PTBG1000051587 M. Tashiro FOK-056603 2003-06-25
Japan, SHIKOKU REGION, Kochi Prefecture, Minao, Mihara Village, Hata County, 32.866667 132.866667
PTBG1000051587 M. Tashiro FOK-056603 2003-06-25
Japan, SHIKOKU REGION, Kochi Prefecture, Minao, Mihara Village, Hata County, 32.866667 132.866667
PTBG1000041558 N. Inagaki FOK-066526 2004-05-22
Japan, KOCHI PREFECTURE, Nagaoka County, Kuishi-yama, Ootoyo Town., 33.85 133.583333
PTBG1000041558 N. Inagaki FOK-066526 2004-05-22
Japan, KOCHI PREFECTURE, Nagaoka County, Kuishi-yama, Ootoyo Town., 33.85 133.583333
PTBG1000081162 David H. Lorence 7832 1996-12-02
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Malem Municipality, Trail from Malem River (2 km W of Malem) to summit of Mt. Ohma. Elev. 200-450 m., 5.291667 163
18363 K.R. Wood 13631 2009-03-18
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: *Lelu Municipality, peaks NE of Mutunte, SE slopes, *cloud forest with Ficus, Ponapea, Flagellaia, Ixora, Elaeocarpus, Antidesma, Pouteria, Astronidium kusaianum, rich fern understory with Angiopteris, Bolbitis, Tectaria, Asplenium, terrestrial and epiphytic moss abundant, 550m
14897 Steve Perlman 21565 2009-03-18
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Lelu Municipality, Finol Mutunte (Mt Mutunte), Pukusruk Wan area in wet forest with Angiopteris evecta, Antidesma kusaiense, Freycinetia ponapensis, Campnosperma brevipetiolata, Syzygium stelechanthum, Elaeocarpus carolinensis, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Macaranga carolinensis, Geniostoma rupestre, Meryta senfftiana, Horsfieldia irya, Cyrtandra urvillei, Astronidium ponapense, Dicranopteris linearis, 564m
PTBG1000051404 K. R. Wood 13634 2009-03-19
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Malem Municipality, Mt Oma, climb up from Emeson Phillip property.
PTBG1000052978 Steve Perlman 21568 2009-03-19
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Malem Municipality, Finol Oma (Mt Oma)., 5.286388889 163.0019444
PTBG1000051404 K. R. Wood 13634 2009-03-19
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Malem Municipality, Mt Oma, climb up from Emeson Phillip property.
PTBG1000052978 Steve Perlman 21568 2009-03-19
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Malem Municipality, Finol Oma (Mt Oma)., 5.286389 163.001944