PTBG1000010789 Nancy Vander Velde 515200911 2009-05-15
Marshall Islands, WOTJE ATOLL
PTBG1000010789 Nancy Vander Velde 0515200911 2009-05-15
Marshall Islands, WOTJE ATOLL, NULL, NULL
17584 Forest Starr 040723-1 2004-07-23
United States, Hawaii, HAWAII: Puu Mali, Mauna Kea. Subalpine habitat on a'a lava. Associated vegetation: Holcus lanatus, Sophora chrysophylla., 2000m
PTBG1000010930 Forest Starr Starr-030807-1B 2003-08-07
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, E. Maui, Hana Hwy, Keanae. In small gulch E of Nuaailua Bay., 20.85 -156.15
PTBG1000010928 Forest Starr 030807-1A 2003-08-07
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, E. Maui, Hana Hwy, Keanae. In small gulch east of Nuaailua Bay., 20.85 -156.15
PTBG1000010928 Forest Starr Starr-030807-1A 2003-08-07
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, E. Maui, Hana Hwy, Keanae. In small gulch east of Nuaailua Bay., 20.85 -156.15
PTBG1000010982 Liloa Dunn 228 2003-07-12
French Polynesia, UA-POU COMMUNE, NULL, Hakahau Valley: along the road in a vacant lot next to the omnisport in main village., -9.360833 -140.048889
PTBG1000010976 Tim Flynn 7151 2004-11-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kalaheo, junction of Ai and Puu roads.
282 W. M. Bush s.n. 1974-04-15
United States, Hawaii, OAHU: Honolulu, Punahou, Coyne Street.
799 Ralph Dean s.n.
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Koloa District, Kalaheo, cultivated at home of Ralph and Catherine Dean, Waha Road., 168m
7279 David H. Lorence 6434 1990-04-30
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Waimea District, Haeleele Valley (between Haeleele and Polihale ridges), from Polihale State Park (sea level) to 200 m. alt. Dry secondary forest and shrubland dominated by Leucaena leucocephala & Hyptis pectinata, with native Erythrina sandwicensis & Plumbago zeylanica, stream bed with Aleurites moluccana dominant.
7279 Tim Flynn 2202 1987-05-21
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Waimea Canyon State Park; mile 11.3 on Hwy 550. Waimea Canyon in remnant forest on steep, dry slope. Elev. ca. 3000-3500 ft. Growing with Acacia and Lantana.
Taiwan, Republic of China, Taipei Botanical Garden, 53 Nan-Hai Road. N 21-26°, E 120-122°, 550m
PTBG1000010978 David H. Lorence 6434 1990-04-30
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Haeleele Valley (between Haeleele and Polihale ridges), from Polihale State Park (sea level) to 200 m. alt.
PTBG1000010979 Tim Flynn 2202 1987-05-21
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Waimea Canyon State Park; mile 11.3 on Hwy 550. Waimea Canyon. Elev. ca. 3000-3500 ft.
PTBG1000010980 Helen Rubin s.n. 1975-05-12
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai Valley. National Tropical Botanical Garden. Big Valley.
PTBG1000010981 Hank Oppenheimer H70044 2000-07-04
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui, Alaeloa, south of Kaopala desilting basin., 20.981389 -156.671944
Taiwan, Province of China, NULL, NULL, Taipei Botanical Garden, 53 Nan-Hai Road. N 21-26°, E 120-122°
PTBG1000004376 Natalia Tangalin 1343 2007-05-31
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kapaa, Kealia, off of Kealia Road after the veer toward Anahola past Spalding Monument and opposite Hauaala Road. E side of the road bordering a fallow cattle pasture. Collected as part of KISC 2007 Early Detection Roadside Survey. KISC #20070531A009.
PTBG1000002230 Kirby W. Calhoun 13 2007-10-09
United States, TEXAS, Burleson County, 200 ft S of N city limit of Sommerville; 50 ft E of roadside of Hwy 36.
PTBG1000002326 Meredith Aiken 18 2009-04-18
United States, TEXAS, Grimes County, No Le Hace Ranch, 8.6 mi SE of Navasota on Country Road 401, 0.6 mi E of CR 401 on only ranch road.
PTBG1000020881 Art Whistler W 5313 1984-03-15
Cook Islands, On the Makatea near town.
PTBG1000051581 M. Tashiro FOK-054022 2003-05-11
Japan, SHIKOKU REGION, Kochi Prefecture, Tsumajiro, Tosashimizu City. 20-40 m alt., 32.783333 132.85
PTBG1000004376 Natalia Tangalin 1343 2007-05-31
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kapaa, Kealia, off of Kealia Road after the veer toward Anahola past Spalding Monument and opposite Hauaala Road. E side of the road bordering a fallow cattle pasture. Collected as part of KISC 2007 Early Detection Roadside Survey. KISC #20070531A009.
PTBG1000002230 Kirby W. Calhoun 13 2007-10-09
United States, TEXAS, Burleson County, 200 ft S of N city limit of Sommerville; 50 ft E of roadside of Hwy 36.
PTBG1000002326 Meredith Aiken 18 2009-04-18
United States, TEXAS, Grimes County, No Le Hace Ranch, 8.6 mi SE of Navasota on Country Road 401, 0.6 mi E of CR 401 on only ranch road.
PTBG1000020881 Art Whistler W 5313 1984-03-15
Cook Islands, NULL, NULL, On the Makatea near town.
PTBG1000051581 M. Tashiro FOK-054022 2003-05-11
Japan, SHIKOKU REGION, Kochi Prefecture, Tsumajiro, Tosashimizu City. 20-40 m alt., 32.783333 132.85
7279 Helen Rubin s.n. 1975-05-12
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Koloa District, Lawai Valley. National Tropical Botanical Garden. Big Valley, moderately moist area.
PTBG1000010985 Michael Evans 1861 1966-04-26
Guam, Home of Mrs. Castro at Chalan Pago.
PTBG1000010985 Michael Evans 1861 1966-04-26
Guam, NULL, NULL, Home of Mrs. Castro at Chalan Pago.
PTBG1000010988 Hank Oppenheimer H60159 2001-06-27
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui, Honolua. In unnamed gulch between Honolua Valley and Kahauiki Gulch., 21.001111 -156.6325
18339 David H. Lorence 9787 2008-03-28
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Kayangel State. Kayangel, the main island of Kayangel atoll; southern interior part of island. Agroforest with Cocos, Artocarpus, Musa interspersed with coastal forest elements on coral sand and rubble substrate.
PTBG1000010812 J. Regalado 641 1993-05-10
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Upper Waiakea Forest along Tree Planting Road approached from Stainback Highway., 19.583333 -155.25
10514 W. M. Bush 243 1975-06-12
United States, Hawaii, OAHU: Honolulu, Kahala, Onaha Street.
10862 Richard A. Howard 20226 1985-10-20
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Wailua, Wailua Game Reserve. Vegetation on plots stripmined for bauxite ore in 1958-60. Tree plot area. Fertilizer applied topically.
10862 Tim Flynn 583 1983-09-07
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Koloa District, Wahiawa Mts. Along middle to lower half of road to relay towers, Mt. Kahili.
10862 W. M. Bush 612 1977-05-05
United States, Hawaii, OAHU: Honolulu, Makiki Hgts, Tantalus Drive.
10862 David Palumbo 118 1983-06-03
United States, Hawaii, LANAI: Kaiholena Gulch.
PTBG1000010814 Richard A. Howard 20226 1985-10-20
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Wailua, Wailua Game Reserve. Vegetation on plots stripmined for bauxite ore in 1958-60. Tree plot area. Fertilizer applied topically.
PTBG1000010813 Tim Flynn 583 1983-09-07
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Wahiawa Mts. Along middle to lower half of road to relay towers, Mt. Kahili.
PTBG1000091172 David Palumbo 118 1983-06-03
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Kaiholena Gulch.
PTBG1000091179 David Palumbo 118 1983-06-03
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Kaiholena Gulch.
PTBG1000091159 Hank Oppenheimer H70096 2000-07-19
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, MAUI: W. Maui, Lahaina District, Honokahua. Degraded mesic forest, east side of valley., 20.981389 -156.633056
PTBG1000010811 Hank Oppenheimer H60727 2007-06-30
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Kalaupapa, east end of peninsula. Northing: 2343087.65 Easting: 712867.62
PTBG1000010810 Hank Oppenheimer H110620 2006-11-27
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Vicinity of Maunahui. Northing: 2339129.18; Easting: 712863.23.
PTBG1000010809 Hank Oppenheimer H110620 2006-11-27
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Vicinity of Maunahui. Northing: 2339129.18; Easting: 712863.23.
PTBG1000049998 Steve Perlman 23476 2013-05-23
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Wahiawa drainage, North of Hulua, south of Waimea- Koloa district boundary, Lihue- Koloa Forest reserve, north of Kanaele swamp, 21.985634 -159.518311
PTBG1000010810 Hank Oppenheimer H110620 2006-11-27
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Vicinity of Maunahui. Northing: 2339129.18; Easting: 712863.23.
PTBG1000010809 Hank Oppenheimer H110620 2006-11-27
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Vicinity of Maunahui. Northing: 2339129.18; Easting: 712863.23.
PTBG1000049998 Steve Perlman 23476 2013-05-23
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Wahiawa drainage, North of Hulua, south of Waimea- Koloa district boundary, Lihue- Koloa Forest reserve, north of Kanaele swamp, 21.985634 -159.518311
PTBG1000061656 Tim Flynn 8726 2017-04-06
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Mountains above Kalaheo, along road between Alexander Reservoir and Kanaele., 21.956733 -159.518517
PTBG1000010991 Hank Oppenheimer H90106 2001-09-02
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui, Alaeloa., 20.986667 -156.67
7279 Hank Oppenheimer H70044 2000-07-04
United States, Hawaii, MAUI: W. Maui, Lahaina District, Alaeloa, south of Kaopala desilting basin., 12m
9871 Tim Flynn 3507 1988-08-23
United States, Hawaii, MAUI: Hana District, Kalahu Point. National Tropical Botanical Garden, Kahanu Garden. Cultivated plants.
PTBG1000010992 Tim Flynn 1728 1986-05-14
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Along Kealia road between Anahola and Kealia. Along fence line across from cane field.
PTBG1000020883 Art Whistler 5792 1985-12-06
Cook Islands, Growing on the grounds of Tereora College.
PTBG1000020882 Gerald McCormack s.n. 1986-10-01
Cook Islands, Growing on the grounds of Tereora College.
PTBG1000050990 Clyde Hill s.n. 2014-05-10
United States, FLORIDA, Sarasota County, Sarasota. The Field Club, grounds of The Field Estate, 1400 Field Rd, Sarasota, FL 34231, 27.287444 -82.539942
PTBG1000020883 Art Whistler 5792 1985-12-06
Cook Islands, NULL, NULL, Growing on the grounds of Tereora College.
PTBG1000020882 Gerald McCormack s.n. 1986-10-01
Cook Islands, NULL, NULL, Growing on the grounds of Tereora College.
PTBG1000050990 Clyde Hill s.n. 2014-05-10
United States, FLORIDA, Sarasota County, Sarasota. The Field Club, grounds of The Field Estate, 1400 Field Rd, Sarasota, FL 34231, 27.287444 -82.539942
PTBG1000058144 Alex Lau 2014082101 2014-08-21
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Waianae Mountains, Lualualei, Halona Valley., 21.429546 -158.104395
PTBG1000010920 D. Mueller-Dombois 81102301 2023-10-01
Papua New Guinea, ISLANDS REGION, NULL, Bismarck Archipelago. Gazelle Peninsula, Vaeilie River.
PTBG1000010919 R. Kiapranis LAE 69085 1989-09-01
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, East Sepik Province, Hunstein River feeder streamlet at Bani.
PTBG1000010918 R. Kiapranis LAE 69071 1989-09-01
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, East Sepik Province, Hunstein River feeder streamlet at Bani.
PTBG1000010919 R. Kiapranis LAE 69085 1989-09-01
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, East Sepik Province, Hunstein River feeder streamlet at Bani.
PTBG1000010918 R. Kiapranis LAE 69071 1989-09-01
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, East Sepik Province, Hunstein River feeder streamlet at Bani.
PTBG1000010955 David H. Lorence 8885 2002-05-03
American Samoa, MANUA DISTRICT, Fitiuta County, National Park of American Samoa, Saua site, transect from N entrance to Siu Point., -14.243333 -169.421667
PTBG1000011010 S. Vodonawalu 26901 1994-08-04
Fiji, Samani Serea Road.
PTBG1000010943 Art Whistler 6990 1990-08-31
Fiji, Growing on a hill inland from Oinafa.
PTBG1000010942 Art Whistler 6989 1989-08-31
Fiji, In the forest on a cone SSE from the village of Ahau.
PTBG1000011010 S. Vodonawalu 26901 1994-08-04
Fiji, NULL, NULL, Samani Serea Road.
PTBG1000061489 Art Whistler W 4456 1980-07-13
Samoa, NULL, NULL, In the inner portion of the island.
PTBG1000020929 B. A. Koutoff 155 1930-01-01
PTBG1000020929 Boris A. Krukoff 155 1930-01-01
Cameroon, NULL, NULL, NULL
18294 Alan R. Smith 2920 2007-04-06
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Na Pali coast, end of trail to Hanakapiai Falls, off of Kalalau Beach Trail. Just below bases of cliffs along trail.
PTBG1000033854 David H. Lorence 10313 2012-05-16
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, National Tropical Botanical Garden in Lawai Valley, Big Valley, North of stream crossover near canoe garden, along Lawai Stream bank., 21.906111 -159.508331
PTBG1000033854 David H. Lorence 10313 2012-05-16
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, National Tropical Botanical Garden in Lawai Valley, Big Valley, North of stream crossover near canoe garden, along Lawai Stream bank., 21.906111 -159.508331
PTBG1000010973 Jose Schunke Vigo S15088 2002-03-19
Peru, UCAYALI REGION, Purus Province, Camino a la quebrada de Esperancilla., -10.2 -70.95
PTBG1000010972 Brian M. Boom 9917 1990-03-19
Puerto Rico, Along highway 511, vicinity of town of Real., 18.08333333 -66.58333333
PTBG1000010972 Brian M. Boom 9917 1990-03-19
Puerto Rico, NULL, NULL, Along highway 511, vicinity of town of Real., 18.083333 -66.583333
PTBG1000010945 Art Whistler 11583 2001-12-05
American Samoa, In the ridge forest along the trail from Fagasa Pass to Matafao.
PTBG1000010944 Tim Flynn 3703 1989-12-04
Samoa, WESTEC pasture lands below Mt. Maliota. Along fenceline.
PTBG1000010945 Art Whistler 11583 2001-12-05
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Along the trail from Fagasa Pass to Matafao.
PTBG1000010944 Tim Flynn 3703 1989-11-04
Samoa, NULL, NULL, WESTEC pasture lands below Mt. Maliota. Along fenceline.
PTBG1000061490 Art Whistler W 1968 1974-04-15
Samoa, NULL, NULL, On Mt. Olomauga.
PTBG1000061453 Art Whistler 7047 1989-12-05
Samoa, NULL, NULL, O Le Pupu-Pue National Park.
PTBG1000061459 Art Whistler W 3725 1976-10-20
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, On top of Mt. Lata.
PTBG1000061435 Art Whistler W 3093 1975-08-08
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, On top of Mt. Piumafua.
PTBG1000061429 Art Whistler W 2763 1975-07-05
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Along the ridge at Alava along the trail to Vatia.
PTBG1000061478 Art Whistler W 2776 1975-07-05
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Next to the cable car station on Alava Ridge.
PTBG1000061472 Art Whistler W 2631 1975-06-02
Samoa, NULL, NULL, West of Mauga Mu.
PTBG1000061484 Art Whistler W 2536 1975-05-30
Samoa, NULL, NULL, On Mt. Silisili.
PTBG1000061496 Art Whistler W 2008 1974-12-22
Samoa, NULL, NULL, On the rim of Mt. Fiamoe.
PTBG1000061441 Art Whistler W 1039 1973-10-23
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Above Asau in Block 28.
PTBG1000061465 Art Whistler W 890 1973-10-16
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Above Asau in Block 28.
PTBG1000061447 Art Whistler W 9 1972-06-29
Samoa, NULL, NULL, In Forestry Block 25, inland from Asau.
PTBG1000011000 Art Whistler 11421 2000-10-31
American Samoa, EASTERN DISTRICT, Sa Ole County, Seen only in the swamp area behind the Mormon church.
PTBG1000011001 Art Whistler 6865 1989-08-07
Samoa, On the Taga coast just east of Sala'ilua, no seen elsewhere on Savai'i.