10011 Hank Oppenheimer H10912 2009-01-13
United States, Hawaii, MOLOKAI: Unnamed gulch, first gulch east of road to Puu Kolekole on east side of East Kawela Gulch. On mostly west facing lower slopes in mesic shrubland. Over 100 plants observed in this general area. Coordinates: 21.095326 N; 156.913266 W. Vegetation: Dodonaea, Metrosideros, Diospyros, Schiedea, Silene, Lepidium, Carex, Pleomele, Bidens, Cyperus, Lipochaeta, Pouteria, Melicope, Scaevola, Ageratina, Pouteria, Doryopteris, Melinis, Asplenium, Luzula, Ipomoea, Pteridium, Chenopodium, Spermolepis., 810m
PTBG1000021680 Milagrosa R. Martinez M-78-25-d 1978-08-06
Philippines, Along the street of cor. Katipunan Road and Fabian dela Rosa, in front of Ateneo de Manila University.
PTBG1000013025 Henk van der Werff 11671 1990-06-08
Australia, QUEENSLAND STATE, Along road Dimbulah - Mt. Mulligan.
PTBG1000021677 Kenneth A. Wilson 2828 1997-02-19
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Koolau Mountains, Makiki Valley: along Maunalaha Trail. Hawaii Nature Center taro patches.
PTBG1000021686 Tsui-Ya Liu 232 1993-05-06
Taiwan, Province of China, TAIWAN PROVINCE, Taipei County, Chutzuhu.
PTBG1000021680 Milagrosa R. Martinez M-78-25-d 1978-08-06
Philippines, NULL, NULL, Along the street of cor. Katipunan Road and Fabian dela Rosa, in front of Ateneo de Manila University.
PTBG1000013025 Henk van der Werff 11671 1990-06-08
Australia, QUEENSLAND STATE, NULL, Along road Dimbulah - Mt. Mulligan.
PTBG1000021677 Kenneth A. Wilson 2828 1997-02-19
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Koolau Mountains, Makiki Valley: along Maunalaha Trail. Hawaii Nature Center taro patches.
PTBG1000021686 Tsui-Ya Liu 232 1993-05-06
Taiwan, Province of China, TAIWAN PROVINCE, Taipei County, Chutzuhu.
PTBG1000021678 Marie M. Bruegmann 175 1985-02-03
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Koko Head. Ihiihilauakea Crater.
PTBG1000011583 Tim Flynn 776 1984-03-01
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Koko Head, above Hanauma Bay.
PTBG1000021684 Steve Perlman 9400 1988-01-05
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Koko Head, Ihiihilauakea Crater, vernal pool, pool about 4 ft deep because of recent flood rains.
K. R. Wood 10676 2004-04-26
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Laau Point region, along Kaupoa Rd, south of Kamakaipo, 21.110001 -157.289993
PTBG1000011583 Tim Flynn 776 1984-03-01
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Koko Head, above Hanauma Bay.
PTBG1000021684 Steve Perlman 9400 1988-01-05
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Koko Head, Ihiihilauakea Crater, vernal pool, pool about 4 ft deep because of recent flood rains.
PTBG1000056550 K. R. Wood 10676.00 2004-04-26
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Laau Point region, along Kaupoa Rd, south of Kamakaipo, 21.110001 -157.289993
PTBG1000012633 Kenneth A. Wilson 2163 1991-11-04
United States, CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles. 557 N Westmoore Ave. Hoshizaki Garden No.: 238.
PTBG1000012633 Kenneth A. Wilson 2163 1991-11-04
United States, CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles. 557 N Westmoore Ave. Hoshizaki Garden No.: 238.
PTBG1000021690 C. R. Alcock 9670 1983-09-29
Australia, NEW SOUTH WALES STATE, Murray River, south of Abbotford Bridge, east of Wentworth. (Wentworth is at 34°06'S 141°55'E)
PTBG1000021689 M. Koch 116 1900-05-01
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, Region 5: Flinders Ranges. Mt. Lyndhurst. (Mt. Lyndhurst is 30°11'S 138°43'E)
PTBG1000021690 C. R. Alcock 9670 1983-09-29
Australia, NEW SOUTH WALES STATE, NULL, Murray River, south of Abbotford Bridge, east of Wentworth. (Wentworth is at 34°06'S 141°55'E)
PTBG1000021689 M. Koch 116 1900-05-01
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 5: Flinders Ranges. Mt. Lyndhurst. (Mt. Lyndhurst is 30°11'S 138°43'E)
PTBG1000021693 Lowell Ahart 4588 1984-05-07
United States, CALIFORNIA, Butte County, Ca. 0.5 mi N of Kunkle Reservoir, along Kunkle Creek, ca. 2 mi S of Paradise, E side of Pentz-Magalia Hwy.
PTBG1000021693 Lowell Ahart 4588 1984-05-07
United States, CALIFORNIA, Butte County, Ca. 0.5 mi N of Kunkle Reservoir, along Kunkle Creek, ca. 2 mi S of Paradise, E side of Pentz-Magalia Hwy.
PTBG1000021679 D. E. Symon 15483 1997-04-05
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Dulkaninna Station. Flat between dunes., -28.989722 138.371111
PTBG1000021687 R. J. Chinnock P1066 1975-10-01
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, Region 9: Murray. Swan Reach, east side of river opposite the road turnoff to Blanchetown., -34.566667 139.566667
PTBG1000021685 R. J. Chinnock 402 1973-08-19
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, Long Creek ca. 30 km north-north-west of Coober Pedy., -28.966667 134.516667
PTBG1000021687 R. J. Chinnock P1066 1975-10-01
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 9: Murray. Swan Reach, east side of river opposite the road turnoff to Blanchetown., -34.566667 139.566667
PTBG1000021685 R. J. Chinnock 402 1973-08-19
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Long Creek ca. 30 km north-north-west of Coober Pedy., -28.966667 134.516667
PTBG1000021688 D. E. Symon 15553 1997-04-07
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. 16 km SSE of Dulkaninna Station on road to Sinclairs Bore., -29.138889 138.526389
PTBG1000021691 R. J. Bates 20816 1989-09-30
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, Region 5: Flinders Ranges. Wilpena Pond., -31.583333 138.7
PTBG1000021691 R. J. Bates 20816 1989-09-30
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 5: Flinders Ranges. Wilpena Pond., -31.583333 138.7