Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Taxa: Leskeaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-15 of 15

National Tropical Botanical Garden

PTBG1000039032Tim Flynn   76332013-06-03
United States, MASSACHUSETTS, Hampden County, Longmeadow. 863 Frank Smith Road. Residence of Anselmo and Amparo Briones., 42.04089 -72.546165

PTBG1000039032Tim Flynn   76332013-06-03
United States, MASSACHUSETTS, Hampden County, Longmeadow. 863 Frank Smith Road. Residence of Anselmo and Amparo Briones., 42.04089 -72.546165

Image Associated With the Occurence
ptbg1000067622K. R. Wood   174252017-06-01
United States, NEW YORK, Nassau County, Upper Brookville, Planting Fields Road, Planting Fields Arboretum State Historic Park., 40.863056 -73.558611

Claopodium whippleanum (Sullivant) Renauld & Cardot
PTBG1000052179Mona Bourell   58561997-03-30
United States, CALIFORNIA, Glenn County, Mendocino National Forest. Forest Road 20N71. 5.5 miles south (by road) of County Road 308. North Fork Briscoe Creek., 39.516167 -122.662389

Claopodium whippleanum (Sull. in Whipple & Ives) Ren. & Card.
PTBG1000052179Mona Bourell   58561997-03-30
United States, CALIFORNIA, Glenn County, Mendocino National Forest. Forest Road 20N71. 5.5 miles south (by road) of County Road 308. North Fork Briscoe Creek., 39.516167 -122.662389

Claopodium whippleanum (Sull. in Whipple & Ives) Ren. & Card.
PTBG1000056617James R. Shevock   462652015-01-26
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Limahuli Valley. Limahuli Gardens unit of the National Tropical Botanical Garden, lower Limahuli Preserve. Slopes above the garden toward Limahuli Falls, Limahuli Stream. NAD 83, 22.211778 -159.576444

Claopodium whippleanum (Sull. in Whipple & Ives) Ren. & Card.
PTBG1000056711James R. Shevock   445032013-12-19
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Honolulu Forest Reserve. Koolau Range. Along Kanealole Stream paralleling Kanealole Trail between Hawaii Nature Center and junction with Makiki Valley Trail. NAD 83, 21.320861 -157.825278

Claopodium prionophyllum (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
PTBG1000052412James R. Shevock   460452014-09-28
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Na Pali Coast State Wilderness Park. Along the 11 mile Kalalau Trail near the 1.5 mile marker. NAD 83, 22.211056 -159.5945

Claopodium prionophyllum Brotherus, 1908
PTBG1000052412James R. Shevock   460452014-09-28
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Na Pali Coast State Wilderness Park. Along the 11 mile Kalalau Trail near the 1.5 mile marker. NAD 83, 22.211056 -159.5945

Claopodium prionophyllum Brotherus, 1908
PTBG1000066076James R. Shevock   510642018-01-26
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Below waterfall of Waiahuakua Stream in rocky canyon stream channel., 22.190556 -159.611389

Claopodium prionophyllum Brotherus, 1908
PTBG1000066071James R. Shevock   510792018-01-26
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Hono O Na Pali Natural Area Reserve. Below waterfall of Waiahuakua Stream in rocky canyon stream channel about half way from main trail and the waterfall., 22.191389 -159.612083

Pseudoleskeopsis imbricata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Thér.
PTBG1000047529James R. Shevock   444072013-11-30
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Pelorus Bridge Scenic Reserve. Along Highway 6 below Pelorus River Bridge. NAD 83, -41.298333 173.572361

PTBG1000047529James R. Shevock   444072013-11-30
New Zealand, NULL, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Pelorus Bridge Scenic Reserve. Along Highway 6 below Pelorus River Bridge. NAD 83, -41.298333 173.572361

Pseudoleskeopsis zippelii (Dozy & Molk.) Broth.
PTBG1000052354James R. Shevock   457162014-07-24
Taiwan, Province of China, NEW TAIPEI CITY, Western slopes of the Xueshan Range. Wantan section of the 4.5 km Dan-Lan Historic Trail along the Wantan River at the 0.3 km post marker at trail junction to Mt. Zhuzi toward Zhangjiazhuang. NAD 83, 24.929778 121.80875

Pseudoleskeopsis zippelii Brotherus, 1907
PTBG1000052354James R. Shevock   457162014-07-24
Taiwan, Province of China, NEW TAIPEI CITY, NULL, Western slopes of the Xueshan Range. Wantan section of the 4.5 km Dan-Lan Historic Trail along the Wantan River at the 0.3 km post marker at trail junction to Mt. Zhuzi toward Zhangjiazhuang. NAD 83, 24.929778 121.80875

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