11395 Steve Perlman 14862 1995-08-21
French Polynesia, Marquesas Islands, HIVA OA: Mt. Ootua, off road between Airport and Puamau,along ridge and summit, 2700-2840 ft. el, on North facing slope, In Weinmannia parviflora-Crossostylis biflora lowland wet forest with Dicranopteris linearis, Metrosideros, Alyxia, Psychotria, Scaevola subcapitata, Cyathea, Freycinetia, Macropiper, Lycopodium cernuum, Bidens henryi, Angiopteris, Reynoldsia, Asplenium nidus, Myrsine, Hibiscus tiliaceus
PTBG1000013819 K. R. Wood 5538 1996-08-28
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui, Eke Crater & Ridge to south. Elev. 4350-4450 ft.
PTBG1000013817 Steve Perlman 10597 1988-04-20
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui N.A.R. survey, Kahakuloa section, transect 12. On summit of Mt. Eke.
PTBG1000013818 Kenneth A. Wilson 2843 1997-02-28
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, West Maui, Mount Eke summit; Summit plateau bog.
PTBG1000013818 Kenneth A. Wilson 2843 1997-02-28
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, West Maui, Mount Eke summit; Summit plateau bog.
PTBG1000046317 John Game 94/s.n. 1994-07-23
United States, CALIFORNIA, Siskiyou County, On the floor of Upper Wright Lake, in the Marble Mountains.
PTBG1000046317 John Game 94/s.n. 1994-07-23
United States, CALIFORNIA, Siskiyou County, On the floor of Upper Wright Lake, in the Marble Mountains.
PTBG1000013825 R. J. Hickey 984 1987-06-02
United States, FLORIDA, Wakulla Co.: Newport. E. side of St. Mark's river, north of bridge (Rte. 98).
PTBG1000013824 R. J. Hickey 985 1987-06-02
United States, FLORIDA, Wakulla Co.: Newport. E. shore of Wakulla river. S of and under bridge (Rte. 98).
PTBG1000013825 R. J. Hickey 984 1987-06-02
United States, FLORIDA, NULL, Wakulla Co.: Newport. E. side of St. Mark's river, north of bridge (Rte. 98).
PTBG1000013824 R. J. Hickey 985 1987-06-02
United States, FLORIDA, NULL, Wakulla Co.: Newport. E. shore of Wakulla river. S of and under bridge (Rte. 98).
PTBG1000013822 T. Feuerer 5948 1981-03-25
Bolivia, LA PAZ DEPARTMENT, Bautista Saavedra Province, Etwa 2 km. Unterhalb der Abzwergung nach Charazani von der Hauptstrasse nach Ulla Ulla.
PTBG1000013822 T. Feuerer 5948 1981-03-25
Bolivia, LA PAZ DEPARTMENT, Bautista Saavedra Province, Etwa 2 km. Unterhalb der Abzwergung nach Charazani von der Hauptstrasse nach Ulla Ulla.
PTBG1000013821 A. E. Orchard 1274 1968-10-01
Australia, WESTERN AUSTRALIA STATE, Eucla Division, Boyatup Hill, ca 110 km east of Esperance just north of Fisheries Road. (Boyatup hill is 33°44'S, 123°02'E)
PTBG1000013820 W. R. Barker 2530 1977-09-20
Australia, WESTERN AUSTRALIA STATE, Mt. Madden, ca 22 km SE of Lake King township, ca 6.5 km due E of S end of Lake Pallarup. Ca 40 m from shallower pool with (?same) Isoetes sp. (Barker 2528), with smaller sporophylls., -33.233333 119.833333
PTBG1000013821 A. E. Orchard 1274 1968-10-01
Australia, WESTERN AUSTRALIA STATE, Eucla Division, Boyatup Hill, ca 110 km east of Esperance just north of Fisheries Road. (Boyatup hill is 33°44'S, 123°02'E)
PTBG1000013820 W. R. Barker 2530 1977-09-20
Australia, WESTERN AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Mt. Madden, ca 22 km SE of Lake King township, ca 6.5 km due E of S end of Lake Pallarup. Ca 40 m from shallower pool with (?same) Isoetes sp. (Barker 2528), with smaller sporophylls., -33.233333 119.833333
PTBG1000013823 R. J. Hickey 979 1986-10-25
Mexico, CAMPECHE STATE, 2 mi N of road to China along the Campeche bypass of Rte. 180.
PTBG1000013823 R. J. Hickey 979 1986-10-25
Mexico, CAMPECHE STATE, NULL, 2 mi N of road to China along the Campeche bypass of Rte. 180.
PTBG1000013826 R. J. Hickey 938 1986-09-26
Mexico, CHIHUAHUA STATE, NULL, 8.5 miles N of Km 90 on Rte. 40, west of Durango.
3652 K.R. Wood 3159 1994-05-05
United States, Hawaii, North of Mt. Eke; Puu Kukui Watershed; West branch of Kahakuloa Stream; Elev. 3000-3200 ft.
PTBG1000013828 R. J. Hickey 937 1986-09-24
Mexico, CHIHUAHUA STATE, 75 miles west of Hidalgo del Parral on Hwy 24 (12). 1 mile E of El Vergal.
PTBG1000013827 R. J. Hickey 936 1986-09-21
Mexico, CHIHUAHUA STATE, 1.5 miles east of Triquinto, just below summit pass. 2.3 mi W of K 185 on Hwy 116.
PTBG1000013828 R. J. Hickey 937 1986-09-24
Mexico, CHIHUAHUA STATE, NULL, 75 miles west of Hidalgo del Parral on Hwy 24 (12). 1 mile E of El Vergal.
PTBG1000013827 R. J. Hickey 936 1986-09-21
Mexico, CHIHUAHUA STATE, NULL, 1.5 miles east of Triquinto, just below summit pass. 2.3 mi W of K 185 on Hwy 116.
PTBG1000013830 R. J. Hickey 940 1986-09-29
Mexico, JALISCO STATE, 7.8 miles NW of Cuautla on road to Mascota.
PTBG1000013829 R. J. Hickey 949 1986-10-10
Mexico, MICHOACAN STATE, West of Morelia. On rd. to Patzcuaro and Uruapan. 3.9 mi W of Morelia bypass and 2.5 mi W of La Huerta.
PTBG1000013830 R. J. Hickey 940 1986-09-29
Mexico, JALISCO STATE, NULL, 7.8 miles NW of Cuautla on road to Mascota.
PTBG1000013829 R. J. Hickey 949 1986-10-10
Mexico, MICHOACAN STATE, NULL, West of Morelia. On rd. to Patzcuaro and Uruapan. 3.9 mi W of Morelia bypass and 2.5 mi W of La Huerta.
PTBG1000013831 R. J. Hickey 962 1986-10-19
Mexico, OAXACA STATE, Miltepedc Municipality, .5 mi N(W) of Las Petacas (=4.9 mi NW of km 56; 11.8 mi NW of Zanatepec), along Hwy 190.
PTBG1000013831 R. J. Hickey 962 1986-10-19
Mexico, OAXACA STATE, Miltepedc Municipality, .5 mi N(W) of Las Petacas (=4.9 mi NW of km 56; 11.8 mi NW of Zanatepec), along Hwy 190.