndolap., 6.970833 158.188889
PTBG1000072885 Francisca Sohl 3 1999-10-31
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, NULL, Nan Madab.
PTBG1000072880 Michael J. Balick 3990 2025-08-01
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Madolenihmw Municipality, Keprohi (Nansap)., 65.068333 158.302778
PTBG1000072893 Michael J. Balick 4015 2025-08-01
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Madolenihmw Municipality, Peienlam., 65.018333 158.283056
PTBG1000072904 David H. Lorence 9411 2005-01-31
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Tafunsak Municipality, Yela River valley. Elev. 1-60 m., 5.325 -162.966667
18406 Clay Trauernicht 304 2008-01-25
Caroline Islands, BELAU: The Rock Islands. Ngermid Island. Wet tropical evergreen forest on raised limestone karst. Collected from boat at island edge., 1m
5399 K.R. Wood 2231 1993-09-01
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Hanalei district; Wainiha; back of valley below Hinalele; Metrosideros-Dicranopteris lowland wet forest w/saturated stream walls; Cyrtandra limahuliensis, C. oenobarba, C. cyaniodes, C. pickeringii, Bidens spp, Cyanea spp, Hedyotis spp, pteridophytes are abundant. elev. ca. 600-700 m.
5399 Steve Perlman 14426 1994-09-26
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Iliiliula valley, back of valley below Kawaikini. In Metrosideros wet forest with Tetraplasandra, Dubuatia knudsenii, Syzygium, Antidesma, diplazium, bidens, Perrottetia, Sadleria cyathioides, Isodendron, Brousaissia, Freycinetia, Pisonia, Cyanea spp, Pipturus, Labordia, Cyrtandra paludosa, Carex wahuensis, Pritchardia, Odontosoria chinensis., 561m
6353 David Palumbo s.n. 1981-05-01
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Grove Farm mapping project.
15470 David H. Lorence 6573 1990-06-20
United States, Hawaii, HAWAII: South Hilo District. Boiling Pots State Park, north-west of Hilo along the Wailuku River.
7456 Tim Flynn 2489 1987-10-20
United States, Hawaii, MAUI: Hana District. Kalahu Point. PTBG Kahanu Garden. Elev. 0-50 ft. In remnant Pandanus forest SSE of Piilanihale Heiau on rough aa lava.
6353 David H. Lorence 5562 1987-09-22
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Koloa District: Lawai Valley, Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden, head of Big Valley section just N. of Makana's tool shed; old, overgrown plantings in secondary vegetation, alt. 60-70 m.
12564 Tim Flynn 4295 1990-11-05
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Koloa District, Lawai Valley; Lawai Kai. Cultivated plants of the Allerton Estate.
12202 David H. Lorence 9883 2008-04-01
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Koror State. Rock Islands: Ngchus Island; coastal beach area with Cocos, Calophyllum, Hernandia, and Terminalia over coral sand substrate., 2m
14864 David H. Lorence 9896 2008-04-02
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babeldaob. Ngarchelong State, along new compact road to northern tip of island. Badrulchau stone monoliths park area; savanna with scattered Pandanus., 50m
18312 R. L. Oliver 3137 1975-02-12
French Polynesia, Marquesas Islands, HIVA OA: Feani ridge to upper slopes of dry side of island., 1150m
7388 V.J. Krajina 6.21E+08 1962-06-12
United States, Hawaii, MOLOKAI: Kahanui. 21.1 N; 157.0 W., 970m
18687 K.R. Wood 13516 2009-03-09
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: *Uh Municipality, trail to Kwuprisso, *Clinostigma ponapense dominated forest with Freycinetia ponapensis, Pandanus patina, Maesa carolinensis, Campnosperma brevipetiolata, Geniostoma rupestre, Ixora casei, Ficus spp, Boehmeria celebica, Asplenium nidus, terrestrial and epiphytic ferns and bryophytes common in forest understory
12042 Steve Perlman 21179 2008-09-28
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Chelbacheb (Rock Islands), Ngeruktabel Island in native forest with Campnosperma brevipetiolata, Meryta senfftiana, Schefflera, Dracaena multiflora, Pandanus, Angiopteris evecta, Sphaeropteris, Semecarpus venenosus, Buchanania, Soulamea amara, Osmoxylon, Garcinia, Badusa palauensis, Ixora casei, Morinda latibracteata, Pouteria obovata, Eugenia reinwardtiana, Aglaia mariannensis, 9m
4940 Steve Perlman 21533 2009-03-11
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: near Sokehs- Kitti Municipalities Boundary, Nan Madap, below Temwetemwensekir in open areas with Soulamea amara, Syzygium carolinensis, Campnosperma brevipetiolata, Sphaeropteris, Garcinia ponapensis, Angiopteris evecta, Freycinetia ponapensis, Clinostigma ponapensis,Lycopodium cernuum, Dicranopteris linearis, Cinnamomum sessilifolium, Glochidion, Ilex, Pandanus, 663m
19519 F. J. Badman 3287 1989-08-01
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Region 4: Gairdner-Torrens. 1 km SW of Axehead Quarry, Roxby Downs Station. Common. Swale. Soil: red-sandy loam with calcrete rubble. Precn 2.
PTBG1000006286 Clay Trauernicht 307 2007-01-25
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, The Rock Islands. Collected from forest understory in treefall gap., 7.319444 134.510278
A. Dores 17 2003-09-08
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, U Municipality, Pahlap., 6.945 158.2722222
David H. Lorence 9886 2008-04-01
Palau, Republic of, KOROR STATE, Rock Islands. beach area., 7.256111111 134.4436111
David H. Lorence 9900 2008-04-02
Palau, Republic of, NGARCHELONG STATE, Along new compact road to northern tip of island near boundary with Ngaraard State., 7.698333333 134.63
Michael J. Balick 4385 2007-07-30
Palau, Republic of, AIRAI STATE, Oikull, Medal Village. Growing along stone path. N 07°21.941 E 134°35.471, 7.365833 134.591111
Natalia Tangalin 1255 2007-05-08
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Madolenihmw Municipality, Nankepira.
PTBG1000053646 K. R. Wood 13519 2009-03-09
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, U Municipality, Trail to Kwuprisso. Collected during rappel on steep NE facing forested slope.
PTBG1000035021 Steve Perlman 21183 2008-09-28
Palau, Republic of, KOROR STATE, Chelbacheb (Rock Islands), Ngeremdiu Beach., 7.256388889 134.4436111
PTBG1000053050 Steve Perlman 21542 2009-03-16
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Malem Municipality, Kuplu Wan area., 5.271666667 162.9869444
Relio Lengsi 35 2006-04-07
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Nett Municipality, Eirke., 6.924166667 158.2258333
PTBG1000051306 K. R. Wood 13908 2009-09-05
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Utwe Municipality, Summit ridge east of Wakap, climb up from Utwa river.
PTBG1000000690 E. Y. Hosaka 3534 1946-08-10
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Nanipiru.
PTBG1000005797 P. Emos Eperiam 159 2006-08-02
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Kitti Municipality, 6.823889 -158.213056
PTBG1000072892 A. Dores 17 2003-09-08
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, U Municipality, Pahlap., 6.945 158.272222
PTBG1000058111 David H. Lorence 9886 2008-04-01
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Rock Islands. beach area., 7.256111 134.443611
PTBG1000058670 David H. Lorence 9900 2008-04-02
Palau, NGARCHELONG STATE, NULL, Along new compact road to northern tip of island near boundary with Ngaraard State., 7.698333 134.63
PTBG1000072922 Michael J. Balick 4385 2007-07-30
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Oikull, Medal Village. Growing along stone path. N 07°21.941 E 134°35.471, 7.365833 134.591111
PTBG1000072874 Natalia Tangalin 1255 2007-05-08
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Madolenihmw Municipality, Nankepira.
PTBG1000053646 K. R. Wood 13519 2009-03-09
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, U Municipality, Trail to Kwuprisso. Collected during rappel on steep NE facing forested slope.
PTBG1000035021 Steve Perlman 21183 2008-09-28
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Chelbacheb (Rock Islands), Ngeremdiu Beach., 7.256389 134.443611
PTBG1000053050 Steve Perlman 21542 2009-03-16
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Malem Municipality, Kuplu Wan area., 5.271667 162.986944
PTBG1000072897 Relio Lengsi 35 2006-04-07
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Nett Municipality, Eirke., 6.924167 158.225833
PTBG1000051306 K. R. Wood 13908 2009-09-05
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Utwe Municipality, Summit ridge east of Wakap, climb up from Utwa river.
PTBG1000000690 E. Y. Hosaka 3534 1946-08-10
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, NULL, Nanipiru.
PTBG1000005797 P. Emos Eperiam 159 2006-08-02
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Kitti Municipality, NULL, 6.823889 -158.213056
PTBG1000072868 K. R. Wood 6921 1997-10-21
Tonga, NULL, NULL, NULL, -18.566667 -173.933333
PTBG1000057665 Art Whistler W 469 1973-08-09
Samoa, NULL, NULL, On the island of Nu'utele off the east coast of Upolu.
PTBG1000057661 Art Whistler W 1112 1973-11-15
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Along the trail to Sa'aga.
PTBG1000057660 Art Whistler W 4021 1978-09-26
Samoa, NULL, NULL, On the ridge of the island.
PTBG1000057656 Art Whistler W 2201 1970-01-01
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Found in the forest somewhere inland from Apia.
PTBG1000057650 Art Whistler W 2168 1970-08-15
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Near Lake Lanoto'o.
PTBG1000057655 Art Whistler W 383 1973-07-22
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Growing near a stream near the coast just west of Luatuanu'u.
PTBG1000057669 Art Whistler W 1972 1974-04-15
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Near Mt. Olomauga west of Lalomanu.
PTBG1000057664 Art Whistler W 3914 1978-08-22
Samoa, NULL, NULL, On the ridge of Fagaloa Volcanics NW of Togitogiga.
PTBG1000057659 Art Whistler W 767 1973-09-27
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Growing on top of Mt. Mariota in the forest.
PTBG1000057671 Art Whistler W 2039 1974-12-28
Samoa, NULL, NULL, On the crater between Siga'ele and Taito'elau.
PTBG1000057675 Art Whistler 11448 2000-11-04
Samoa, NULL, NULL, In the understory of the lowland forest near O le Pupu.
PTBG1000057676 Art Whistler 11370 2000-07-05
Samoa, NULL, NULL, South of Salelologa.
PTBG1000057662 Art Whistler W 4502 1980-07-19
Samoa, NULL, NULL, On top of the island.
PTBG1000057667 Art Whistler 11943 2008-07-09
Samoa, NULL, NULL, At O le Pupu.
PTBG1000057666 Art Whistler 10466 1997-05-31
Samoa, NULL, NULL, On the ridge leading from the east side of Fagaloa Bay to Malata.
PTBG1000057670 Art Whistler W 669 1973-09-16
Samoa, NULL, NULL, At Utumapu.
PTBG1000057646 Art Whistler 8301 1991-09-12
Samoa, NULL, NULL, At Solomea north of the road and east of Samalae'ulu.
PTBG1000057651 Art Whistler 7102 1990-03-28
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Just to the west of Patamea, in a zone 100-300 m inland. Same locality for previous Tim Flynn collection, not seen elsewhere.
PTBG1000057630 Art Whistler 12145 2009-07-21
Samoa, NULL, NULL, At Solomea just east of Patamea.
PTBG1000072895 K. R. Wood 7399 1998-07-02
New Caledonia, NULL, NULL, Creek Pernod; Chutes de la Mad- eleine Reserve botanique. Near Foret Cashe., -21.183333 166.783333
1380 K.R. Wood 7397 1998-06-30
New Caledonia, Grande Terre; Mt. Aoupinie; road to summit above mill camp; diverse wet forest with Freycinetia, Pandanus, Burretiokentia vieillardii, Cyphosperma balansae, Basselinia gracilis, Cyathea, Dicranopteris, Hernandia, Kibaropsis, Amborella., 850m
PTBG1000072900 David H. Lorence 8353A 1998-06-29
New Caledonia, NORTH PROVINCE, NULL, Road from Kouaoua to Poro, SE of Neaoua, high Col just E of Meekare peak., -21.338611 165.708056
PTBG1000072841 Tim Flynn 6579 1999-07-20
American Samoa, MANUA DISTRICT, Olosega County, Mataala Ridge above Maga Point.
PTBG1000072835 David H. Lorence 8600 2001-04-20
American Samoa, MANUA DISTRICT, Olosega County, Mataala Ridge above Olosega Village., -14.1875 -169.626111
PTBG1000072829 David H. Lorence 8666 2001-04-28
American Samoa, MANUA DISTRICT, Olosega County, NW sector of island , along ridge from Leaumasili Point towards Piamafua Mountain, near site of abandoned village of Sili uta; elevation 160-180 m., -14.162778 -169.619444
6353 Michael Kiehn MK-900829-1/10 1990-08-29
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Koloa District, Lawai Valley. Cultivated at the National Tropical Botanical Garden.
6357 Joel Lau 1864 1986-01-13
United States, Hawaii, OAHU: Honolulu, Kamilonui Valley. 948 Kamilonui Pl.
PTBG1000057654 Art Whistler 10263 1996-08-06
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Above Aopo.
PTBG1000057649 Art Whistler 11493 2001-04-28
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, At the southwest end of the runway.
PTBG1000057644 Art Whistler 12936 2012-05-29
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Above Aopo.
PTBG1000057638 Art Whistler 8053 1991-04-08
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, In the center of the Nuuuli mangrove area.
PTBG1000057643 Art Whistler 11128 1998-08-28
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, On Taumata peak.
PTBG1000057648 Art Whistler W 3621 1976-08-21
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Growing near the shore just to the north of Masefau.
PTBG1000057653 Art Whistler 9229 1993-05-16
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, On the south end of the island.
PTBG1000057658 Art Whistler 8682 1992-06-09
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, On Pola'uta saddle behind Vatia village.
PTBG1000057663 Art Whistler 8460 1992-04-14
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, On the headland between O'a Bay and Afono.
PTBG1000057657 Art Whistler 8463 1992-04-14
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, On the headland between O'a Bay and Afono.