Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Taxa: Myristicaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 117

National Tropical Botanical Garden

Virola Aubl.
PTBG1000013774Ernesto Ancuash   1721973-04-06
Peru, AMAZONAS REGION, Quebrada Kayamas, Lugar Cenepa.

Myristica Gronov.
PTBG1000013767Wayne Takeuchi   43601989-01-05
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Namtake., -7.333333 145.233333

Myristica Gronov.
PTBG1000013767Wayne Takeuchi   43601989-01-05
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Namtake., -7.333333 145.233333

Horsfieldia Willd.
PTBG1000013721Wayne Takeuchi   42681988-11-03
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Madang Province, On the Whege-Imbrum flood plain., -4.083333 145.316667

Horsfieldia Willd.
PTBG1000013720Wayne Takeuchi   45241989-03-29
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Labu swamp., -6.716667 146.883333

Horsfieldia Willd.
PTBG1000013719Wayne Takeuchi   45241989-03-29
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Labu swamp., -6.716667 146.883333

Horsfieldia Willd.
PTBG1000013721Wayne Takeuchi   42681988-11-03
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Madang Province, On the Whege-Imbrum flood plain., -4.083333 145.316667

Horsfieldia Willd.
PTBG1000013720Wayne Takeuchi   45241989-03-29
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Labu swamp., -6.716667 146.883333

Horsfieldia Willd.
PTBG1000013719Wayne Takeuchi   45241989-03-29
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Labu swamp., -6.716667 146.883333

14160Tim Flynn   61021997-12-09
Pohnpei, Pohnpei Agriculture Station, Kolonia. Cultivated plants., 8m

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000061592Art Whistler   101671996-06-05
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Above Solosolo.

PTBG1000013778A. R. S. Oliveira   2611994-06-21
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Porto Acre Municipality, Reserva Florestal do Humaitá-UFAC. Terra Firme, capoeira.

PTBG1000013779W. W. Thomas   46991985-10-30
Brazil, MATO GROSSO, Jauru and Pontes e Lacerda Municipalities, 38 km S E of Pontes e Lacerda on BR174 to Caceres., -15.45 -59.066667

PTBG1000013780Ernesto Ancuash   4631973-05-24
Peru, AMAZONAS REGION, Quebrada chichijam entsa, Rio Cenepa. Monte.

PTBG1000013777C. A. Cid Ferreira   104331991-10-28
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Cruzeiro do Sul Municipality, Igarape Humaita, afluente da margem direita do Rio Jurua, a 6 km da margem, atras da Colocacao Dois Portos., -8.316667 -72.783333

PTBG1000013780Ernesto Ancuash   4631973-05-24
Peru, AMAZONAS REGION, NULL, Quebrada chichijam entsa, Rio Cenepa. Monte.

PTBG1000013777C. A. Cid Ferreira   104331991-10-28
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Cruzeiro do Sul Municipality, Igarape Humaita, afluente da margem direita do Rio Jurua, a 6 km da margem, atras da Colocacao Dois Portos., -8.316667 -72.783333

18371David H. Lorence   96442008-01-16
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babelthuap (Babeldaob) Island. Airai State, along main road SE of Ngerusar. Kitalong residence. Agroforest with Areca catechu , Psidium guajava, Musa, Morinda citrifolia, and native wet forest remnants including Horsefeldia, Campnospermum, and Pangium edule., 15m

14395M.J. Balick   44612007-08-04
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Airai State, Ngetkib. N 07°21.850 E 134°30.965 Taro patch near Obakradebkar Clarence Kitalong's house.

PTBG1000013716David H. Lorence   96472008-01-16
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Along main road SE of Ngerusar. Kitalong residence., 7.358056 134.659444

PTBG1000013717Michael J. Balick   44412007-08-02
Palau, Republic of, AIRAI STATE, Obakradebkar's Summer house, Ngeruluobel. Agroforest Trail., 7.368333 134.516944

PTBG1000013718Michael J. Balick   44352007-08-02
Palau, Republic of, AIRAI STATE, Oikull Village, Summer House b/w Oikull and Ngesechang., 7.379444 134.578333

PTBG1000013717Michael J. Balick   44412007-08-02
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Obakradebkar's Summer house, Ngeruluobel. Agroforest Trail., 7.368333 134.516944

PTBG1000013718Michael J. Balick   44352007-08-02
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Oikull Village, Summer House b/w Oikull and Ngesechang., 7.379444 134.578333

Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb.
PTBG1000013638Tim Flynn   60151996-12-03
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Malem Municipality, South coast heading north along Menke River from Utwe. First unit of Menke ruins.

Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb.
PTBG1000013637David H. Lorence   78371996-12-02
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Malem Municipality, Trail from Malem River (2 km W of Malem) to summit of Mt. Ohma. Elev. 200-450 m., 5.291667 163

Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb.
PTBG1000013639David H. Lorence   78461996-12-03
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Utwe Municipality, Along Menka River ca. 1-1.5 km upriver from coast near Utwa; elev. 5-10 m., 5.283333 162.983333

Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb.
PTBG1000013636Tim Flynn   63901998-02-11
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Ngerikiil River. 2.6 miles beyond airport., 7.383056 134.558889

Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb.
PTBG1000013640David H. Lorence   81291997-09-12
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Utwe Municipality, SW part of island. Along coastal trail from Utwe to Walung (6-7 miles). Elevation 0-30 m., 5.283333 162.966667

Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb.
PTBG1000013713Tim Flynn   72222005-02-05
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Lelu Municipality, Tofol. Just south of Dollar Up store. In yard along small stream., 5.331111 163.007778

Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb.
13314Tim Flynn   FSM62005-02-03
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Coastline fronting Kosrae Village Resort.

Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb.
16328K.R. Wood   139292009-09-09
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: border of Lelu and Tafunsak Municipality, closed forested ridge SE of Sialat River which climbs to Mutunte, trees of Ficus prolixa, Cynometra ramiflora, Ixora, Pandanus, Elaeocarpus kusanoi & E. carolinensis, Polyscias subcapitata, Pouteria micronesica, Astronidium, ferns of Neprolepis obliterata, Tectaria grandifolia, Asplenium pellucidum, Sphaeropteris nigricans, rich bryophyte component, 150m

Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb.
6105K.R. Wood   139322009-09-09
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: border of Lelu and Tafunsak Municipality, closed forested ridge SE of Sialat River which climbs to Mutunte, trees of Ficus prolixa, Cynometra ramiflora, Ixora, Pandanus, Elaeocarpus kusanoi & E. carolinensis, Polyscias subcapitata, Pouteria micronesica, Astronidium, ferns of Neprolepis obliterata, Tectaria grandifolia, Asplenium pellucidum, Sphaeropteris nigricans, rich bryophyte component, 300m

Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb.
Tim Flynn   FSM92005-02-03
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, NULL, Coastline fronting Kosrae Village Resort.

Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb.
K. R. Wood   139322009-09-09
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Boundary of Tafunsak and Lelu Municipality, SE of Sialat River which climbs to Mutunte.

Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb.
K. R. Wood   139352009-09-09
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Boundary of Tafunsak and Lelu Municipality, SE of Sialat River which climbs to Mutunte.

Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb.
PTBG1000013715L. Raulerson   254711993-12-27
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Forest along road NW + W from Okat and airstrip. Elev: <10 m.

Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb.
PTBG1000013714F. R. Fosberg   265731946-08-19
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Lowest slopes and foot of south side of Mt. Matanta (Buache), north of head of Lela Harbor. Alt. 1-50 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb.
PTBG1000084659K. R. Wood   139322009-09-09
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Boundary of Tafunsak and Lelu Municipality, SE of Sialat River which climbs to Mutunte.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb.
ptbg1000084654K. R. Wood   139352009-09-09
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Boundary of Tafunsak and Lelu Municipality, SE of Sialat River which climbs to Mutunte.

Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb.
PTBG1000013715L. Raulerson   254711993-12-27
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, NULL, Forest along road NW + W from Okat and airstrip. Elev: <10 m.

Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb.
PTBG1000013714F. R. Fosberg   265731946-08-19
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, NULL, Lowest slopes and foot of south side of Mt. Matanta (Buache), north of head of Lela Harbor. Alt. 1-50 m.

PTBG1000013766Wayne Takeuchi   43001988-12-08
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Near Markham Point, geological contact zone between Labu swamp & Herzog mountains., -6.766667 146.9

PTBG1000013766Wayne Takeuchi   43001988-12-08
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Near Markham Point, geological contact zone between Labu swamp & Herzog mountains., -6.766667 146.9

281David H. Lorence   80681997-09-05
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Uh Municipality. East of Saladak Kosop along ridge leading to Mt. Kupwuriso. Primary lowland wet forest with canopy of Clinostigma ponapensis, Campnospermum, Elaeocarpus carolinensis, Myristica insularis, also Aglaia, Cyathea, Pandanus, Freycinetia, elev. 345-560 m., 350m

13222David H. Lorence   99772009-03-10
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Kitti District, Paies. Trail up forested slopes north of Paies, past chief's house; wet forest and agroforest with Palaquium, Campnospermum, Myristica, Syzygium, Cocos nucifera, breadfruit, with understory of ferns., 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000013733Art Whistler   113982000-10-28
American Samoa, Along Alava Ridge road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000013735Art Whistler   83171991-09-13
Samoa, Along the Mali'oli'o Stream.

PTBG1000013742Michael J. Balick   3964 b1998-08-22
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Madolenihmw Municipality, Bohnlangas, Nanwwel forest, Miter Tihpen's home., 6.842778 158.310556

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000013733Art Whistler   113982000-10-28
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Along Alava Ridge road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000013735Art Whistler   83171991-09-13
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Along the Mali'oli'o Stream.

PTBG1000013742Michael J. Balick   3964 b1998-08-22
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Madolenihmw Municipality, Bohnlangas, Nanwwel forest, Miter Tihpen's home., 6.842778 158.310556

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000061550Art Whistler   86591992-06-09
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Behind the village Vatia on the Polauta saddle.

PTBG1000061538Art Whistler   W 27441975-07-02
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, At Aoloaufou.

PTBG1000061544Art Whistler   W 3681973-07-19
Samoa, NULL, NULL, On the floor of the crater of Mt. Sigaele south of Aleisa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000061532Art Whistler   W 12621973-12-09
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Found on top of Mt. Mariota near Aleisa.

Myristica hypargyraea subsp. insularis (Kaneh.) Wilde
PTBG1000013764Tim Flynn   61151997-12-10
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, U Municipality, Trail to Kupwuriso. Elev. ca 150-280 m.

Myristica hypargyraea subsp. insularis (Kaneh.) Wilde
PTBG1000013743David H. Lorence   80691997-09-05
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, U Municipality, From Saladak Kosop along ridge leading to Mt. Kupwuriso. Elevation 345-560 m., 6.922222 158.258333

David H. Lorence   99802009-03-10
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Kitti Municipality, Paies. Trail up forested slopes north of Paies, past chief's house., 6.896388889 158.1719444

PTBG1000000705Saul H. Riesenberg   571947-11-15
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE

PTBG1000013740E. Y. Hosaka   34941946-08-09
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Jokaj.

PTBG1000013741Diane Ragone   1998-011998-02-08
Palau, Republic of, KOROR STATE, Ngermeuangel. Along trail leading from cove inland to marine lake with jellyfish., 7.17 134.3

PTBG1000002281B. Ekiek   232002-11-13
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Nett Municipality, Pahn Sapwen Kamar, Kamar., 6.9268 158.2147

PTBG1000013765A. Raynor   552001-03-20
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Madolenihmw Municipality, Enipoas.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000005893P. Emos Eperiam   812006-04-21
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Kitti Municipality, Found up on the hillside in a shaded area., 6.811667 158.215556

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000005812P. Emos Eperiam   136
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Kitti Municipality, 6.893333 -158.155833

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000005799P. Emos Eperiam   1582006-08-02
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Kitti Municipality, 6.823889 -158.213056

Myristica hypargyraea subsp. insularis (Kaneh.) Wilde
David H. Lorence   99802009-03-10
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Kitti Municipality, Paies. Trail up forested slopes north of Paies, past chief's house., 6.896389 158.171944

Myristica hypargyraea subsp. insularis (Kaneh.) Wilde
PTBG1000000705Saul H. Riesenberg   571947-11-15
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, NULL, NULL

Myristica hypargyraea subsp. insularis (Kaneh.) Wilde
PTBG1000013740E. Y. Hosaka   34941946-08-09
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, NULL, Jokaj.

Myristica hypargyraea subsp. insularis (Kaneh.) Wilde
PTBG1000013741Diane Ragone   1998-011998-02-08
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Ngermeuangel. Along trail leading from cove inland to marine lake with jellyfish., 7.17 134.3

Myristica hypargyraea subsp. insularis (Kaneh.) Wilde
PTBG1000002281B. Ekiek   232002-11-13
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Nett Municipality, Pahn Sapwen Kamar, Kamar., 6.9268 158.2147

Myristica hypargyraea subsp. insularis (Kaneh.) Wilde
PTBG1000013765A. Raynor   552001-03-20
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Madolenihmw Municipality, Enipoas.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myristica hypargyraea subsp. insularis (Kaneh.) Wilde
PTBG1000005893P. Emos Eperiam   812006-04-21
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Kitti Municipality, Found up on the hillside in a shaded area., 6.811667 158.215556

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myristica hypargyraea subsp. insularis (Kaneh.) Wilde
PTBG1000005812P. Emos Eperiam   136
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Kitti Municipality, NULL, 6.893333 -158.155833

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myristica hypargyraea subsp. insularis (Kaneh.) Wilde
PTBG1000005799P. Emos Eperiam   1582006-08-02
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Kitti Municipality, NULL, 6.823889 -158.213056

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myristica inutilis Rich ex A.Gray
PTBG1000061502Art Whistler   W 7241973-09-19
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Tonitoniga.

Myristica inutilis Rich ex A.Gray
PTBG1000061622Art Whistler   120302008-07-16
Samoa, NULL, NULL, South of Le Pue Mountain in a JICA plot.

Myristica inutilis Rich ex A.Gray
PTBG1000061628Art Whistler   119562008-07-10
Samoa, NULL, NULL, At O le Pupu.

Myristica inutilis Rich ex A.Gray
PTBG1000061526Art Whistler   85851992-06-03
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, On Sauma ridge just east of Vatia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myristica inutilis Rich ex A.Gray
PTBG1000061520Art Whistler   W 27211975-06-30
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, At Tafune.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myristica inutilis Rich ex A.Gray
PTBG1000061616Art Whistler   W 3781973-07-22
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Near the coast at Laulii

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myristica inutilis Rich ex A.Gray
PTBG1000061508Art Whistler   W 2291972-07-27
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Growing beside road between Poutasi and Siumu.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myristica inutilis Rich ex A.Gray
PTBG1000061640Art Whistler   115712001-11-15
Samoa, NULL, NULL, On the ridge overlooking Fagaloa Bay just south of Mt. Fao.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myristica inutilis Rich ex A.Gray
PTBG1000061634Art Whistler   W 28721975-07-22
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Fagaalu Canyon.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myristica inutilis Rich ex A.Gray
PTBG1000061610Art Whistler   W 6941973-09-16
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Near Utumapu.

PTBG1000013629R. L. Liesner   801973-02-19
Panama, CHIRIQUI PROVINCE, Burica Peninsula. 11 mi. (18 km) west of Puerto Armuelles in vicinty of San Bartolo Limite. Alt. 100-500 m.

PTBG1000013629R. L. Liesner   801973-02-19
Panama, CHIRIQUI PROVINCE, NULL, Burica Peninsula. 11 mi. (18 km) west of Puerto Armuelles in vicinty of San Bartolo Limite. Alt. 100-500 m.

Compsoneura mexicana (Hemsl.) Janovec
PTBG1000013631Thomas B. Croat   243761973-06-13
Belize, TOLEDO DISTRICT, Vicinity of San Jose Mayan Indian Village, 6.7 miles north of Columbia Forest Station.

Compsoneura mexicana (Hemsl.) Janovec
PTBG1000013630Thomas B. Croat   162561971-07-26
Panama, BOCAS DEL TORO PROVINCE, Forest above RR stop at Milla 7.5.

Compsoneura mexicana (Hemsl.) Janovec
PTBG1000013631Thomas B. Croat   243761973-06-13
Belize, TOLEDO DISTRICT, NULL, Vicinity of San Jose Mayan Indian Village, 6.7 miles north of Columbia Forest Station.

Horsfieldia costulata (Miq.) Warb.
7614Harold St. John   248091952-04-27
United States, Hawaii, OAHU: Barber's Point, 1/2 mile east of Honouliuli., 6m

PTBG1000013722J. S. Burley   1761987-04-28
Philippines, E. Mindoro, W of Marble Quarry, Mt. Talipanan, 7 km SW of Puerto Galera., 13.466667 120.916667

Iryanthera Warb.
PTBG1000013725Thomas B. Croat   204221972-09-18
Peru, LORETO REGION, Rio Tacsha Curaray.

PTBG1000013724W. W. Thomas   50081986-06-01
Brazil, RONDONIA STATE, Porto Velho Municipality, Porto Velho: Represa Samuel: southern end of E dike near southern hills., -9 -63.25

PTBG1000013723C. A. Cid Ferreira   104311991-10-28
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Cruzeiro do Sul Municipality, Igarape Humaita, afluente da margem direita do Rio Jurua, a 6 km da margem, atras da Colocacao Dois Portos. Mata de terra firme. Solo areno-arenoso., -8.316667 -72.783333

Iryanthera macrophylla (Benth.) Warb.
PTBG1000013726C. A. Cid Ferreira   104901991-10-31
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Cruzeiro do Sul Municipality, Rio Jurua, aproximadamente a 5 km atras da vila Porto Walter. Mata de terra firme. Solo areno-argiloso., -8.3 -72.766667

Iryanthera paradoxa (Schwacke) Warb.
PTBG1000013727C. A. Cid Ferreira   106321991-11-08
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Mancio Lima Municipality, Mancio Lima Ramal do Banho, 5 km from Mancio Lima., -7.8 -72.8

PTBG1000013728J. S. Burley   1771987-04-28
Philippines, E. Mindoro, W of marble quarry, Mt. Talipanan, 7 km SW of Puerto Galera., 13.466667 120.916667

Knema glomerata (Blanco) Merr.
PTBG1000013728J. S. Burley   1771987-04-28
Philippines, NULL, NULL, E. Mindoro, W of marble quarry, Mt. Talipanan, 7 km SW of Puerto Galera., 13.466667 120.916667

Page 1, records 1-100 of 117


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