Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Taxa: Xanthorrhoeaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 215

National Tropical Botanical Garden

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000030279Peter J. R. Hill   41949-02-12
Palau, Republic of, AIMELIIK STATE, Mizuho, S. Aimaliik.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000030275Gordon McPherson   51301982-11-14
New Caledonia, Tontouta Valley.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000030280Gordon McPherson   57891983-09-21
New Caledonia, Forested slopes south of Mts. Koghi, along trails near viewpoint.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000030274Gordon McPherson   19501979-10-18
New Caledonia, Boguen River valley, along lumber road above Katrikoin, ca 20 air-km E of Bourail. Forested slopes above sawmill.

Natalia Tangalin   32882012-08-27
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lower Limahuli Valley Preserve, up gulch from plank/board stream crossing and swimming hole, at the end of the ridge that ends in the Fin., 22.212778 -159.579727

Natalia Tangalin   32892012-08-27
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lower Limahuli Valley Preserve, up gulch from plank/board stream crossing and swimming hole, on top of the ridge that ends in The Fin., 22.212778 -159.579727

Natalia Tangalin   32902012-08-27
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lower Limahuli Valley Preserve, up gulch from plank/board stream crossing and swimming hole, on top of the ridge that ends in The Fin., 22.212778 -159.579727

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000030275Gordon McPherson   51301982-11-14
New Caledonia, NULL, NULL, Tontouta Valley.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000030280Gordon McPherson   57891983-09-21
New Caledonia, NULL, NULL, Forested slopes south of Mts. Koghi, along trails near viewpoint.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000030274Gordon McPherson   19501979-10-18
New Caledonia, NULL, NULL, Boguen River valley, along lumber road above Katrikoin, ca 20 air-km E of Bourail. Forested slopes above sawmill.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f.
PTBG1000026336David H. Lorence   74301993-12-10
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Hanapepe town, along Awa'awa Road, SE of Hanapepe Heights and NW of Hanapape River, elev. ca. 20-40 m; cliffs.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f.
PTBG1000026341Melany H. Chapin   0031993-06-10
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kekaha, Parcel 10, Portion of Lot C, Tax Map Key 1-2-02-32, Kekaha, Waimea.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f.
PTBG1000026330Hank Oppenheimer   H101292001-01-19
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui, Alaeloa, Kaopala Gulch., 20.981667 -156.667222

Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f.
12664Hank Oppenheimer   H409172009-04-03
United States, Hawaii, MOLOKAI: Mokapu Islet. Under Diospyros on W slope of islet. With Lantana, Abutilon, Ageratum, Solanum. Coordinates: 21.183895 N; 156.923749 W, 60m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.
PTBG1000026344Hank Oppenheimer   H309222009-03-19
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, N side of Kaumalapau Gulch., 20.785967 -156.98739

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.
PTBG1000026342Liloa Dunn   141998-12-01
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Niu Valley.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f.
PTBG1000026344Hank Oppenheimer   H309222009-03-19
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, N side of Kaumalapau Gulch., 20.785967 -156.98739

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f.
PTBG1000026342Liloa Dunn   141998-12-01
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Niu Valley.

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000006020K. R. Wood   57301996-10-26
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Mahanaloa valley.

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000006026K. R. Wood   37001994-02-05
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kawaiula Valley. Elev. 2700-3300 ft.

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
15725K.R. Wood   132072008-08-07
United States, Hawaii, Manuka NAR, nature trail up to Kipuka Kilioe., 701m

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
16570K.R. Wood   138802009-08-01
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Waimea District, Kawaiiki Ridge, above Koaie twin falls, Metrosideros-Acacia mesic forest, with Dodonaea, Santalum freycinetianum, Kadua affinis, Xylosma hawaiiensis, Pouteria sandwicensis, Antidesma platyphylla, Zanthoxylum dipetalum, Melicope ovata, M. barbigera, Poa sandwicensis, Gahnia beecheyi, common ferns of Microlepia strigosa, Pteris irregularis, P. xhillebrandii, P. credica, Dryopteris fusco-atra, 1006m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000011987K. R. Wood   119542006-06-22
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui, Puehuehunui, in small drainage to south of Kauaula rim.

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000004222K. R. Wood   132102008-08-07
United States, HAWAII, Hawaii County, Manuka NAR, nature trail up to Kipuka Kilioe., 19 -155

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000035256K. R. Wood   138842009-08-10
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Koolau Mts, Puu Kanehoalani, above Kualoa Ranch, summit peak ridge with very steep slopes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000018270Natalia Tangalin   17182008-04-01
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Haena, Lower Limahuli Valley, East side of valley.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000030256Natalia Tangalin   23302010-05-27
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lower Limahuli Preserve, 30 ft. below the fin on the Hanakapiai side of the Valley. Below the Pritchardias.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000030257Natalia Tangalin   23342010-06-01
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kawaiiki Valley, off Kaluahaulu ridge, N facing slope, in the Diellia erecta f. alexandri fence.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000000979Natalia Tangalin   23632010-07-01
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Napali Coast Trail, past Hanakapiai on way to Space Rock. Just off trail on both sides.

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000006024Tim Flynn   34071989-05-18
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Waimea Canyon State Park, Puu Hinahina lookout.

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000006025Tim Flynn   34041989-05-18
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Waimea Canyon Drive, mile 5.8.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000020771K. R. Wood   146002011-04-17
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Just SE of Kukui peak., 22.04821968 -159.6569061

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000020541K. R. Wood   145272011-02-19
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Nuololo, south facing slopes above drainage., 22.1458683 -159.6699677

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000026997Mirutse Giday & Sara Friberg   MGSF111998-07-23
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kokee State Park, along Hwy 550 near mile 18.4. Site of proposed DOFAW's Kalalau Rim Exclosure., 22.15123558 -159.6408997

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31002012-04-12
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Below Awaawapuhi Trail down toward Honopu Valley, just below Uluhi about 2/3 up from stream., 22.14875031 -159.6611328

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   30842012-03-27
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Mt. Haupu, middle of the range N of finger, trail up ridge behind maintenance sheds. Above weedy gulch on basalt., 21.9301815 -159.4182587

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000030251Steve Perlman   106981989-04-19
United States, HAWAII, Hawaii County, Manuka N.A.R, transect 10, west from Ocean View Estates, in from Coconut Drive.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000030254Derral Herbst   20411971-08-03
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Junction of Kokee and Halemanu Road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000030253Tim Flynn   34041989-05-18
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Waimea Canyon Drive, mile 5.8.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000030252Thomas B. Croat   449861978-12-05
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Along the northeast edge of the Alakai swamp; 4000-4200 ft. Along trail.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000030261David H. Lorence   58071988-02-17
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kokee State Park; along Kokee - Halemanu Trail, from Camp Sloggett to Halemanu Valley; along ridgetop, alt. 1100-1150 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000030255David H. Lorence   52261987-05-15
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve; Makaha Valley, N of Makaha Ridge Road and Kokio-keokeo picnic area, alt. 950-870 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000030258W. L. Wagner   64271990-06-21
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Waimea Canyon Road, 5.8 mi above Waimea.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000030259Tim Flynn   25551987-10-23
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Kauiki at Hana Bay. Along north side along and above trail to lighthouse. Elev. 0-100 ft.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000030267S. P. Darwin   10241975-06-15
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Waianae Mts.; Mokuleia Forest Preserve; Pahole Gulch and Makua Ridge.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000030266S. P. Darwin   10401975-06-22
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Waianae Mts.; Puu Kanehoa and Kaluaa Gulch.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000030265S. P. Darwin   10331975-06-22
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Waianae Mts.; Puu Kanehoa and Kaluaa Gulch.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000030264Otto Degener   104991936-04-01
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Northeast slope of Puu Kumakalii.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000030263Otto Degener   55371932-06-26
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Ridge on right side of head of Wakua Valley.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000030262Otto Degener   55341931-11-22
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Gully southeast of Kahuku entrance of Pupukea Kahuku Trail.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000030260Steve Perlman   107931988-02-29
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Bowman trail, ridge on west side of Kalihi Valley near summit.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000035670Nicole Shores   692012-08-27
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Limahuli lower preserve, 22.21154785 -159.5828705

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000032927K. R. Wood   149522012-04-27
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kohua Ridge, north facing slopes above Awini Stream, 22.1016407 -159.6278992

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000032959K. R. Wood   149532012-04-27
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kohua Ridge, north facing slopes above Awini Stream, 22.1016407 -159.6278992

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000035773K. R. Wood   149312012-04-13
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Nuololo, southern branch, 22.14189911 -159.6811981

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000033088K. R. Wood   148912012-02-09
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Alakai, Geranium bog, 22.07939148 -159.5341034

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31092012-04-13
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kawaiiki Ridge. South facing slope just below the ridge., 22.08978272 -159.6037445

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31782012-04-22
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Pupukea Forest Reserve, Pupukea Forest trail., 21.63879967 -158.0052032

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31772012-04-22
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Pupukea Forest Reserve, 21.64690018 -158.0213928

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31792012-04-22
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Pupukea Forest Reserve, Pupukea Forest Trail, 21.64209938 -158.0032043

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31812012-04-20
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Hawaii Loa Ridge, 21.31599999 -157.7427979

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31822012-04-20
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Hawaii Loa Ridge Trail, above Kuliouou-Kalaniiki, 21.32169914 -157.7420044

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31762012-04-23
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, West Maui, Iao Valley, above Battle of Kepaniwai Historical marker, steep stream walls above Ae Stream., 20.88339996 -156.5424042

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31722012-05-02
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Napali Coast trail, after Hanakapiai Beach, just before Space Rock., 22.20499992 -159.6031952

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31692012-05-01
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Waimea Canyon Rd, Highway 550., 22.09399986 -159.6737061

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31702012-05-02
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Along Napali Coastal Trail, 10 ft up on steep slope above trail, before Hanakapiai Beach, 22.21879959 -159.5850983

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31682012-05-01
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kokee, Waimea Canyon Rd, 22.1128006 -159.6730957

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31672012-05-01
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kokee, Waimea Canyon Rd, 22.02190018 -159.6750946

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31652012-05-01
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Waimea Canyon Lookout Puu Ka Pele, Waimea Canyon Rd, 22.07099915 -159.6623993

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31662012-05-01
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Waimea Canyon Drive Rd, Highway 550, 22.04859924 -159.657196

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31842012-05-02
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Pihea Vista Trail, second Kalalau lookout at the end of paved road., 22.21839905 -159.5648956

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31932012-04-21
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Waianae Mtns, Mokuleia FR, 21.55870056 -158.2259979

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31902012-04-21
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Waianae Mnts, Mokuleia FR, 21.55780029 -158.2243958

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31892012-04-21
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Waianae Mountains, Mokuleia Forest Reserve, 21.55780029 -158.223999

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31882012-04-21
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Waianane Mtns, Mokuleia FR, 21.55830002 -158.2243958

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31912012-04-21
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Waianae Mtns, Mokuleia Forest Reserve, 21.55830002 -158.2243958

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31872012-04-19
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Southern Waianae Mountains, just off Palikea Trail, above Makakilo City, through locked gates and on boarder of Nanakuli Forest Reserve., 21.41239929 -158.1000977

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31922012-04-21
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Waianane Mtns, Mokuleia FR, 21.5515995 -158.220993

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31802012-04-20
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Hawaii Loa Ridge Forest Reserve, Hawaii Loa Ridge Trail, 21.30450058 -157.7451019

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31832012-04-20
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Hawaii Loa Ridge Trail, 21.30450058 -157.7451019

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31852012-04-19
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Palikea trail, 21.40810013 -158.0986023

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   31862012-04-19
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Palikea trail, 21.41460037 -158.1004028

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000036334Natalia Tangalin   33642011-08-12
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Anahola, Moloaa Forest Reserve, along ridge on way up., 22.15390205 -159.3396149

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000035678J.C. Watson   JCW0022012-08-27
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lower Limahuli Preserve., 22.08431244 -159.582901

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   32262012-07-20
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Sincock Bog, off Mohihi-Waialae trail., 22.08511162 -159.5404205

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000040903Natalia Tangalin   32232012-07-18
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Mt. Haupu, East along ridge from Waterhouse Monument and road to Kipu Kai. Just along ridge., 21.92994309 -159.384079

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
K. R. Wood   155112013-05-09
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, central Alakai, northwestern portion of Halehaha proposed fence unit, 22.09004 -159.556183

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   32912012-08-27
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lower Limahuli Valley Preserve, up gulch from plank/board stream crossing and swimming hole, below the Fin., 22.209974 -159.582947

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000051884Natalia Tangalin   32132012-07-12
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kahili Mtn. Park, Kahili Ridge Trail above water tank. About 2/3 up to NS running top ridge, on windswept slop just to NE of little grassy puu w/ Metrosideros tree., 21.964359 -159.493286

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000051909Natalia Tangalin   35052013-04-14
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, West Maui, Wailuku, Iao Valley State Park, Iao Valley, gulch to north side of Iao Needle., 20.884144 -156.549377

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000050177Glen Spence   1871973-07-24
United States, HAWAII

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   39012014-08-22
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Mt. Haupu, ridge trail from road down to Kipu Kai, before/East and below finger. Above weedy gulch and just below basalt band. Patch on talus and dirt just below basalt band., 21.928532 -159.391196

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   37682015-05-05
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Upper Omao, Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve from Akemana Road., 21.93995 -159.49529

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   37632014-04-17
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Waiahole Forest Reserve, on trail to Hidden Valley, above Kaaawa, between Kahana and Maakua and below Puumanamana, 21.54392 -157.86429

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   37502014-04-16
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Kaluaa, Waianae Range, Honouliuli Forest Reserve, 21.4574 -158.09683

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Natalia Tangalin   37512014-04-16
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Kaluaa, Waianae Range, Honouliuli Forest Reserve, 21.4574 -158.09683

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Karen M. Muscat   10262012-04-26
United States, HAWAII, Hawaii County, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park., 19.342778 -155.156806

Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000004222K. R. Wood   132102008-08-07
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Manuka NAR, nature trail up to Kipuka Kilioe., 19 -155

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000018270Natalia Tangalin   17182008-04-01
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Haena, Lower Limahuli Valley, East side of valley.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
PTBG1000030256Natalia Tangalin   23302010-05-27
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lower Limahuli Preserve, 30 ft. below the fin on the Hanakapiai side of the Valley. Below the Pritchardias.

Page 1, records 1-100 of 215


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