PTBG1000008847 Art Whistler 8348 1991-09-19
Samoa, NULL, NULL, On the seaside of the small islet at Lapelape Bay west of Ti'avea.
PTBG1000008844 Forest Starr Starr-010801-11 2001-08-01
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, UH-Hilo. Edges of lawn., 19.7 -155.083333
PTBG1000008858 Tim Flynn 6032 1996-12-04
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Utwe Municipality, Along Utwe-Walung road.
PTBG1000008856 David H. Lorence 8060 1997-09-04
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Madolenihmw Municipality, Ca. 1 mile south of Tamworohi; Bill Raynor's property at Enipoas., 6.825 158.302778
David H. Lorence 9395 2005-01-29
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Malem Municipality, Along main road just north of Malem village., 5.318889 -163.030833
PTBG1000008854 David H. Lorence 9842 2008-03-31
Palau, MELEKEOK STATE, NULL, New Capitol building complex; landscaped area with coral gravel fill., 7.45 134.566667
PTBG1000008843 Hank Oppenheimer H60206 2002-06-22
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Vicinity Waioni Gulch, naturalized on grassy road shoulder along Hana Hwy., 20.799444 -156.074167
PTBG1000011784 Natalia Tangalin 1196 2007-05-01
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Kitti Municipality, End of road at Salapwuk Elementary School trail to Sahwartik and Sahwarlap falls in mixed agroforest w/ Metroxylon, Artocarpus altilis, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Mangifera indica, Cocos, Aleurites, Bambusa, Piper methysticum, Syzygium, Angiopteris, Boehmeria celebica, Atuna, Cynometra, Fagraea berteroana, Sphaeropteris, Asplenium nidus, Campnosperma, Ficus, Melastoma, Pandanus, Diplazium.
PTBG1000019808 Steve Perlman 21422 2009-02-23
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Nett Municipality, Nan Pil River, Liduduhniap at falls., 6.901389 158.188611
PTBG1000008848 Art Whistler 6794 1989-07-27
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Growing near the roadside in the village of Satuimalufilufi.
PTBG1000008849 Art Whistler 7888 1991-01-05
American Samoa, MANUA DISTRICT, NULL, Growing in the medial strip of an agriculture road inland from Ta'u Village on the northwest corner of the island.
PTBG1000008850 Jacques Florence 11483 1992-09-28
French Polynesia, NULL, NULL, Village de Teahupoo. Terre Poritea. Tarodière. Avec Limnophila 10482 en station ouverte et humide., -17.866667 -149.233333
PTBG1000008851 Jacques Florence 10367 1990-06-02
French Polynesia, NULL, NULL, Opoa. Vallée de la baie Opoa Route, km 2,2.. En bord de piste, sur argiles, en station très humide.
PTBG1000008855 F. R. Fosberg 31944 1950-03-08
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Ngarmid. Around old temple grounds. Weed in yard.
PTBG1000008846 David H. Lorence 6162 1988-07-22
French Polynesia, FATU-HIVA COMMUNE, NULL, Vicinity of Omoa along Vaitopii River towards Tekaoianahue Valley.
PTBG1000020888 Art Whistler 5838 1986-07-17
Cook Islands, NULL, NULL, In the Tamarua swamp.
PTBG1000020887 Art Whistler W 5210 1984-03-10
Cook Islands, NULL, NULL, On the east side of the island.
PTBG1000057747 Art Whistler 11071 1998-05-09
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, On Liu bench on the south side of the island.
PTBG1000057749 Art Whistler 8640 1992-06-07
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Leapu Stream west of Vatia village.
PTBG1000057748 Art Whistler 8304 1991-09-12
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Near the coast just north of Mauga.
PTBG1000057696 Art Whistler 7616 1990-12-19
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Au Vai ole Ia Stream.
PTBG1000061280 Art Whistler W 5324 1984-03-26
Samoa, NULL, NULL, In grassy area by the stream.
PTBG1000061279 Art Whistler W 3177 1975-08-20
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Near the top of the island on the west side.
PTBG1000061273 Art Whistler W 2770 1975-07-05
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, On Alava Ridge.
PTBG1000061262 Art Whistler W 1241 1973-11-29
Samoa, NULL, NULL, At Letolo Plantation at Palauli.
PTBG1000061268 Art Whistler W 655 1973-09-13
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Above Alaoa.
PTBG1000061267 Art Whistler W 115 1972-07-05
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Just west of Taga.
PTBG1000061274 Art Whistler W 2356 1971-12-07
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Beside the Vaisigano River at Papaloloa near Magiagi.
PTBG1000008841 Tim Flynn 6003 1996-12-02
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Malem Municipality, Mt. Oma along trail from Malem River. Elev. 400-450 m.
14898 Tim Flynn 5999 1996-12-02
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Malem District, Mt. Oma along trail from Malem River. Summit forest with Campnosperma, Cyathea, Horsfieldia Astronidium, Pandanus, Freycinetia, Angiopteris, Psychotria, Elaeocarpus, Styrax, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Cyrtandra, Piper, Procris, and numerous pteridophytes on ground and as epi- phytes. Elev. 400-450 m.
PTBG1000008864 David H. Lorence 9396 2005-01-30
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Tafunsak Municipality, Okat Harbor area, opposite airport runway., 5.35 -162.958333
13526 David H. Lorence 9493 2006-01-25
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Nett Municipality, Kolonia; grounds of old Japanese Agricultural Experiment Station (now called Pohnpei Botanical Garden); old tree plantings and abandoned weedy areas., 40m
18619 Natalia Tangalin 1263 2007-05-08
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Madolenihwm District. Nankepira, roadside w/ houses and agroforest with Artocarpus altilis, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Macaranga, Dioscorea, Musa, Mangifera indica, Cocos nucifera, Ipomoea, Passiflora, Vigna, Angelonia, Eleocharis, Abelmoschus, Cyperus, Lindsaea, Torenia, Machranga, Emilia, Crotolari, Ludwigia, Nephrolepis obliterate, Pueraria montana var. lobata, Urena lobata, grasses., 76m
PTBG1000008863 David H. Lorence 9495 2006-01-25
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Nett Municipality, Kolonia; grounds of old Japanese Agricultural Experiment Station (now called Pohnpei Botanical Garden); old tree plantings and abandoned weedy areas., 6.956667 158.209167
PTBG1000008840 Natalia Tangalin 1266 2007-05-08
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Madolenihmw Municipality, Nankepira, roadside w/ houses.
PTBG1000008866 Art Whistler 9763 1995-03-21
British Indian Ocean Territory, Collected in middle of dirt road east of Weapons Administration. uncommon elsewhere.
PTBG1000008867 Art Whistler 9763 1995-03-21
British Indian Ocean Territory, Collected in middle of dirt road east of Weapons Administration, uncommon elsewhere.
PTBG1000008866 Art Whistler 9763 1995-03-21
British Indian Ocean Territory, NULL, NULL, Collected in middle of dirt road east of Weapons Administration. uncommon elsewhere.
PTBG1000008867 Art Whistler 9763 1995-03-21
British Indian Ocean Territory, NULL, NULL, Collected in middle of dirt road east of Weapons Administration, uncommon elsewhere.