PTBG1000031731 Steve Perlman 16318 1998-06-30
New Caledonia, NORTH PROVINCE, NULL, Mt. Aoupinie, off road to summit above mill camp., -21.166667 165.3
PTBG1000067199 David H. Lorence 8358 1998-06-30
New Caledonia, NORTH PROVINCE, NULL, Mt. Aoupinie along road to summit above sawmill camp, near leading gate to telecommunication antenna access., -21.173833 165.3105
PTBG1000067186 Tim Flynn 6483 1998-06-30
New Caledonia, NORTH PROVINCE, NULL, Mt. Aoupinie. Elev. 530-835 m., -21.178611 165.3175
PTBG1000067205 Tim Flynn 6485 1998-06-30
New Caledonia, NORTH PROVINCE, NULL, Mt. Aoupinie. Elev. 530-835 m., -21.178611 165.3175
PTBG1000067192 Tim Flynn 6486 1998-06-30
New Caledonia, NORTH PROVINCE, NULL, Mt. Aoupinie. Elev. 530-835 m., -21.178611 165.3175
PTBG1000067211 Steve Perlman 16318 1998-06-30
New Caledonia, NORTH PROVINCE, NULL, Mt. Aoupinie, off road to summit above mill camp., -21.166667 165.3
David H. Lorence 8342 1998-06-27
New Caledonia, NORTH PROVINCE, NULL, Along road from Katrikoin towards abandoned sawmill (scierie) at base of Mt. Me Ori., -21.543889 165.724167
PTBG1000067191 Gordon McPherson 17830 1999-10-30
New Caledonia, NORTH PROVINCE, NULL, Mt. Panie, above Haut Couln a, on SW forested slopes. Elev. 1060-1250 m., -20.622778 164.744444
PTBG1000064954 Hank Oppenheimer H111607 2016-11-09
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, East Maui. Kahikinui, east of Lualailua., 20.617728 -156.28758
PTBG1000021071 Lopaka Kia s.n. 2011-03-30
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, W. Maui. Kuhua ahu, between Kealii Gulch and Kahoma Stream., 20.905407 -156.637139
PTBG1000021071 Lopaka Kia s.n. 2011-03-30
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui. Kuhua ahu, between Kealii Gulch and Kahoma Stream., 20.905407 -156.637139
PTBG1000069404 Gordon McPherson 14780 1990-01-13
Madagascar, TOLIARA PROVINCE, NULL, Fort Dauphin (Tôlanaro) region, NE of town in forest called Mandena, beyond QIT camp, along roads heading west., -24.95 47
PTBG1000033146 Peter B. Phillipson 3117 1989-09-01
Madagascar, TOLIARA PROVINCE, Atsimo-Andrefana Region, Betioky. Itambono Corridor, 8 km W. of junction with Route Nationale 10., -23.8833 44.2833
PTBG1000033146 Peter B. Phillipson 3117 1989-09-01
Madagascar, TOLIARA PROVINCE, Atsimo-Andrefana Region, Betioky. Itambono Corridor, 8 km W. of junction with Route Nationale 10., -23.8833 44.2833
K. R. Wood 639 1991-03-06
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Kalalau valley, " Peach Tree " ridge, cliffs below rim, between two lookouts, east side of valley with Hibiscadelphus woodii, Nestegis sandwicensis, Melicope pallida, Melicope peduncularis, Lipochaeta connata var. acris, Erigeron karvinskianus, Lobelia niihauensis, Coprosma, Poa mannii, Chamaesyce
K. R. Wood 12809 2008-02-21
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kamooloa headwater drainage below Kapalaoa.
PTBG1000021126 Natalia Tangalin 2969 2012-02-09
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kaluahaula Ridge, above Kawaiiiki Valley, on trail just past down to Diellia erecta fence. Site of new LZ., 22.08407784 -159.5999756
PTBG1000031715 Steve Perlman 10290 1989-07-18
United States, HAWAII, Hawaii County, Kawaihae, DHHL Survey, Supp. Sta. G, Kilohana Gulch. Along stream bank.
K. R. Wood 15460 2013-04-03
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, ridge just south below Kawaikini, Iliiliula headwaters, 22.047527 -159.49939
K. R. Wood 15463 2013-04-03
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, ridge just south below Kawaikini, Iliiliula headwaters, 22.047157 -159.499649
Jason T. Cantley JC-261 2011-06-21
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Halemauu Trail
Jason T. Cantley JC-262 2012-12-12
United States, HAWAII, Hawaii County, Kipuka Puaulu (Bird Park), 19.440632 -155.29946
Jason T. Cantley JC-296 2012-12-12
United States, HAWAII, Hawaii County, Pu'u Huluhulu
Jason T. Cantley JC-423 2013-03-25
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, at the intake of Kawela Gulch before the tunnel that goes through the mountain to the north shore
Jason T. Cantley JC-434 2013-03-25
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, at the intake of Kawela Gulch before the tunnel that goes through the mountain to the north shore
Jason T. Cantley JC-435 2013-03-25
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, at the intake of Kawela Gulch before the tunnel that goes through the mountain to the north shore
Jason T. Cantley JC-425 2013-03-25
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, JC-425-JC431 are representative of varying morphotypes occuring in wet forest (large ellpitic leaves) and in the Pepeopae Bog (small orbiular leaves). Considerably more indumentum occurs on the cup shaped calyx of bog specimens than wet forest individuals
Jason T. Cantley JC-426 2013-03-25
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, JC-425-JC431 are representative of varying morphotypes occuring in wet forest (large ellpitic leaves) and in the Pepeopae Bog (small orbiular leaves). Considerably more indumentum occurs on the cup shaped calyx of bog specimens than wet forest individuals
Jason T. Cantley JC-427 2013-03-25
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, JC-425-JC431 are representative of varying morphotypes occuring in wet forest (large ellpitic leaves) and in the Pepeopae Bog (small orbiular leaves). Considerably more indumentum occurs on the cup shaped calyx of bog specimens than wet forest individuals
Jason T. Cantley JC-428 2013-03-25
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, JC-425-JC431 are representative of varying morphotypes occuring in wet forest (large ellpitic leaves) and in the Pepeopae Bog (small orbiular leaves). Considerably more indumentum occurs on the cup shaped calyx of bog specimens than wet forest individuals
Jason T. Cantley JC-429 2013-03-25
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, JC-425-JC431 are representative of varying morphotypes occuring in wet forest (large ellpitic leaves) and in the Pepeopae Bog (small orbiular leaves). Considerably more indumentum occurs on the cup shaped calyx of bog specimens than wet forest individuals
Jason T. Cantley JC-430 2013-03-25
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, JC-425-JC431 are representative of varying morphotypes occuring in wet forest (large ellpitic leaves) and in the Pepeopae Bog (small orbiular leaves). Considerably more indumentum occurs on the cup shaped calyx of bog specimens than wet forest individuals
Jason T. Cantley JC-431 2013-03-25
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, JC-425-JC431 are representative of varying morphotypes occuring in wet forest (large ellpitic leaves) and in the Pepeopae Bog (small orbiular leaves). Considerably more indumentum occurs on the cup shaped calyx of bog specimens than wet forest individuals
Jason T. Cantley JC-432 2013-03-25
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, head of Kawela Gulch intake
Jason T. Cantley JC-437 2013-03-25
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, head of Kawela Gulch intake
Jason T. Cantley JC-439 2013-03-25
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, head of Kawela Gulch intake
Jason T. Cantley JC-440 2013-03-25
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, along road to forest reserve after Waikolu Lookout
Jason T. Cantley JC-441 2013-03-27
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, along the Munro Trail southeast from summit of Lanihale
Jason T. Cantley JC-442 2013-03-27
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, along the Munro Trail southeast from summit of Lanihale
Jason T. Cantley JC-443 2013-03-27
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, along the Munro Trail southeast from summit of Lanihale
Jason T. Cantley JC-700 2013-09-30
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, along forest reserve road after Waikolu Lookout
Jason T. Cantley JC-701 2013-09-30
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, along forest reserve road after Waikolu lookout but before the start of the Pepeopae Bog and Kawela Trails
Jason T. Cantley JC-702 2013-09-30
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, in the Pepeopae Bog
Jason T. Cantley JC-704 2013-09-30
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, along forest reserve road after Waikolu lookout but before the start of the Pepeopae Bog and Kawela Trails
Jason T. Cantley JC-705 2013-09-30
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, in the Pepeopae Bog
Jason T. Cantley JC-706 2013-09-30
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, along forest reserve road after Waikolu lookout but before the start of the Pepeopae Bog and Kawela Trails
Jason T. Cantley JC-707 2013-09-30
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, in forest adjacent to parking lot for Waikolu Lookout
Jason T. Cantley JC-708 2013-09-30
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, in non native forest dominated by Eucalyptus before entering forest reserve
Jason T. Cantley NZ 206 2010-12-04
New Zealand, Stabilised braided river terraces of Waimakariri River, adjacent to Waimakariri Valley carpark, c. 1km west of Klondyke shelter. 8 km south of Arthurs Pass Village
Jason T. Cantley NZ 209 2010-12-04
New Zealand, Otira Scenic lookout 6.3 km north of Arthurs Pass, Canterbury, South Island
Jason T. Cantley NZ 235 2010-12-06
New Zealand, Wallis Stream Campsite, Catlins Forest Park. 16.4 km west of Owaka township, South island, New Zealand.
Jason T. Cantley NZ 239 2010-12-06
New Zealand, Okia Reserve / Taiaroa Bush 5.5 km ENE of Portobello, Otago Peninsula, Coastal Otago
Jason T. Cantley NZ 240 2010-12-06
New Zealand, Okia Reserve / Taiaroa Bush 5.5 km ENE of Portobello, Otago Peninsula, Coastal Otago
Jason T. Cantley NZ 241 2010-12-06
New Zealand, Okia Reserve / Taiaroa Bush 5.5 km ENE of Portobello, Otago Peninsula, Coastal Otago
Jason T. Cantley NZ 242 2010-12-06
New Zealand, Waipapa Point, The Catlins, South Island, New Zealand.
Jason T. Cantley NZ 400 2010-12-06
New Zealand, Wallis Stream Campsite, Catlins Forest Park. 16.4 km west of Owaka township, South island, New Zealand.
Jason T. Cantley NZ 401 2010-12-06
New Zealand, Wallis Stream Campsite, Catlins Forest Park. 16.4 km west of Owaka township, South island, New Zealand.
Jason T. Cantley NZ 402 2010-12-06
New Zealand, Wallis Stream Campsite, Catlins Forest Park. 16.4 km west of Owaka township, South island, New Zealand.
Jason T. Cantley NZ 403 2010-12-06
New Zealand, Wallis Stream Campsite, Catlins Forest Park. 16.4 km west of Owaka township, South island, New Zealand.
Jason T. Cantley NZ 404 2010-12-06
New Zealand, Wallis Stream Campsite, Catlins Forest Park. 16.4 km west of Owaka township, South island, New Zealand.
A. Markey NZ 407 2010-12-08
New Zealand, Mt Maungatua, Outram, Coastal Otago
A. Markey NZ 408 2010-12-08
New Zealand, Mt Maungatua, Outram, Coastal Otago
A. Markey NZ 409 2010-12-08
New Zealand, Blue Mountains, Tapanui, Central Otago, South Island, New Zealand.
A. Markey NZ 410 2010-12-08
New Zealand, Blue Mountains, Tapanui, Central Otago, South Island, New Zealand.
A. Markey NZ 411 2010-12-08
New Zealand, Blue Mountains, Tapanui, Central Otago, South Island, New Zealand.
A. Markey NZ 412 2010-12-08
New Zealand, Blue Mountains, Tapanui, Central Otago, South Island, New Zealand.
A. Markey NZ 413 2010-12-08
New Zealand, Blue Mountains, Tapanui, Central Otago, South Island, New Zealand.
A. Markey NZ 414 2010-12-08
New Zealand, Blue Mountains, Tapanui, Central Otago, South Island, New Zealand.
A. Markey NZ 416 2010-12-08
New Zealand, Coronet Peak, Arrowtown, Central Otago, New Zealand. 1 km north of Coronet Peak ski lodge, 5 km north of Arrowtown and 14 km NNE of Queenstown, Central Otago, South Island, New Zealand.
A. Markey NZ 417 2010-12-08
New Zealand, Coronet Peak, Arrowtown, Central Otago, New Zealand. 1 km north of Coronet Peak ski lodge, 5 km north of Arrowtown and 14 km NNE of Queenstown, Central Otago, South Island, New Zealand.
A. Markey NZ 418 2010-12-08
New Zealand, Coronet Peak, Arrowtown, Central Otago, New Zealand. 1 km north of Coronet Peak ski lodge, 5 km north of Arrowtown and 14 km NNE of Queenstown, Central Otago, South Island, New Zealand.
A. Markey NZ 419 2010-12-08
New Zealand, Blue Mountains, Tapanui, Central Otago, South Island, New Zealand.
A. Markey NZ 420 2010-12-08
New Zealand, Coronet Peak, Arrowtown, Central Otago, New Zealand. 1 km north of Coronet Peak ski lodge, 5 km north of Arrowtown and 14 km NNE of Queenstown, Central Otago, South Island, New Zealand.
A. Markey NZ 421 2010-12-08
New Zealand, Coronet Peak, Arrowtown, Central Otago, New Zealand. 1 km north of Coronet Peak ski lodge, 5 km north of Arrowtown and 14 km NNE of Queenstown, Central Otago, South Island, New Zealand.
A. Markey NZ 426 2010-12-08
New Zealand, Coronet Peak, Arrowtown, Central Otago, New Zealand. 1 km north of Coronet Peak ski lodge, 5 km north of Arrowtown and 14 km NNE of Queenstown, Central Otago, South Island, New Zealand.
Jason T. Cantley NZ 500 2010-12-07
New Zealand, Okia Reserve / Taiaroa Bush 5.5 km ENE of Portobello, Otago Peninsula, Coastal Otago
Jason T. Cantley NZ 501 2010-12-07
New Zealand, Okia Reserve / Taiaroa Bush 5.5 km ENE of Portobello, Otago Peninsula, Coastal Otago
Jason T. Cantley NZ 502 2010-12-07
New Zealand, Okia Reserve / Taiaroa Bush 5.5 km ENE of Portobello, Otago Peninsula, Coastal Otago
Jason T. Cantley NZ 503 2010-12-07
New Zealand, Okia Reserve / Taiaroa Bush 5.5 km ENE of Portobello, Otago Peninsula, Coastal Otago
Jason T. Cantley NZ 504 2010-12-07
New Zealand, Okia Reserve / Taiaroa Bush 5.5 km ENE of Portobello, Otago Peninsula, Coastal Otago
A. Markey NZ 505 2010-12-07
New Zealand, Green spur, Silver Peaks, Dunedin, Coastal Otago
Jason T. Cantley NZ 506 2010-12-07
New Zealand, Head of Coral track, Arthur?s Pass, 1 km north of Arthurs Pass village.
A. Markey NZ 507 2010-12-07
New Zealand, Lake Mahinapua, Hokitika, Westland
A. Markey NZ 508 2010-12-07
New Zealand, Croesus trail carpark, Paparoa Range, Westland, South Island
Jason T. Cantley NZ 509 2010-12-07
New Zealand, Waipapa Point, The Catlins, South Island, New Zealand.
A. Markey NZ 510 2010-12-07
New Zealand, Paparoa Range, Westland, South Island
A. Markey NZ 511 2010-12-07
New Zealand, Croesus Knob, Paparoa Range, Westland, South Island
A. Markey NZ 512 2010-12-07
New Zealand, Croesus Knob, Paparoa Range, Westland, South Island
PTBG1000053311 Seana Walsh SKW134 2015-10-21
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Milolii. On side, near bottom, of dry gulch., 22.13022 -159.68225
PTBG1000053534 Seana Walsh SKW135 2015-10-21
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Milolii. On side, near bottom, of dry gulch., 22.12985 -159.68347
PTBG1000053311 Seana Walsh SKW134 2015-10-21
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Milolii. On side, near bottom, of dry gulch., 22.13022 -159.68225
PTBG1000053534 Seana Walsh SKW135 2015-10-21
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Milolii. On side, near bottom, of dry gulch., 22.12985 -159.68347
PTBG1000062703 K. R. Wood 17273 2017-02-21
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Blue Hole, headwaters of Wailua River, below Waialeale and Kawaikini., 22.064817 -159.491477
PTBG1000062363 K. R. Wood 17253 2017-02-16
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Makaha, southern headwater just west of Milolii Road., 22.117731 -159.673666
PTBG1000062262 K. R. Wood 17247 2017-02-14
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Makaha, north side of road, slopes and southern drainage., 22.119289 -159.679171
PTBG1000071864 A. L. Reina G. 2003-913 2003-08-15
Mexico, SONORA STATE, Municipio de Yecora, La Cienega in Canada la Chiminea, south side of Mesa del Campanero, Rio Mayo drainage., 28.310278 -109.016111
A. L. Reina G. 2005-1264 2005-09-15
Mexico, DURANGO STATE, Pueblo Nuevo Municipality, Overlook at Espinazo del Diablo, 21 km west-southwest of La Ciudad on MEX 40., 23.66277778 -105.765
PTBG1000021258 T. R. Van Devender 2007-1011 2007-10-07
Mexico, SONORA STATE, Yecora Municipality, El Aguajito, Barranca Honda, north slope of Mesa del Campanero, 4.8 km west of Puerto de la Cruz on MEX 16., 28.371667 -109.048333
PTBG1000021258 T. R. Van Devender 2007-1011 2007-10-07
Mexico, SONORA STATE, Municipio de Yecora, El Aguajito, Barranca Honda, north slope of Mesa del Campanero, 4.8 km west of Puerto de la Cruz on MEX 16., 28.371667 -109.048333
PTBG1000005878 D. Hodel 256 1976-07-20
New Caledonia, NORTH PROVINCE, Mt. Aouapine, concession de M. DeVillers. In light shade on moist, heavy loam.