12042 Steve Perlman 20311 2007-04-26
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: South of Kupwurisso summit to Dolen Nahnsapwa in native forest with Clinostigma ponapense, Ficus spp, Sphaeropteris, Glochidion, Campnosperma, Fagraea, Melastoma malabathricum, Ilex volkensiana, Syzygium carolinensis, Astronidium ponapense, Pittosporum, Cinnamomum, Melicope ponapensis, Meryta, Freycinetia, Aglaia mariannensis, Asplenium nidus, Pandanus, Gynotroches axillaris, Maesa, Psychotria, Timonius, 518m
13272 Clay Trauernicht 361 2008-01-30
Caroline Islands, BELAU: The Rock Islands. Ngeruktabel taoch. West side of islands. Wet tropical evergreen forest on raised limestone karst. Collected at edge of island from boat., 1m
Art Whistler 6925 1989-08-18
Samoa, Behind the Malua Seminary.
PTBG1000059555 Art Whistler 6925 1989-08-18
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Behind the Malua Seminary.
PTBG1000059622 Art Whistler W 2118 1975-01-07
Samoa, NULL, NULL, in a garden at Nafanua; in the Apia area.
PTBG1000079935 Gordon McPherson 4285 1981-01-11
New Caledonia, SOUTH PROVINCE, NULL, Along Nouméa-Yaté road. Streamside thicket ca 5 km east of junction with Plum road., -22.15 166.65
Gordon McPherson 6257 1984-01-09
New Caledonia, Montagne des Sources reserve, NE of Nouméa. Elev. 830-850 m.
PTBG1000079929 Gordon McPherson 6257 1984-01-09
New Caledonia, NULL, NULL, Montagne des Sources reserve, NE of Nouméa. Elev. 830-850 m., -22.16666 166.6
19632 Steve Perlman 20698 2008-01-15
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babeldaob island, Municipality Naremlengui,along road past Organic farm, on road cut in native forest with Nepenthes mirabilis, Dicranopteris linearis, Astronidium palauense, Trichospermum ledermannii, Glochidion, Melastoma, Fagraea berteroana, Ficus, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Eugenia, Premna, 78m
15507 Steve Perlman 20841 2008-01-31
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Airai Municipality, Metukerabisch, Yapese stone money quarry with Schefflera elliptica, Maytenus palauica, Ficus spp, Meryta senfftiana, Eugenia reinwardtiana, Intsia bijuga, Pouteria obovata, Allophyllus timoriensis, Davallia, Badusa palauensis, Alyxia stellata, Guettarda speciosa, Terminalia, Calophyllum, Connarus semidecandrus, Derris trifoliata, Garcinia, Casearia, Bruguiera, Pemphis, 3m
11097 Diane Ragone s.n. 1991-07-24
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Polihale Dunes area. Elev. 3-10 m.
17745 David H. Lorence 9540 2007-03-27
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Koloa District, Lawai, eastern slopes of upper Lawai Valley, below Hailima Road, just above Lehelehe Road. Edge of secondary forest with Spathodea campanulata dominant, in abandoned pasture land., 122m
14848 Steve Perlman 21522 2009-03-10
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: near Sokehs- Kitti Municipalities Boundary, slopes of Nan Madap, below Temwetemwensekir in wet forest with Elaeocarpus carolinensis, Campnosperma brevipetiolata, Sphaeropteris, Ficus, Pandanus patina, Aglaia mariannensis, Garcinia ponapensis, Angiopteris evecta, Freycinetia ponapensis, Clinostigma ponapensis, Syzygium carolinensis, Discocalyx ponapensis, 677m
PTBG1000030080 Steve Perlman 20728 2008-01-17
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Milky Way Rock island., 7.268333 134.408056
PTBG1000029964 Steve Perlman 20792 2008-01-28
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Rock island in Koror near Beach Park., 7.336944 134.463333
Craig Costion 1176 2006-01-26
Palau, Republic of, AIRAI STATE, Airai, Ngeream.
Steve Perlman 21527 2009-03-11
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Near Sokehs/Kitti Municipality boundary, Nan Madap, below Temwetemwensekir., 6.888888889 158.1855556
Nancy Vander Velde 517200901 2009-05-17
Marshall Islands, WOTJE ATOLL, Small islet north of Wotje. Along northern shore.
Craig Costion 454 2005-08-11
Palau, Republic of, KOROR STATE, Hawaiian Belau Rock quarry property near KB bridge; limestone cliff behind quarry.
Michael J. Balick 4551 2007-08-11
Palau, Republic of, KOROR STATE, Milky Way Rock Island., 7.266666667 134.4166667
PTBG1000029348 Nancy Vander Velde 720201002 2010-07-20
Marshall Islands, MILI ATOLL
PTBG1000050101 Nancy Vander Velde 1027200901 2009-10-27
Marshall Islands, NAMDRIK ATOLL, Ajelto near air terminal. Few trees near airstrip.
PTBG1000079959 Craig Costion 1176 2006-01-26
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Airai, Ngeream.
Steve Perlman 21527 2009-03-11
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Near Sokehs/Kitti Municipality boundary, Nan Madap, below Temwetemwensekir., 6.888889 158.185556
PTBG1000079953 Nancy Vander Velde 0517200901 2009-05-17
Marshall Islands, WOTJE ATOLL, NULL, Small islet north of Wotje. Along northern shore.
PTBG1000079947 Craig Costion 454 2005-08-11
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Hawaiian Belau Rock quarry property near KB bridge; limestone cliff behind quarry.
PTBG1000079965 Michael J. Balick 4551 2007-08-11
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Milky Way Rock Island., 7.266667 134.416667
PTBG1000029348 Nancy Vander Velde 0720201002 2010-07-20
Marshall Islands, MILI ATOLL, NULL, NULL
PTBG1000050101 Nancy Vander Velde 1027200901 2009-10-27
Marshall Islands, NAMDRIK ATOLL, NULL, Ajelto near air terminal. Few trees near airstrip.
Gordon McPherson 4272 1981-10-30
New Caledonia, Mt. Ongoné, near Port Boise at S end of island. N of mouth of Rivière des Piroques., -22.31666666 166.6833333
PTBG1000079941 Gordon McPherson 4272 1981-10-30
New Caledonia, NULL, NULL, Mt. Ongoné, near Port Boise at S end of island. N of mouth of Rivière des Piroques., -22.316667 166.683333
1253 Steve Perlman 20770 2008-01-25
Caroline Islands, BELAU: rock islands south of Koror, Ngermid island with Tarenna sambucina, Glochidion kanehirae, Milletia pinnata, Allophyllus timoriensis, Pandanus, Eugenia reinwardtiana, Pouteria, Fagraea, Bikkia, Ficus, Intsia bijuga, Dracaena, Schefflera, Badusa, Morinda citrifolia, Wikstroemia elliptica, Heritiera, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Ixora casei, Maytenus, 3m
12599 David H. Lorence 9885 2008-04-01
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Koror State. Rock Islands: Ngeremdiu Island; beach area with coasal forest of Glochidion, Pongamia pinnata, Calophyllum, Ixora over coral sand substrate., 2m
17268 David H. Lorence 9557 2007-04-23
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Sokehs District, Sokehs Ridge (Deke Sokehs); Secondary wet forest with Elaeocarpus spp, Adenanthera pavonina, Cananga odorata, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Sphaeropteris sp.
PTBG1000029995 Steve Perlman 20840 2008-01-31
Palau, NGEREMLENGUI STATE, NULL, Ngarmeskang river and falls., 7.536944 134.573611
David H. Lorence 9888 2008-04-02
Palau, Republic of, NGARAARD STATE, Along new compact road to northern tip of island, milepost 1., 7.606666667 134.6180556
David H. Lorence 9560 2007-04-23
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Sokehs Municipality, Sokehs Ridge (Deke Sokehs)., 6.969444444 158.1897222
PTBG1000079928 David H. Lorence 9560 2007-04-23
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Sokehs Municipality, Sokehs Ridge (Deke Sokehs)., 6.969444 158.189722
18700 Steve Perlman 20836 2008-01-31
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babeldaob island, Ngaremlenui Municipality, Ngarmeskang river and falls with Horsfieldia irya, Campnosperma brevipetiolata, Newbergia, Macaranga carolinensis, Donax, Raphidophora, Cyrtandra palawensis, Astronidium palauense, Freycinetia, Cyathea, Pandanus, Timonius, Osmosia, Hedyotis cornifolia, Pouteria, Pleomele, Rhus, Myrsine palauensis, 24m
PTBG1000029996 Steve Perlman 20839 2008-01-31
Palau, NGEREMLENGUI STATE, NULL, Ngarmeskang river and falls., 7.541111 134.5775
F. R. Fosberg 25735 1946-07-20
Palau, Republic of, Garamiscan Colony, Garamiscan (Almiokan) River. Elev. 0-20 m.
PTBG1000079916 F. R. Fosberg 25735 1946-07-20
Palau, NULL, NULL, Garamiscan Colony, Garamiscan (Almiokan) River. Elev. 0-20 m.
D. Gomes da Silva 8 1995-02-13
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Sena Madureira Municipality, Riozinho do Andirá. Transecto III, em frente a colonia do Sr. Severo. Árvore 67, parcela 4. Várzea., -9.116666666 -72.7
PTBG1000079910 D. Gomes da Silva 8 1995-02-13
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Sena Madureira Municipality, Riozinho do Andirá. Transecto III, em frente a colonia do Sr. Severo. Árvore 67, parcela 4. Várzea., -9.116667 -72.7