Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Taxa: Theaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 259

National Tropical Botanical Garden

S. Waas   9151974-11-07
Sri Lanka, WESTERN PROVINCE, Kalutara District, Hadigalla. Elev. low.

S. Waas   8381974-09-22
Sri Lanka, CENTRAL PROVINCE, Nuwara Eliya District, Piduruthalagala.

Wayne Takeuchi   45561989-07-11
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Lower slopes of the Herzog Mountains.

M. J. S. Sands   72191998-08-19
Papua New Guinea, MIMIKA REGENCY: PT-Freeport Indonesia Concession Area; Darnell Ridge, along main road to Tembagapura. Mile 51.5., -4.266666666 137.0166667

PTBG1000054826S. Waas   9151974-11-07
Sri Lanka, WESTERN PROVINCE, Kalutara District, Hadigalla. Elev. low.

PTBG1000054832S. Waas   8381974-09-22
Sri Lanka, CENTRAL PROVINCE, Nuwara Eliya District, Piduruthalagala.

PTBG1000054868Wayne Takeuchi   45561989-07-11
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Lower slopes of the Herzog Mountains.

PTBG1000054862M. J. S. Sands   72191998-08-19
Indonesia, PAPUA PROVINCE, NULL, MIMIKA REGENCY: PT-Freeport Indonesia Concession Area; Darnell Ridge, along main road to Tembagapura. Mile 51.5., -4.266667 137.016667

Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze
PTBG1000081195John H. R. Plews   s.n. B2002-01-06
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee State Park, along Puu Ka Ohelo trail, near Camp 10/Mohihi/Kumuwela Road, near cabin house site 40 (TMK 1-4-04-5)., 22.133333 -159.65

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000050350Steve Perlman   182292002-08-21
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Kamakou Preserve, near Pelekunu rim, between Pepeopae boardwalk trail and Pelekunu rim., 21.155 -157.090555

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PTBG1000050365K. R. Wood   85412000-06-15
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Kalalau valley, back of valley below Pihea area, decent into valley in Metrosdieros wet forest with Cheirodendron, Touchardia, Gunnera, Diplazium sandwichianum, Pipturus, Chamaesyce remyi, Myrsine linearifolia, Dicranopteris linearis, Eurya sandwicensis

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000050380K. R. Wood   27651993-09-16
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, MAUI: W. Maui; Lahaina District; Kauaula Valley; Back of Valley on north fork; Elev. 3000-3700 ft.

K. R. Wood   01751988-09-09
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Hanalei District; Namolokama Mnt.; Metrosideros Montane Wet Forest. Elev. 1200-1350 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000050363K. R. Wood   34751994-08-31
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Koaie Canyon; upper reaches of canyon. Elev. 2950-3080 ft.

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PTBG1000050401Steve Perlman   143891994-09-19
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Along ridge between Kahili and Kawaikini, back of Hanapepe valley on on side and Iole on the other,3660 -3900 el.on open ridge with Psychotria, Myrsine helleri, Tetraplas andra, Machaerina angustifolia, Pritchardia, Dubautia paleat Styphelia, Peperomia, Sadleria, Vaccinium, Drypteris glabra, Dubautia laxa

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000050369Steve Perlman   143951994-09-20
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Ridge north of Kahili,between Kapalaoa and Kawaikini.

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PTBG1000050407K. R. Wood   11091991-08-06
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Hanalei District; Limahuli Valley; E side of ridge separating Limahuli and Hanakapiai valleys, above major wat- erfall, along main stream, and climbing numerous small falls Lowland wet mixed forest, undisturbed, w/ Metrosideros, Anti desma, Cibotium, Hedyotis tryblium, Pipturus, Cyrtandra, Iso dendrion longifolium, and numerous pteridophytes.

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PTBG1000050372K. R. Wood   40221995-02-07
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Hanalei District; Awaawapuhi; above stream and south of Kainamanu; closed to open Metrosideros-Acacia-Dicranopt- eris Montane Mesic Forest, brown soil & leaf litter w/ Psychotria mariniana, P.greenwellii, P.hexandra, Pouteria, Melicope anisata, M.clusiifolia, M.ovata, Zanthoxylum dipetalum, Dianella sandwichensis. Threats: Pigs, Rubus argutus, Passaflora mollissima. Elev. 3570 ft.

K. R. Wood   38811994-12-28
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Hanalei District; Waialeale summit area; scattered bogs in montane wet Metrosideros-Cheirodendron forest w/ stream systems dissecting; Associated w/ Plantago, Machaer- ina, Rhynchelytrum, Dubautia, Labordia, Dryopteris, Myrsine, Carex, Vaccinium; very wet and higly windswept. Threats: pig Juncus planifolius, occasional goat herds. Elev. ca. 5000 ft

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000050396K. R. Wood   37771994-11-21
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Waimea District; Waikoali Bogs; Circle Bog, and scattered bogs to NE; w/ Astelia waialealae, Lysimachia daphnoides, Cares montis-eeka, Oreobolis, Rhynchospora. Elev. 4000-4200 ft.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000050387K. R. Wood   36741994-10-27
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Waimea District; Kilohana Bog & Rain Gage Bog.

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PTBG1000050345K. R. Wood   39051995-01-04
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Waimea District; Mohihi-Waialae Trail; 3.25 m, head N to drainage; Metrosideros Montane Wet Forest w/Cheirodendron Hedyotis terminalis, Psychotria mariniana, Sadleria, Eurya, Sticherus, Diploterygium pinnatum.

PTBG1000050368K. R. Wood   13821991-11-13
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, MOLOKAI: Near Kuana Ridge.

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PTBG1000068568K. R. Wood   48951996-01-02
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, North of Alakai Trail and east of Pihea; along lip of Wainiha pali. Elev. 4300-4400 ft.

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PTBG1000050383Steve Perlman   146012028-12-01
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Waialeale summit, North of rain gauge near rim 4910 ft. elev. Metrosideros - Cheirodendron spp. montane wet forest with Melicope waialeale, Myrsine denticulata, Dubautia paleata, Styphelia, Myrsine helleri,Ilex, Melicope clusiifolia, Labordia pumila, Coprosma elliptica, Broussai- sia,Machaerina ,Sadleria, Dubautia imbricata, Vaccinium, Elaphoglossum, Dryopteris glabra, Carex alligata, Hedyotis

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000050371Steve Perlman   154001996-06-12
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Waikoali stream , Alakai Swamp, stream banks 3700 ft. elev. In Metrosideros- Cheirodendron - Dicranopteris linearis wet forest with Ilex, Tetraplasandra, Syzygium sandwicensis, Psychotria, Broussaisia, Hedyotis terminalis, Vaccinium, Passiflora mollissima, Rubus argutus, Psidium cattleianum

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000050381K. R. Wood   36311994-10-09
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Hanalei District; below Pihea in rolling drainage of upper Hanakoa; Metrosideros-Cheirodendron Montane Wet Forest and riparium communities; Dicranopteris, Cyrtandra longifolia, Arachnoides insularis, Dropteris crinalis, D. glabra, Sadleria, Nothoperanema, Atherium microphyllum, Adenophorus spp. Elev.3800-4000 ft.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000050398K. R. Wood   59721997-01-06
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, MAUI: W. Maui: below & west of Kauaula; below Helu; Elev. 4000-4200 ft., 20.869722 -156.610833

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PTBG1000050390K. R. Wood   56961996-10-09
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Limahuli: upper east drainage between Pali Eleele & Hono O Na Pali; Metrosideros-Dicranopteris Montane Wet Forest w/ wind swept shrubland along ridges above forested drainage; rich forest w/ intact pteridophyte understory.Hesperomannia, Labordia lygatei, Joinvillia ascendens, Cyanea remyi,Myrsine linearifolia, Chamaesyce remyi, Cyrtandra spp. Threats: low- er valley infested w/ post hurrricane Clidemia. Elev. 3000ft, 22.194722 -159.586389

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000050377K. R. Wood   36271994-10-09
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Hana Koa upper drainage; below Pihea; Metrosideros-Cheirodendron Montane Wet Forest w/ Cyrtandra longifolia, Diplazium sandwichianum, Dryopteris crinalis, Eurya sp,.

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PTBG1000050348K. R. Wood   56691996-10-04
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Kamooloa headwater drainage below Kapalaoa; Elev. 2800-3200 ft.

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PTBG1000050389K. R. Wood   59271997-01-23
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Waialeale summit area; scattered bogs w/ intermitant drainages; bogs w/ Dubautia waialealae, Oreobilis, Dicanthelium, Dubautia imbricata, D. laxa, Lagenifera, Mestrosderos polymorpa. Drainages w/ Cheirodendron, Melicope clusifolia, M. waialealae, M. crusiata, M. cf wawraeana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000050403Steve Perlman   157041997-02-06
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui, Helu Summit ,on ridge to Puu Kukui between Kauaula & Olowalu.

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PTBG1000050397K. R. Wood   60811997-03-21
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, MAUI: W. Maui: Eke and surrounding ridges (Kahakuloa & ridges into Waihee; Elev 3400--4400 ft., 20.916667 -156.566667

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PTBG1000050404Steve Perlman   161561998-01-28
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui summit near Puu Kukui, in forest between East Bog and Puu Kukui, just off Kahoolewa ridge.

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PTBG1000050374K. R. Wood   72081998-02-25
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, MOLOKAI: Kapulei; transitional Metrosideros-Dicranopteris Montane Mesic--Wet Forest with riparian headwater drainages rich in pteridophytes along saturated basalt walls; Several small waterfalls and steep forested slopes above 3300 ft. represented a rich watershed; Sadleria pallida & Perottetia sandwicensis were co-dominants; Elev. 3200-3700 ft.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000050367Steve Perlman   169021999-12-21
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui: Puu Kukui summit area, on ridge between Puu Kukui and east (flat top) bog.

7867Steve Perlman   168992017-12-01
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Hanakapiai valley, Na Pali Coast State Park, back of valley on west side below Pohakea, 800 ft. elev. Diospyros- Metrosideros mesic forest with Xylosma hawaiiense, Ochrosia kauaiensis, Rauvolfia, Pleomele, Pouteria, Psydrax, Pisonia, Hedyotis acuminata, Santalum freycinetianum, Pritchardia, Psychotria mariniana, Pittosporum, Freycinetia, Lantana, Psidium guajava, Clidemia hirta, Rubus rosifolius, Carex

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000050370David H. Lorence   62731988-09-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Waimea District, Kokee State Park, along Kawaikoi Str eam Trail, about 0.5 km. northeast of intersection with Pihe a Trail; diverse wet forest with Metrosideros dominant. Elev . 1020 m.

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PTBG1000050360David H. Lorence   60521988-06-19
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Hanalei District, Namolokama Mountain, summit plateau ; low, wet elfin cloud forest of Metrosideros spp, Cheirode ndron, & Pelea spp. trees covered by bryophytes, intersperse d with low shrubland of Metrosideros, Myrsine, and Vaccinium , and open boggy areas with native herbs (Oreobolus, Dichant helium, Viola) highly invaded by weedy Juncus planifolius. E lev. 1280-1347 m.

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PTBG1000050395David H. Lorence   60431988-06-18
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Hanalei District, Namolokama Mountain, summit plateau ; low, wet elfin forest of Metrosideros spp, Cheirodendron, & Pelea spp. trees covered with bryophytes, interspersed wi th low shrubland of Metrosideros, Myrsine, and Vaccinium, an d open boggy areas with native herbs (Oreobolus, Dichantheli um, Viola) highly invaded by weedy Juncus planifolius. Elev. 1280-1347 m.

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PTBG1000050392Hank Oppenheimer   H601482001-06-19
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, MAUI: W. Maui, Wailuku District, Waikapu Valley. On south ri m of valley on windswept slope., 20.848056 -156.549444

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PTBG1000050386Hank Oppenheimer   H301112001-03-06
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, MAUI: W. Maui, Wailuku District, East slope of Hana'ula. Gulch east of Pohakea gulch., 20.837222 -156.547778

15855Hank Oppenheimer   H301162001-03-10
United States, Hawaii, HAWAII: North Kona District, Kailua-Kona, landscaped area. N ear sea level.

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PTBG1000050358David H. Lorence   57951988-02-13
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Waimea District, Kokee State Park, trail along Kawaik oi Stream at approximately 0.5 miles NE of Kumuwela Road and Sugi Grove campground area; rich wet forest with Metrosider os dominant. Elev. 3400 ft.

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PTBG1000050352K. R. Wood   01411988-08-24
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Waimea District, Alakai Wilderness Preserve. Around W aialeale summit and 1 mile to west. Elev. 1400-1600 m.

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PTBG1000050346K. R. Wood   01751988-09-09
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Hanalei District, Namolokama Mtn.; Halelea Forest res erve. Metrosideros montane wet mixed community with sedges, grasses, and bryophytes. Epiphytes are common in the shrub l ayer. Associated plants: Cheirodendron, Eurya, Cyrtandra, Du bautia, Coprosma, Melicope, Hedyotis, Plantago, Pepperomia, Pipturus, Psychotria, Bidens, Cyanea, Anoectochilus, and num erous pteridophytes. Elev. 1200-1350 m.

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PTBG1000050354K. R. Wood   10221991-07-06
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Hanalei District, Kalalau rim, North, below Pu'uokila . Steep diverse montain mesic forest with Remya montgomeryi, Nototrichium sp, Hedyotis acuminata, Nothocestrum longifol ium, Schiedea membranacea, Phyllostegia electra, Myrsine lin earifolia, Eurya sandwicensis, Melicope pallida. Weeds: Pass iflora mollissima, Rubus argutus, Kalanchoe, Erigeron, Lonic era. Area degraded by goats and pigs. Elev. 950-1150 m.

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PTBG1000050349Steve Perlman   105821988-04-07
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, MAUI: W. Maui N.A.R. Survey, Panaewa Section, Along Kahoolew a Ridge, transect 7.

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PTBG1000050400K. R. Wood   10431991-07-07
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Hanalei District, Kalalau Rim; North, below Pu'uokila. Elev. 950-1150 m.

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PTBG1000050394John H. R. Plews   s.n.
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee, Kawaikoi Stream trail on side away from stream between 1/2 mile marker and Pihea trail crossing.

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PTBG1000050343Steve Perlman   107422007-11-01
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, MAUI: AMFAC Survey, Helu Summit transect 7, Station 4.2-11.0 . Crest of Kauaula and Olowalu valleys. Elev. 4450-4680 ft.

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PTBG1000050388Steve Perlman   106301989-02-14
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Alakai Swamp, Kauai Forest Bird Survey, transect 3 be tween Halepaakai and Halehaha streams, rich Metrosideros-Che irodendron montane wet forest with Styphelia, Vaccinium, Mel icope, Astelia, Syzygium, Dicranopteris, Wikstroemia, Cyrtan dra, Phyllostegia, Eurya, Myrsine.

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PTBG1000050362Steve Perlman   104181989-03-31
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Pelekunu Valley, TNC Preserve survey, transect 10, from Pepeopae to Kaunuohua, along Papaala Pali.

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PTBG1000050361Winona Char   PKMW 23-761976-01-03
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Puu Kukui Trail, West Maui. On ridge.

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PTBG1000050382Tim Flynn   8751984-06-11
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Wahiawa Mts. Along ridge between Relay Towers and Mt. Kahili.

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PTBG1000050405Tim Flynn   9371984-08-30
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Wahiawa Mts. On the ridge between Mt. Kahili and the relay towers.

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PTBG1000050340Tim Flynn   26581987-12-10
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Hanalei District, Limahuli Valley. West side of ridge seperating Limahuli and Hanakapiai valleys, above waterfall. Elev . 1600-2060 ft.

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PTBG1000050356W. L. Wagner   57591987-08-02
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Manuahi Ridge west and above Pelekunu Valley on win dward side.

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PTBG1000050408David H. Lorence   67091991-02-28
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Koloa District; Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve, Wahiawa S tream & mountains. Heading WNW along steep ridge ("Lone Loul u Ridge") from stream towards ridge connecting Hulua and Kap alaoa Peaks. Low, undisturbed wet forest and shrubland of Me trosideros waialealae, M. polymorpha, Melicope, Ilex, Syzygi um, & Pritchardia interspersed with Dicranopteris linearis, Machaerina, Gahnia, Freycinetia. Elev. 700-840 m.

Steve Perlman   92251988-05-18
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Alakai Swamp, north of Kilohana, near Wainiha rim, TN C survey of Hono O Napali N.A.R, transect 10. In Metrosider os-Cheirodendron montane wet forest with Cibotium, Vaccinium , Myrsine, Rhyncospora, Viola, Melicope, Styphelia, Stenogyn e, Drosera, Lagenifera, Dubautia paleata, Labordia, Coprosma .

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PTBG1000050385Steve Perlman   68941987-11-14
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Puu Kukui trail.

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PTBG1000050384K. R. Wood   105742004-02-13
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Alaka`i bog near Kilohana lookout, 3 m canopy with 25% crown cover with 15% Metrosideros, 5% Cheirodendron platyphyllum, 5% Melicope clusiifolia, 50% native shrub cover with Metrosideros polymorpha var. pumila, Melicope waialealae, Coprosma elliptica, Dubautia paludosa, Leptecophylla tameiameiae, Eurya sandwicensis, Myrsine denticulata, Clermontia fauriei, Vaccinium calycinum, Ilex anomala, 15% cover of fern with Cibotium glaucum, Sadleria pallida, Lycopodium venustulum, Adenophorus tamariscinus, Dryopteris glabra, Lellingeria saffordii, 20% herbs of Viola kauaiensis, Nertera granadensis, Drosera anglica, Korthalsella remyi, 80% cover of sedges and grasses Rhynchospora lavarum, Oreobolus furcata, Dichanthelium cynodon, Dichanthelium isachnoides, Carex alligata, Gahnia beecheyi, Carex montis-eeka

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PTBG1000050378K. R. Wood   74931998-09-30
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Limahuli, upper south-east corner below Pali Eleele, rich Metrosideros wet forest with Syzygium sandwicensis, Antidesma platyphyllum, Cheirodendron spp, Psychotria mariniana & P. hexandra, Hedyotis terminalis, Dubautia knudsenii, Broussaisia arguta, Ilex anomala, Scaevola procera, Melicope spp, and Pritchardia limahuliensis

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PTBG1000050406K. R. Wood   82422000-02-17
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Laau Ridge, plateau region north of Puu Kamana and south of Kamakeanu, Metrosideros - Cheirodendron montane wet forest w/ Melicope clusiifolia, Myrsine wawraea, Hedyotis terminalis, Melicope feddei, Ilex anomala, Perrottetia sandwicensis, Myrsine lessertiana, Melicope wawraeana, Syzygium sandwicensis, Dubautia laxa subsp. hirsuta, Clermontia fauriei, Lobelia kauaensis, Trematolobelia kauaiensis, 22.133333 -159.533333

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PTBG1000006405K. R. Wood   113592005-05-23
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, MOLOKAI: Puu Alii NAR, Ohialele area, Manuahi Rdg.

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PTBG1000018070K. R. Wood   115032005-08-24
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui, Puu Kukui summit bogs.

K. R. Wood   71151998-01-29
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui, Puu Kukui summit bogs, trail to Station 10

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PTBG1000029678K. R. Wood   81061999-12-22
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, MAUI: W. Maui, Lahaina District, West Maui Forest Reserve, Puu Kukui summit region.

K. R. Wood   82852000-02-29
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, North Bog; Rim of Wainiha, 22.167222 -159.605833

PTBG1000090578K. R. Wood   81712000-02-01
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Summit of Namolokama, rolling hills with bogs, stream drainages, and steep perimeter rim, 22.116667 -159.483333

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PTBG1000006100K. R. Wood   81952000-02-01
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: summit of Namolokama., 22.116667 -159.483333

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PTBG1000050341K. R. Wood   116692005-12-30
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Waialeale Summit Bogs, montane bogs w/ mixed sedges and grasses including Rhynchospora chinensis spiciformis, R. rugosa lavarum, Dichanthelium, Deschampsia, Machaerina, herbs of Plantago pachyphylla, Viola, shrubs of Metrosideros, Dubautia waialealae, D. imbricata acronaea, D. laxa hirsuta, Cheirodendron dominii, Leptecophylla tameiameiae, bogs dissected w/ riparian veg of Metrosideros-Cheirodendron forest

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PTBG1000050347K. R. Wood   116752005-12-30
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Waialeale Summit Bogs, bogs dissected w/ riparian veg of Metrosideros-Cheirodendron forest.

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PTBG1000050351K. R. Wood   116942005-12-31
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Waialeale Summit Bogs, montane bogs w/ mixed sedges and grasses including Rhynchospora chinensis spiciformis, R. rugosa lavarum, Dichanthelium, Deschampsia, Machaerina, herbs of Plantago pachyphylla, Viola, shrubs of Metrosideros, Dubautia waialealae, D. imbricata acronaea, D. laxa hirsuta, Cheirodendron dominii, Leptecophylla tameiameiae, bogs dissected w/ riparian veg of Metrosideros-Cheirodendron forest

11621K.R. Wood   120032006-08-08
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: *Hanalei District, Limahuli, upper SW headwaters of preserve, *Metrosideros open forest 2-10% cover @ 7-10 m tall, with mixed understory 30% cover @ 2-5 m tall w/ Kadua affinis, Psychotria mariniana, Syzygium sandwicensis, Melicope wawrana, M. feddei, M. clusiifolia, Scaevola procera, Broussaisia arguta, and 30-70% cover of matting ferns Diplopterygium pinnatum, Dicranopteris linearis, 945m

3535K.R. Wood   121912006-10-18
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: *Waioli, hanging valley on north face of Namolokama, prominent ridge to east of main falls, * Metrosideros-Cheirodendron wind swept forest and shrubland with Sticherus, Diplopterygium, and Dicranopteris matting ferns, associated with Psychotria mariniana, P. hexandra, Dubautia laxa, D. knudsenii, Bidens campylotheca, Freycinetia arborea, Sadleria pallida, Hedyotis tryblium, 930m

12516K.R. Wood   122692007-02-28
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: *Alaka’i, north of the Sincock bog system, Metrosideros - Cheirodendron wet forest, with 40% cover of Metrosideros at 7-9 m tall, 15% Cheirodendron at 7-8 m, with understory of 5% Coprosma elliptica at 2-3 m, 5% C. waimeae at 3-4 m, 20% Melicope clusiifolia at 3-4 m, Broussaisia arguta, 20% Dubautia paleata at 2-3 m, 20% Leptecophylla tameiameiae at 3-4 m, 1341m

18360K.R. Wood   122802007-03-01
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: *Alaka’i, north of the Sincock bog system, Metrosideros - Cheirodendron wet forest, with 40% cover of Metrosideros at 7-9 m tall, 15% Cheirodendron at 7-8 m, with understory of 5% Coprosma elliptica at 2-3 m, 5% C. waimeae at 3-4 m, 20% Melicope clusiifolia at 3-4 m, Broussaisia arguta, 20% Dubautia paleata at 2-3 m, 20% Leptecophylla tameiameiae at 3-4 m, 1366m

7301K.R. Wood   123642007-05-07
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: *Alaka’i, east of the Sincock bog system, *Metrosideros - Rhynchospora - Racomitrium Bog, with islands of Metrosideros 10% associated with Cheirodendron dominii, Carex alligata, C. montis-eeka, Oreobolus furcata, Dichanthelium cynodon, Coprosma elliptica, Vaccinium dentatum, V. reticulatum, V. calycinum, Wikstroemia oahuensis var. palustris, Nertera granadensis, Leptecophylla tameiameiae, Myrsine dentata, Viola kauaiensis, Korthalsella remyi, Lycopodiella cernua, Dryopteris glabra, Selaginella deflexa, Adenophorus epigaeus, Cibotium glabrum, Melicope clusiifolia, Ilex anomala, Astelia argyrocoma, Stenogyne purpurea, Atherium microphyllum, Hypolepis hawaiiensis, Dicranopteris linearis, Polypodium pellucidum, Asplenium sphenotomum, A. polyodon, 1402m

14195K.R. Wood   123682007-05-08
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: *Alaka’i, east of the Sincock bog system, *wet forest, with 60% cover of Metrosideros at 7-10 m tall, 20% Cheirodendron at 7-8 m, with understory of 5% Melicope clusiifolia at 4-6 m, understory of shrubs, vines and herbs including Broussaisia arguta 2 m @ 20-30%, Coprosma elliptica at 2-3 m @ 5%, Kadua affinis 1-4 m @ 5%, <5% Dianella sandwicensis, 5% Dubautia paleata @ 2-4 m, 50% terrestrial cover of Peperomia hesperomannii @10-40 cm, with occasional Cibotium glaucum, Dryopteris glabra, Sphaerocionium lanceolatum, Adenophorus hymenophyllaceae, Viola kauaiensis, Astelia argyrocoma 5%, Cheirodendron platyphylla & C. trigynum, Melicope kauaiensis, Smilax melastomifolia, Scaevola glabra, Labordia waialealae, Elaphoglossum wawrae, E. paleacea, Lellingeria saffordii Adenophorus epigaeus, A. tamariscinus, Syzygium sandwicensis. Rich terrestrial cover of mosses climbing up into shrub layers, 1402m

7296K.R. Wood   123692007-05-08
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: *Alaka’i, east of the Sincock bog system, *wet forest, with 60% cover of Metrosideros at 7-10 m tall, 20% Cheirodendron at 7-8 m, with understory of 5% Melicope clusiifolia at 4-6 m, understory of shrubs, vines and herbs including Broussaisia arguta 2 m @ 20-30%, Coprosma elliptica at 2-3 m @ 5%, Kadua affinis 1-4 m @ 5%, <5% Dianella sandwicensis, 5% Dubautia paleata @ 2-4 m, 50% terrestrial cover of Peperomia hesperomannii @10-40 cm, with occasional Cibotium glaucum, Dryopteris glabra, Sphaerocionium lanceolatum, Adenophorus hymenophyllaceae, Viola kauaiensis, Astelia argyrocoma 5%, Cheirodendron platyphylla & C. trigynum, Melicope kauaiensis, Smilax melastomifolia, Scaevola glabra, Labordia waialealae, Elaphoglossum wawrae, E. paleacea, Lellingeria saffordii Adenophorus epigaeus, A. tamariscinus, Syzygium sandwicensis. Rich terrestrial cover of mosses climbing up into shrub layers, 1402m

18363K.R. Wood   123842007-05-09
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: *Alaka’i, east of the Sincock bog system, *wet forest on slopes below Waialeale, 60% cover of Metrosideros at 7-10 m tall, 20% Cheirodendron at 7-8 m, with understory of 5% Melicope clusiifolia at 4-6 m, understory of shrubs, vines and herbs including Broussaisia arguta 2 m @ 20-30%, Coprosma elliptica at 2-3 m @ 5%, Kadua affinis 1-4 m @ 5%, <5% Dianella sandwicensis, 5% Dubautia paleata @ 2-4 m, 50% terrestrial cover of Peperomia hesperomannii @10-40 cm, with occasional Cibotium glaucum, Dryopteris glabra, Sphaerocionium lanceolatum, Adenophorus hymenophyllaceae, Viola kauaiensis, Astelia argyrocoma 5%, Cheirodendron platyphylla & C. trigynum, Melicope kauaiensis, Smilax melastomifolia, Scaevola glabra, Labordia waialealae, Elaphoglossum wawrae, E. paleacea, Lellingeria saffordii Adenophorus epigaeus, A. tamariscinus, Syzygium sandwicensis. Rich terrestrial cover of mosses climbing up into shrub layers, 1454m

12238K.R. Wood   125832007-10-14
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: *Hanalei District, Limahuli Preserve, rim of Wainiha between Hono o Na Pali and Pali Eleele, *Metrosideros open forest with mixed understory, Kadua affinis, Psychotria mariniana, Syzygium sandwicensis, Melicope wawrana, M. feddei, M. clusiifolia, Scaevola procera, Broussaisia arguta, matting ferns Diplopterygium pinnatum, Dicranopteris linearis, 975m

2567K.R. Wood   127222007-12-20
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: *Lihue District, upper Wahiawa drainage, *Metrosideros-Dicranopteris low statured wet forest with wind swept ridges and riparian vegetation, w/ Machaerina angustifolia, Gahnia beecheyi, Cheirodendron platyphylla, Psychotria mariniana, Antidesma platyphylla, Dubautia laxa, Broussaisia arguta, Syzygium sandwicensis, Lobelia kauaiensis, Melicope feddei, Sphenomeris chinensis, Sadleria pallida, 686m

17969Timothy J. Motley   28542002-05-03
French Polynesia, Austral Islands, RAPA: Ahurei Village, just west of canal bridge., 1m

13987Joel Lau   13001985-08-05
United States, Hawaii, OAHU: Foster Botanic Garden.

17972Gordon McPherson   44661981-12-14
New Caledonia, Montagne des Sources reserve, NE of Nouméa., 500m

17972Gordon McPherson   22611979-12-19
New Caledonia, Along road from Dumbéa River valley towards Mt. Dzumac, ca 25 air-km N of Nouméa. Maquis., 600m

17972Gordon McPherson   15721979-04-26
New Caledonia, Along Nouméa-Yaté road. Ouenarou; low forest near sawmill.

14195K.R. Wood   128042008-02-21
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: *Lihue District, Kamooloa headwater drainage below Kapalaoa, *Metrosideros-Dicranopteris low statured wet forest with wind swept ridge and riparian vegetation, w/ Machaerina angustifolia, Gahnia beecheyi, Cheirodendron platyphylla, Psychotria mariniana, Dubautia laxa, Broussaisia arguta, Syzygium sandwicensis, Lobelia kauaiensis, Melicope feddei, Sphenomeris chinensis, Sadleria pallida, 905m

11544K.R. Wood   131492008-07-09
United States, Hawaii, W. Maui, Puu Kukui summit., 1731m

7308K.R. Wood   14481991-12-04
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Hanalei District. Kalalau rim, Kalahu side below & W of Kalalau lookout. Isolated hanging side valley of lowland diverse mesic forest surrounded by precipitous cliffs. With Gouania, Peucedanum, Poa mannii, Hedyotis sp nov, Lysimachia glutinosa, Melicope pallida, Nototricium sp. nov, Nototrichium sandwicense, Dubautia sp. nov, Dryopteris, Metrosideros, Lipochaeta subcordata, Lobelia niihauensis, Lepidium, Nestegis, Hbisicus kokio, Eragrostis, Santalum, Myrsine, Acacia, Flueggea, Canthium, Pleomele, Diospyros, Psychotria. Elev. 550-670 m.

14036Natalia Tangalin   18962009-01-22
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Wahiawa mts, southwest of Kapalaoa, area along main stream drainage. Lowland Degraded Wet Forest w/ Dicranopteris, Metrosideros, Pritchardia, Pittosporum, Scaevola mollis, S. gaudichaudiana, Psychotria mariniana, Kadua affinis, Syzygium sandwicensis, Broussaisia, Labordia hirtella, Cyrtandra, Rubus rosifolius, Macaranga, Tetraplasandra cf. oahuensis, Wikstroemia oahuensis, Antidesma platyphyllum, Melicope clusiifolia., 640m

6446K.R. Wood   137762009-06-01
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: *Laau, plateau on dividing ridge between Lumahai & Wainiha Valleys, *Metrosideros-Cheirodendron montane wet forest w/ 8-10 m tall closed canopy, w/ Melicope clusiifolia, Myrsine wawraea, Kadua affinis, Smilax, Vaccinium, Ilex, Myrsine lessertiana, Dubautia laxa, Clermontia fauriei, Lobelia kauaensis, Cibotium and Sadleria, terrestrially dominated by Peperomia hesperomannii with a great diversity of bryophytes, 1295m

16923Hank Oppenheimer   H209192009-02-10
United States, Hawaii, MAUI: W. Maui, Wailuku District, Waihee Valley. In lo`i kalo. Northing: 2317754; Easting: 758054, 61m

11520Hank Oppenheimer   H506012006-05-02
United States, Hawaii, MAUI: E. Maui, Makawao District, Waikamoi Preserve, East of Puu Luau. 4 plants at this location across from Transect 3. Specimen taken from 2m plant on a steep bluff on west facing slope. 20.779830 N; 156.228815 W. Vegetation: Acacia/Metrosideros Forest w/ Cheirodendron, Myrsine, Melicope, Ilex, Vaccinium, Rubus, Astelia, Athyrium, Diplazium, Sadleria, Asplenium, Uncinia, Carex, Dryopteris, Elaphoglossum, Peperomia, Polypodium, Lepisorus, Pteris, Arachniodes, Coniogramme., 1908m

PTBG1000029700K. R. Wood   120052006-08-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Hanakapiai side of Limahuli upper SW headwaters of preserve.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000050353K. R. Wood   121932006-10-18
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: *Waioli, hanging valley on north face of Namolokama, prominent ridge to east of main falls, * Metrosideros-Cheirodendron wind swept forest and shrubland with Sticherus, Diplopterygium, and Dicranopteris matting ferns, associated with Psychotria mariniana, P. hexandra, Dubautia laxa, D. knudsenii, Bidens campylotheca, Freycinetia arborea, Sadleria pallida, Hedyotis tryblium

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000006269K. R. Wood   122712007-02-28
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: *Alaka’i, north of the Sincock bog system, Metrosideros - Cheirodendron wet forest, with 40% cover of Metrosideros at 7-9 m tall, 15% Cheirodendron at 7-8 m, with understory of 5% Coprosma elliptica at 2-3 m, 5% C. waimeae at 3-4 m, 20% Melicope clusiifolia at 3-4 m, Broussaisia arguta, 20% Dubautia paleata at 2-3 m, 20% Leptecophylla tameiameiae at 3-4 m

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