12960 K.R. Wood 12105 2006-08-24
United States, Hawaii, MAUI: W. Maui * Kauaula, southeastern rim, *mixed mesic shrubland and forest with steep to vertical rocky slopes and ridges, some forest patches with 30% Metrosideros @ 5-7m, 10% Dodonaea viscosa 3-4m, 10% Coprosma foliosa @ 2m, 5% Pipturus albidus @ 3m, shrubs, ferns and herbs of Leptecophylla tameiameiae, Dianella sandwicensis, Dicranopteris linearis, Bidens micrantha, occasional Neraudia melastomifolia, 1128m
11920 K.R. Wood 12497 2007-08-09
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: *north side of Kalalau Valley, east of Keanapuka Falls, *mesic forest dissected by cliffy terrain dominated by 50â"80% cover of dwarf shrubs and grasses with Eragrostis variabilis, Chamaesyce celastroides var. hanapepensis, Artemisia australis, Bidens sandvicensis, and Metrosideros, occasional Pipturus, Boehmeria, Neraudia kauaiensis, Panicum lineale, Lysimachia kalalauensis, and Nototrichium divaricatum, 732m
17882 Chani Joseph 15 2007-04-22
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Koloa District, Lawai Valley. National Tropical Botanical Garden. Allerton Garden, west side near cliff.
PTBG1000030631 K. R. Wood 12107 2006-08-24
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui, Kauaula, southeastern rim., 20.869667 -156.608587
PTBG1000030583 K. R. Wood 12500 2007-08-09
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, North side of Kalalau Valley, east of Keanapuka Falls.
PTBG1000030559 Chani Joseph 17 2007-04-22
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai Valley. National Tropical Botanical Garden. Allerton Garden, west side near cliff.
PTBG1000011800 K. R. Wood 12914 2008-03-20
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, E. Maui, north coast.
PTBG1000011740 K. R. Wood 13005 2008-05-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Waiahuakua Valley.
PTBG1000011755 K. R. Wood 13007 2008-05-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Waiahuakua Valley.
PTBG1000011750 K. R. Wood 13087 2008-06-02
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Koolau Mts, Maunawili trail.
PTBG1000011762 K. R. Wood 13088 2008-06-02
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Koolau Mts, Maunawili trail.
PTBG1000011670 K. R. Wood 13226 2008-08-08
United States, HAWAII, Hawaii County, Manuka NAR, nature trail up to Kipuka Kilioe., 19 -155
PTBG1000011671 K. R. Wood 13245 2008-09-04
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kalalau Valley, below Kahuamaa Flat [western ridge], Pohakulele region.
PTBG1000011810 K. R. Wood 13415 2008-12-20
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kalalau Valley, below Keanapuka falls.
PTBG1000043970 K. R. Wood 13847 2009-07-18
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Nawaimaka drainage, riparian with moderate to steep banks.
PTBG1000011839 K. R. Wood 14063 2009-12-31
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Makaha Valley.
PTBG1000019161 Derral Herbst 5867 1976-06-12
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, C Koolau Mountains. Ewa Forest Reserve, S Halawa Valley.
PTBG1000019156 William J. Hoe 4673 1977-09-29
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, S Koolau Mountains. Honolulu Watershed Forest Reserve. Palolo Valley, Waiomao Stream S of Kaau Crater. At bottom of narrow side valley.
PTBG1000018716 Tim Flynn 5109 1992-10-30
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Headwaters of the N fork of the Wailua River. Elev. 600-670 m.
PTBG1000019155 Tim Flynn 4916 1992-03-12
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kokee State Park, Kalalau Lookout.
PTBG1000019149 Tim Flynn 5149 1992-11-16
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve. Elev. 3700-4000 ft.
PTBG1000019143 Tim Flynn 4545 1991-04-16
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Koaie Canyon between 1 and 2 miles above Lonomea Camp. On either side of Koaie Stream. Area heavily grazed by goats. Elev. 1700-1900 ft.
PTBG1000019137 Tim Flynn 4433 1991-02-07
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve. Wahiawa drainage. Elev. 2200-2400 ft.
PTBG1000019131 Tim Flynn 5050 1992-06-10
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kalalau Valley. In back of valley. Elev. 1700-2500 ft.
PTBG1000019119 Tim Flynn 4378 1991-01-07
United States, HAWAII, Hawaii County, End of Hey 130 at former town of Kalapana (Kaimu?).
PTBG1000019125 Tim Flynn 4465a 1991-03-06
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kalalau Valley. Open SE slope with large steep grass areas heavily grazed by feral goats. Elev. 1065-925 m.
PTBG1000016221 Tim Flynn 4385 1991-01-28
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Wailua House Lots/Nonou Forest Reserve. Elev. 160-700 ft.
PTBG1000016227 Tim Flynn 4247 1990-09-19
PTBG1000016228 David H. Lorence 5792 1988-02-12
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Na Pali coast trail, ca. 3/4 mile SW of Ke`e Beach, just NE of Hanakapiai Valley. Valley with small stream on N-facing slope.
PTBG1000016222 Tim Flynn 2761 1988-02-12
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Na Pali Coast State Park, Kalalau Trail, ca 1.5 miles from Ke`e beach. Along unnamed stream above trail.
PTBG1000016229 W. A. Weber & Dan Randolph B-89884 1985-03-26
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, 1-2 mile N of Hanalei Bay on Na Pali coastal trail toward Kalalau.
PTBG1000016225 David H. Lorence 5954 1988-04-11
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Puu Ka Pele Forest Reserve, Makaha Valley, at 3 miles W of intersection w/ Hwy 550 along Makaha Ridge Road. Steep, narrow canyon with seasonal stream and dripping wet walls, partial sun.
PTBG1000016220 Derral Herbst s.n. 1973-03-18
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai-Kai.
PTBG1000016226 Derral Herbst s.n. 1973-03-03
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai Valley. National Tropical Botanical Garden. Four-House Canyon.
PTBG1000016219 Derral Herbst s.n. 1973-03-18
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai Valley. Lawai-Kai.
PTBG1000016232 Tim Flynn 2756 1988-02-12
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Na Pali Coast State Park, Kalalau Trail, ca. 1.5 miles from Ke`e Beach. Along unnamed stream above trail.
PTBG1000024614 Tim Flynn 5103 1992-08-25
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Hoary Head Range. NNW of Omoe.
PTBG1000043985 K. R. Wood 14972 2012-05-10
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Poopooiki Valley, Kuia Natural Area Reserve, 22.13960075 -159.6894989
PTBG1000043904 Natalia Tangalin 3080 2012-03-27
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Mt. Haupu, middle of the range N of finger, trail up ridge behind maintenance sheds. In weedy gulch., 22.203575 -159.419144
Natalia Tangalin 3203 2012-06-29
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Mt. Haupu, middle of the range N of finger, trail up ridge behind maintenance sheds. On dividing ridge North of Summit., 21.928177 -159.414948
PTBG1000052171 Tim Flynn 7791 2014-04-30
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kalepa Ridge, Kalepa Forest Reserve. On exposed ridge top., 22.0209 -159.34851
PTBG1000049856 Tim Flynn 7758 2014-03-20
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Anahola. Moloaa Forest Reserve., 22.15794 -159.32771
PTBG1000052242 Tim Flynn 7973 2014-09-27
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Halelea Forest Reserve. Keahua Forestry Arboretum, Kuamoo Road (Hwy 580)., 22.071319 -159.417506
PTBG1000052315 James R. Shevock 18972 2000-02-26
Northern Mariana Islands, ROTA MUNICIPALITY, Along road toward the summit of Sabana Mountain about 1 mile above the main road between the airport and village of Songsong., 14.158333 145.191667
PTBG1000052376 James R. Shevock 18967 2000-02-26
Northern Mariana Islands, Along road toward the summit of Sabana Mountain about 1 mile above the main road between the airport and village of Songsong., 14.158333 145.191667
PTBG1000052380 James R. Shevock 45905 2014-09-23
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai. National Tropical Botanical Garden, Theobald House. 3240 Lauoho Road., 21.9155 -159.510028
PTBG1000052386 James R. Shevock 46029 2014-09-28
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Na Pali Coast State Wilderness Park. Along Kalalau Trail between 0.25 and 0.5 mile markers. NAD 83, 22.218611 -159.58575
PTBG1000052392 James R. Shevock 45968 2014-09-25
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve. Along Awaawapuhi Trail near 0.5 mile marker. NAD 83, 22.144111 -159.655722
PTBG1000052892 Hank Oppenheimer H71533 2015-07-16
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Wailau Valley, Pulena Stream on south side., 21.117921 -156.842531
PTBG1000052489 Tim Flynn 8186 2015-09-29
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve, Unit H. North fork of Kauhao Valley, north of Kopakaka Ridge., 22.117621 -159.682692
PTBG1000053730 James R. Shevock 14747 1996-12-11
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve. At Puu O Kila lookout overlooking Kalalau Valley. Trailhead for Pilea Trail., 22.15 -159.633333
PTBG1000053736 James R. Shevock 46321 2015-01-28
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve. Along unimproved trail from end of 4WD road at USGS river gaging station to Blue Hole, slopes below Waialeale, North Fork Wailua River. NAD 83, 22.063417 -159.470083
PTBG1000053729 James R. Shevock 46226 2015-01-24
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Wahiawa Mountain Range. Kahili trail toward Kahili Peak on steep narrow ridge above water tower from Kahili Mountain Park. NAD 83, 21.96425 -159.490694
PTBG1000053842 James R. Shevock 46256 2015-01-02
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Limahuli Valley. Lower Limahuli Preserve, National Tropical Botanical Gardens. Slopes above the garden toward Limahuli Falls and Limahuli Stream. NAD 83, 22.215556 -159.57825
PTBG1000053849 James R. Shevock 46376 2015-01-31
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Puu Ka Pele Forest Reserve. Along Koaie Canyon Trail parelleling Koaie Stream below Hipalau campsite and above junction with Waimea Canyon Trail. NAD 83, 22.076028 -159.643889
PTBG1000011670 K. R. Wood 13226 2008-08-08
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Manuka NAR, nature trail up to Kipuka Kilioe., 19 -155
PTBG1000011671 K. R. Wood 13245 2008-09-04
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kalalau Valley, below Kahuamaa Flat [western ridge], Pohakulele region.
PTBG1000011810 K. R. Wood 13415 2008-12-20
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kalalau Valley, below Keanapuka falls.
PTBG1000043970 K. R. Wood 13847 2009-07-18
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Nawaimaka drainage, riparian with moderate to steep banks.
PTBG1000019161 Derral Herbst 5867 1976-06-12
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, C Koolau Mountains. Ewa Forest Reserve, S Halawa Valley.
PTBG1000019156 William J. Hoe 4673.0 1977-09-29
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, S Koolau Mountains. Honolulu Watershed Forest Reserve. Palolo Valley, Waiomao Stream S of Kaau Crater. At bottom of narrow side valley.
PTBG1000018716 Tim Flynn 5109 1992-10-30
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Headwaters of the N fork of the Wailua River. Elev. 600-670 m.
PTBG1000019155 Tim Flynn 4916 1992-03-12
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee State Park, Kalalau Lookout.
PTBG1000019149 Tim Flynn 5149 1992-11-16
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve. Elev. 3700-4000 ft.
PTBG1000019143 Tim Flynn 4545 1991-04-16
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Koaie Canyon between 1 and 2 miles above Lonomea Camp. On either side of Koaie Stream. Area heavily grazed by goats. Elev. 1700-1900 ft.
PTBG1000019137 Tim Flynn 4433 1991-02-07
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve. Wahiawa drainage. Elev. 2200-2400 ft.
PTBG1000019131 Tim Flynn 5050 1992-06-10
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kalalau Valley. In back of valley. Elev. 1700-2500 ft.
PTBG1000019119 Tim Flynn 4378 1991-01-07
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, End of Hey 130 at former town of Kalapana (Kaimu?).
PTBG1000019125 Tim Flynn 4465a 1991-03-06
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kalalau Valley. Open SE slope with large steep grass areas heavily grazed by feral goats. Elev. 1065-925 m.
PTBG1000016221 Tim Flynn 4385 1991-01-28
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Wailua House Lots/Nonou Forest Reserve. Elev. 160-700 ft.
PTBG1000016227 Tim Flynn 4247 1990-09-19
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, NULL
PTBG1000016228 David H. Lorence 5792 1988-02-12
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Na Pali coast trail, ca. 3/4 mile SW of Ke`e Beach, just NE of Hanakapiai Valley. Valley with small stream on N-facing slope.
PTBG1000016222 Tim Flynn 2761 1988-02-12
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Na Pali Coast State Park, Kalalau Trail, ca 1.5 miles from Ke`e beach. Along unnamed stream above trail.
PTBG1000016229 W. A. Weber & Dan Randolph B-89884 1985-03-26
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, 1-2 mile N of Hanalei Bay on Na Pali coastal trail toward Kalalau.
PTBG1000016225 David H. Lorence 5954 1988-04-11
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Puu Ka Pele Forest Reserve, Makaha Valley, at 3 miles W of intersection w/ Hwy 550 along Makaha Ridge Road. Steep, narrow canyon with seasonal stream and dripping wet walls, partial sun.
PTBG1000016220 Derral Herbst s.n. 1973-03-18
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai-Kai.
PTBG1000016226 Derral Herbst s.n. 1973-03-03
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai Valley. National Tropical Botanical Garden. Four-House Canyon.
PTBG1000016219 Derral Herbst s.n. 1973-03-18
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai Valley. Lawai-Kai.
PTBG1000016232 Tim Flynn 2756 1988-02-12
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Na Pali Coast State Park, Kalalau Trail, ca. 1.5 miles from Ke`e Beach. Along unnamed stream above trail.
PTBG1000024614 Tim Flynn 5103 1992-08-25
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Hoary Head Range. NNW of Omoe.
PTBG1000043985 K. R. Wood 14972 2012-05-10
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Poopooiki Valley, Kuia Natural Area Reserve, 22.139601 -159.689499
PTBG1000043904 Natalia Tangalin 3080 2012-03-27
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Mt. Haupu, middle of the range N of finger, trail up ridge behind maintenance sheds. In weedy gulch., 22.203575 -159.419144
NULL Natalia Tangalin 3203 2012-06-29
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Mt. Haupu, middle of the range N of finger, trail up ridge behind maintenance sheds. On dividing ridge North of Summit., 21.928177 -159.414948
PTBG1000052171 Tim Flynn 7791 2014-04-30
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kalepa Ridge, Kalepa Forest Reserve. On exposed ridge top., 22.0209 -159.34851
PTBG1000049856 Tim Flynn 7758 2014-03-20
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Anahola. Moloaa Forest Reserve., 22.15794 -159.32771
PTBG1000052242 Tim Flynn 7973 2014-09-27
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Halelea Forest Reserve. Keahua Forestry Arboretum, Kuamoo Road (Hwy 580)., 22.071319 -159.417506
ptbg1000052244 Tim Flynn 7907 2014-08-26
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Nounou Mtns, Nounou Forest Reserve, E of Kuamoo Nounou Trail up from 1 mile marker., 22.056335 -159.362742
PTBG1000052315 James R. Shevock 18972 2000-02-26
Northern Mariana Islands, ROTA MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Along road toward the summit of Sabana Mountain about 1 mile above the main road between the airport and village of Songsong., 14.158333 145.191667
PTBG1000052376 James R. Shevock 18967 2000-02-26
Northern Mariana Islands, NULL, NULL, Along road toward the summit of Sabana Mountain about 1 mile above the main road between the airport and village of Songsong., 14.158333 145.191667
PTBG1000052380 James R. Shevock 45905 2014-09-23
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai. National Tropical Botanical Garden, Theobald House. 3240 Lauoho Road., 21.9155 -159.510028
PTBG1000052386 James R. Shevock 46029 2014-09-28
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Na Pali Coast State Wilderness Park. Along Kalalau Trail between 0.25 and 0.5 mile markers. NAD 83, 22.218611 -159.58575
PTBG1000052392 James R. Shevock 45968 2014-09-25
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve. Along Awaawapuhi Trail near 0.5 mile marker. NAD 83, 22.144111 -159.655722
PTBG1000060568 K. R. Wood 16288 2015-02-05
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Poopooiki Valley, Kuia Natural Area Reserve., 22.140414 -159.691258
PTBG1000052892 Hank Oppenheimer H71533 2015-07-16
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Wailau Valley, Pulena Stream on south side., 21.117921 -156.842531
PTBG1000052489 Tim Flynn 8186 2015-09-29
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve, Unit H. North fork of Kauhao Valley, north of Kopakaka Ridge., 22.117621 -159.682692
PTBG1000053730 James R. Shevock 14747 1996-12-11
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve. At Puu O Kila lookout overlooking Kalalau Valley. Trailhead for Pilea Trail., 22.15 -159.633333
PTBG1000053736 James R. Shevock 46321 2015-01-28
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve. Along unimproved trail from end of 4WD road at USGS river gaging station to Blue Hole, slopes below Waialeale, North Fork Wailua River. NAD 83, 22.063417 -159.470083
PTBG1000053729 James R. Shevock 46226 2015-01-24
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Wahiawa Mountain Range. Kahili trail toward Kahili Peak on steep narrow ridge above water tower from Kahili Mountain Park. NAD 83, 21.96425 -159.490694
PTBG1000053842 James R. Shevock 46256 2015-01-02
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Limahuli Valley. Lower Limahuli Preserve, National Tropical Botanical Gardens. Slopes above the garden toward Limahuli Falls and Limahuli Stream. NAD 83, 22.215556 -159.57825
PTBG1000053849 James R. Shevock 46376 2015-01-31
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Puu Ka Pele Forest Reserve. Along Koaie Canyon Trail parelleling Koaie Stream below Hipalau campsite and above junction with Waimea Canyon Trail. NAD 83, 22.076028 -159.643889