PTBG1000011052 Alex Monro 2911 1998-02-02
El Salvador, LA LIBERTAD DEPARTMENT, Finca Colombia, Canton Primavera, Quetzaltepeque., 13.814167 -89.301111
PTBG1000011052 Alex Monro 2911 1998-02-02
El Salvador, LA LIBERTAD DEPARTMENT, NULL, Finca Colombia, Canton Primavera, Quetzaltepeque., 13.814167 -89.301111
PTBG1000011048 Hank Oppenheimer H30120 2001-03-11
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, NULL, 19.929722 -155.888056
2922 S. P. Darwin 1034 1975-06-22
United States, Hawaii, OAHU: Waianae Mts.; Puu Kanehoa and Kaluaa Gulch. In full sun at top of ridge.
11405 David H. Lorence 9452 2005-04-28
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Koloa District, National Tropical Botanical Garden in Lawai Valley. New horticulture center and nursery., 20m
PTBG1000011049 Steve Perlman 10309 1989-07-17
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Kawaihae, DHHL survey supp. sta. B, Honokoa Stream bank. Cliffs grazed by goats.
PTBG1000011050 David H. Lorence 6335 1989-03-03
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, South of Mauna Lani Resort, area around Hopeaia and Manoku fishponds. Elev. ca. 2-3 m.
PTBG1000043375 Hank Oppenheimer H51303 2013-05-14
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Kaena region. Unnamed gully mauka of Kalaeahole Pt., 20.88884 -157.040084
PTBG1000053012 Hank Oppenheimer H41527 2015-04-15
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, East Maui. 0.5 mile east of Maliko Gulch., 20.941865 -156.333647
PTBG1000043375 Hank Oppenheimer H51303 2013-05-14
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Kaena region. Unnamed gully mauka of Kalaeahole Pt., 20.88884 -157.040084
PTBG1000053012 Hank Oppenheimer H41527 2015-04-15
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, East Maui. 0.5 mile east of Maliko Gulch., 20.941865 -156.333647
12371 John Game 96/035 1996-02-05
On clay soil in shade near a ditch by the road between the Lake Tiriara area and Temakatea Village - near the volcanic soil/makatea junction.
PTBG1000000909 Morgan Nelson 4 2005-10-10
United States, TEXAS, Brazos County, Bryan. Texas A&M Horticulture Farm. Entrance on Harvey Mitchell Parkway/FM 2818, 0.4 mi S jct Villa Maria. 100 yds SE of entrance.
PTBG1000000909 Morgan Nelson 4 2005-10-10
United States, TEXAS, Brazos County, Bryan. Texas A&M Horticulture Farm. Entrance on Harvey Mitchell Parkway/FM 2818, 0.4 mi S jct Villa Maria. 100 yds SE of entrance.
PTBG1000011051 Gordon McPherson 3590 1981-03-14
New Caledonia, NULL, NULL, Tontouta River valley, ca 40 air-km NNW of Nouméa., -21.966667 166.25
PTBG1000038015 F. J. Badman 4971 1991-08-22
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Dickeree W[ater]h[ole], Pandie Pandie Station., -26.05 139.316667
PTBG1000038015 F. J. Badman 4971 1991-08-22
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Dickeree W[ater]h[ole], Pandie Pandie Station., -26.05 139.316667