Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-23 of 23

National Tropical Botanical Garden

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000011669K. R. Wood   133982008-10-22
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, MAUI: E. Maui *west fork of west Wailua Iki, *montane shrubland dominated by Sadleria cyatheoides with scattered Metro. poly. incana and shrubs of Leptecophylla, Coprosma ernodeoides, C. montana, Rubus hawaiiensis, Dubautia reticulata, Morelotia gahniiformis, w/ riparian vegetation of bryophytes and ferns, Dryopteris fusco-atra, D. wallichiana, D. subbipinnata, Asplenium trichomanes, A. hobdyi, Cystopteris douglasii

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000011826Tim Flynn   47981991-09-04
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve; along unnamed tributary of North Fork Wailua River. Elev 1400-1950 ft.

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000018645Tim Flynn   39721990-05-28
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Upper Hamakua Ditch Trail. Elev. 3600-3900 ft.

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000018663William J. Hoe   3622.01975-06-17
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Ahupuaa of Malialinui, upper Koolau Gap. 1.5 mi E of Hosmer's Grove.

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000018657Derral Herbst   50771974-10-10
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, W. Mauna Loa. Kipahoehoe. Along Mamalahoa Highway.

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000018651William J. Hoe   4304.01976-06-29
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, N slope Haleakala. Koolau Forest Reserve. Olinda Pipeline Trail. Between reservoir on Waikamoi Stream and gaging station on Haipuaena Stream.

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000028332Tim Flynn   75102012-03-15
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee State Park. Puu O Kila lookout. Along path from parking lot to lookout., 22.147617 -159.630997

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000052147Hank Oppenheimer   H514322014-05-30
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, East Maui. Unpaved ditch road near Hana Hwy and Paakea Stream., 20.813605 -156.119337

Calliergonella lindbergii Hedenäs, 1990 [1992]
PTBG1000034112Tim Flynn   76402013-06-03
United States, MASSACHUSETTS, Hampden County, Longmeadow. 863 Frank Smith Road. Residence of Anselmo and Amparo Briones., 42.04089 -72.546165

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000005318Dan Adamski   USArmy 1382009-03-18
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Waianae Range, Palikea, ca. 0.25 mi. from top of access road. On right side of road going uphill, growing right in front of a house.

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000047540Tim Flynn   77312014-01-31
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kauai Agro Forest Products LLC. Agroforestry demonstration plot along Hwy 50 E of Kauai Humane Society., 21.96454 -159.41623

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000052850Natalia Tangalin   37782014-05-06
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Berry Flat trail off camp 10 road., 22.116943 -159.633442

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000052405James R. Shevock   459152014-09-24
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve. Along the Pihea Trail toward junction with Alakai Swamp Trail between trailhead at Puu O Kila Lookout and Pihea Vista at 0.5 mile post. NAD 83, 22.148139 -159.627083

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000053915James R. Shevock   147451996-12-11
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve. At Puu o Kila lookout overlooking Kalalau Valley. Trailhead for Pihea Trail., 22.15 -159.633333

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000053909James R. Shevock   463572015-01-30
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Hanalei River Watershed. Powerline Trail. Along rough 4WD access road and trail paralleling powerline transmission corridor along ridge., 22.158333 -159.449806

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000053867James R. Shevock   147401996-12-11
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve. Along Pihea Trail less than 1 mile from Puu O Kila Lookout and overlooking Kalalau Valley., 22.154167 -159.625

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000066300Seana Walsh   SKW3802016-09-30
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Powerline Trail. Left side of trail as youre starting to head down towards Wailua from summit area., 22.108577 -159.441945

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000061812James R. Shevock   481712016-02-20
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Along Alakai Swamp Trail to Kilohana Vista about 0.25 mile from Vista point., 22.155611 -159.596722

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000061826James R. Shevock   187061999-10-27
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Along Highway 11 between milepost 95 & 96, about 3 miles north of boundary of Kipahoehoe Natural Area Reserve and just west of South Kona Forest Reserve., 19.3125 -155.870833

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000065181Mashuri Waite   040701-022004-07-01
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Hilo. Corner of Makaala St. and Volcano Highway.

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000065930Hank Oppenheimer   H1117052017-11-08
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, East Maui. Koolau Forest Reserve, near State Camp cabin., 20.740064 -156.101886

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000065907Hank Oppenheimer   H1116112016-11-16
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, East Maui, Hana Forest Reserve, 20.733544 -156.099093

Insomniella plumaeforme
PTBG1000065938Hank Oppenheimer   H1116162016-11-16
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, East Maui, Hana Forest Reserve., 20.733544 -156.099093

Page 1, records 1-23 of 23


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