Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Taxa: Goodeniaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 741

National Tropical Botanical Garden

K. R. Wood   97862002-05-11
French Polynesia, NULL, NULL, Tupuaki Bay region, eastern cliffs, some maps call the point Auroa., -27 -144

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000007002Harold St. John   211721945-08-27
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Haleakala Crater, Kaupo Gap.

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PTBG1000007109D. Mueller-Dombois   810814131981-08-14
New Caledonia, NULL, NULL, Mount des Sources Integrated Reserve.

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PTBG1000007000Harold St. John   256651995-12-28
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, East rim of Ulamehame Gulch.

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PTBG1000007001Harold St. John   178871936-12-31
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Puu Ki, Hana. Lower woods.

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PTBG1000007107Gordon McPherson   23001980-01-05
New Caledonia, Thy River valley, ca 12 air-km NE of Noumea. Eastern forested slopes, edge of forest.

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PTBG1000007108Gordon McPherson   24241980-02-15
New Caledonia, Thy River valley, ca 12 air-km NE of Noumea.

Natalia Tangalin   20732009-07-01
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kuia NAR, Kuia Valley, accessed from Nuololo Trail on N facing slope., 22.133755 -159.683075

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PTBG1000007107Gordon McPherson   23001980-01-05
New Caledonia, NULL, NULL, Thy River valley, ca 12 air-km NE of Noumea. Eastern forested slopes, edge of forest.

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PTBG1000007108Gordon McPherson   24241980-02-15
New Caledonia, NULL, NULL, Thy River valley, ca 12 air-km NE of Noumea.

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PTBG1000006812J. F. Rock   80291918-08-18
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, West Maui.

2581J. F. Rock   80051910-07-20
United States, Hawaii, LANAI: Mahana Valley

Harold St. John   187471938-04-09
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Hulopoe Gulch, Mahana. Lower forest.

Ken Marr   KM 2241988-11-25
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Olaa Forest Reserve, behind Volcano dump.

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PTBG1000006794K. R. Wood   47891995-11-21
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Kohala Mts. Puu Ahia

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PTBG1000006816K. R. Wood   55501996-08-28
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Eke Crater & ridge to South; Elev. 4350-4450 ft.

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PTBG1000006799Ken Marr   2241988-11-25
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Olaa Forest Reserve, behind Volcano Dump.

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PTBG1000006814K. R. Wood   62191997-04-24
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Honolua Drainage; Riparian zone characterized by 3--30 m wide stream bed with large boulders; occasional terraces of Musa, Colocasia, & Cordyline; vertical stream walls dominated by Thelypteris stegnogrammoides; stream banks with thick blanketing of bryophytes. Elev. 2400--3000 ft.

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PTBG1000006817Steve Perlman   157992012-04-01
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Kahoolewa Ridge, "East Bog or Flat Top Bog", East of Puu Kukui, Above Honokohau & Waihee valleys, growing on rocks at southwest end of bog.

Steve Perlman   115851991-02-21
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, West Maui NAR, summit of Mt. Eke Crater, on slopes & in rocks of summit, 4480 ft. elev. In Metrosideros mixed wet bogs with Argyroxiphium calycinis, Isoetes, Styphelia, Wikstroemia bicornuta, Plantago pachyphylla, Ilex, Coprosma, Machaerina angustifolia, Selaginella deflexa, Lobelia gloria-montis, Argyroxiphium grayanum, Sadleria pallida, Oreobolus furcatus, Viola maviensis, Melicope, Lagenifera

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PTBG1000006792Harold St. John   224031946-12-26
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Saddle Road 19.5 miles from Hilo, Waiakea, Opening in woods.

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PTBG1000006793Harold St. John   250501963-01-28
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Kulani Trail.

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PTBG1000006813Harold St. John   268811973-08-17
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Hanaula, upper slopes of Pohakea Gulch.

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PTBG1000012116K. R. Wood   113692005-05-24
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Puu Alii NAR, forested plateau west of Ohialele.

11981Tim Flynn   14251985-12-13
United States, Hawaii, Limahuli Valley., 162m

13072David H. Lorence   67281991-03-15
United States, Hawaii, Lawai Valley. National Tropical Botanical Garden, Nursery, by Pump 6. Cultivated plants., 25m

9943J. Regalado   6361993-05-09
United States, Hawaii, Hilo Forest Reserve. Mile 13 W of Hilo., 800m

9943Tim Flynn   13741985-11-19
United States, Hawaii, Kohala Mts, Awini Ridge, PTBG Preserve., 661m

9943Tim Flynn   4821983-07-27
United States, Hawaii, Saddle Road, mile 19. Along car park near trail head to Wailuku River.

9943S. P. Darwin   11941975-08-09
United States, Hawaii, Olaa State Forest Preserve. In open, sunny area near jct. Captan Dr. and Omega Rd.

9943S. P. Darwin   11561975-08-05
United States, Hawaii, Volcanoes National Park; Crater Rim Trail. At side of jeep road leaving trail near lava tube.

9943Steve Perlman   105041988-12-07
United States, Hawaii, Kahaualea N.A.R, survey transect 6, in from Glenwood., 808m

9943Steve Perlman   104941988-12-05
United States, Hawaii, Kahaualea N.A.R, survey transect 1, in from Thurston Lava Tube., 1158m

9943Harold St. John   187471938-04-09
United States, Hawaii, Hulopoe Gulch, Mahana. Lower forest., 610m

9943Tim Flynn   2091982-05-26
United States, Hawaii, Hauola Trail off of Munro Trail.

9943Tim Flynn   1851982-05-25
United States, Hawaii, Haalelepaakai Ridge off of Munro Trail. Beginning of trail down ridge., 1027m

9943Steve Perlman   69421987-11-15
United States, Hawaii, East Bog also called Honokohau Bog, to east of Puu Kukui.

9943Steve Perlman   103941989-10-02
United States, Hawaii, Mt. Eke, MLP transect 2, sta. 2.1-40. Slopes and summit of Mt. Eke. Elev. 4380-4500 ft.

9943Steve Perlman   103951989-10-03
United States, Hawaii, Kahoolewa Rdg bog known as East Bog, on slopes of Puu. MLP survey transect 3, Sta 1.0., 1707m

9943Steve Perlman   107441989-10-02
United States, Hawaii, Mt. Eke, MLP survey II, Sta. 4.0 and up slope Mt. Eke. Transect 2. Elev. 4200-4300 ft.

9943Steve Perlman   105961988-04-20
United States, Hawaii, N.A.R. survey, Kahakuloa section, transect 12. On slopes of Mt. Eke.

9943Tim Flynn   35511989-10-12
United States, Hawaii, Along ridge between Honokowai Gulch and Honokahua. Stunted vegetation., 792m

9943T.G. Lammers   55591984-06-29
United States, Hawaii, Koolau Forest Reserve. Along the Hana Highway (Hwy 360), just east of Paakea Gulch, 0.5 mile east of Puaa Kaa State Park. Steep open embankment on mauka side of road., 360m

9946K.R. Wood   119492006-06-21
United States, Hawaii, MAUI: W. Maui, *Kauaula, southeastern rim, *mixed mesic shrubland/grassland with steep to vertical rocky slopes and ridges dominated by native plant species w/ Leptecophylla tameiameiae, Dodonaea viscosa, Dianella sandwicensis, Morelotia gahniiformis, Dicranopteris linearis, Bidens micrantha, occasional Neraudia melastomifolia, Melicope hawaiiense, Zanthoxylum hawaiiensis, 853m

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000006791J. Regalado   6361993-05-09
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Hilo Forest Reserve. Mile 13 W of Hilo., 19.666667 -155.25

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PTBG1000006795Tim Flynn   13741985-11-19
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Kohala Mts, Awini Ridge, PTBG Preserve.

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PTBG1000006796Tim Flynn   4821983-07-27
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Saddle Road, mile 19. Along car park near trail head to Wailuku River.

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PTBG1000006797Steven P. Darwin   11941975-08-09
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Olaa State Forest Preserve. In open, sunny area near jct. Captan Dr. and Omega Rd.

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PTBG1000006798Steven P. Darwin   11561975-08-05
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Volcanoes National Park; Crater Rim Trail. At side of jeep road leaving trail near lava tube.

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PTBG1000006800Steve Perlman   105041988-12-07
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Kahaualea N.A.R, survey transect 6, in from Glenwood.

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PTBG1000006801Steve Perlman   104941988-12-05
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Kahaualea N.A.R, survey transect 1, in from Thurston Lava Tube.

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PTBG1000006815Steve Perlman   105541988-03-10
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Hanawi N.A.R. survey, Kalapawili Ridge transect 2.

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PTBG1000006809Harold St. John   187471938-04-09
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Hulopoe Gulch, Mahana. Lower forest.

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PTBG1000006810Tim Flynn   2091982-05-26
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Hauola Trail off of Munro Trail.

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PTBG1000006811Tim Flynn   1851982-05-25
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Haalelepaakai Ridge off of Munro Trail. Beginning of trail down ridge.

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PTBG1000006818Steve Perlman   69421987-11-15
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, East Bog also called Honokohau Bog, to east of Puu Kukui.

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PTBG1000006822Steve Perlman   105961988-04-20
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, N.A.R. survey, Kahakuloa section, transect 12. On slopes of Mt. Eke.

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PTBG1000006823Tim Flynn   35511989-10-12
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Along ridge between Honokowai Gulch and Honokahua. Stunted vegetation.

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PTBG1000006824T. G. Lammers   56161984-07-07
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, West Maui Forest Reserve. Trail from Maluhia Boy Scout Camp to Lanilili.

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PTBG1000006825T. G. Lammers   55591984-06-29
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Koolau Forest Reserve. Along the Hana Highway (Hwy 360), just east of Paakea Gulch, 0.5 mile east of Puaa Kaa State Park. Steep open embankment on mauka side of road.

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PTBG1000006826K. R. Wood   11641991-08-25
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Pohakea Gulch; north of Manawainui gulch; south of Hanaula.

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PTBG1000006827Derral Herbst   19911971-07-11
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Along Hana Highway; common.

11273Steve Perlman   197922005-09-23
United States, Hawaii, Kauai: Waimea canyon, Kawaiiki drainage area in Acacia koa- Metrosideros mesic forest with Styphelia, Dianella sandwicensis, Psychotria mariniana, santalum freycinetianum var pyrularium, Charpentiera elliptica, Claoxylon, Lantana, Rubus argutus, Psidium cattleianum, 1097m

18363K.R. Wood   124032007-05-16
United States, Hawaii, HAWAII: *Kaiholena Unit, northwestern corner of TNC Ka'u Preserve, Nanuamaia to Pali Muku, * closed to open Metrosideros forest w/ Cheirodendron over Cibotium and native shrubs, 50â€"70% cover of Metrosideros @ 12â€"15 m, Cheirodendron trigynum 30â€"40% cover @ 5â€"8 m; Cibotium chamissoi 50â€"80% @ 3â€"5 m; most common understory dicot is Broussaisia arguta, ground cover often thickly matted in sphagnum moss, 1372m

7302Natalia Tangalin   3452006-04-26
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Waimea Canyon; Koaie Canyon, N side of stream opposite Kipalau Valley. Disturbed Diospyros â€" Dodonea Forest Associated w/ Diospyros, Dodonea, Isodendrion laurifolium, Alectryon macrococcus, Triumfetta, Lantana, Antidesma, Erigeron, Melicope sp. Seed collected NTBG: 050123, 686m

10088K.R. Wood   137462009-05-13
United States, Hawaii, MAUI: E. Maui *Kipahulu valley, Palikea Stream, Fern Camp region, *Acacia-Metrosideros-Cheirodendron montane wet forest with sections of Dicranopteris fernland, Rubus hawaiiensis, Perrottetia, Broussaisia, Pipturus, Cyrtandra spathulata, Kadua affinis, Machaerina angustifolia, Psychotria, Diplazium sandwichianum, Clermontia arborescens, Freycinetia, Melicope volcanica, 722m

K. R. Wood   119512006-06-22
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, MAUI: W. Maui, *Puehuehunui, in small drainage to south of Kauaula rim, *mixed mesic forest with rich fern understory associated with Metrosideros polymorpha, Cheirodendron trigynum, Dodonaea viscosa, Nestegis sandwicensis, Hedyotis acuminata, Cyrtandra grayi, Melicope hawaiiense

Steve Perlman   198462005-10-26
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Pelekunu valley rim area., 21.289167 -156.998333

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PTBG1000018051K. R. Wood   124052007-05-16
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, HAWAII: *Kaiholena Unit, northwestern corner of TNC Ka`u Preserve, Nanuamaia to Pali Muku, *

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PTBG1000033877Natalia Tangalin   3962005-06-22
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, East branch of Kunoa Gulch. In Exclosure.

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PTBG1000035241K. R. Wood   137492009-05-14
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, E. Maui, Kipahulu Valley, Palikea Stream, Delta Camp region.

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PTBG1000036669Natalia Tangalin   31512012-04-24
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, West Maui, Waihee Ridge Trail, 20.9465332 -156.5497742

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PTBG1000050324Steve Perlman   231202012-11-14
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Kawaipapa stream, above Nahiku- Hana area, 20.84473991 -156.5548096

Natalia Tangalin   34952013-04-10
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, East Maui, Makawao Forest Reserve, Kahakapao Loop Trail to Fong Road, on the edge of gulch., 20.818468 -156.268539

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PTBG1000051025Otto Degener   221151952-03-26
United States, HAWAII, Maui, Edge of Forest Reserve, Olinda, Maui.

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PTBG1000051007Otto Degener   218851952-02-18
United States, HAWAII, Hawaii, East of Pololu Valley, Hawaii.

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PTBG1000052445Otto Degener   220611952-03-09
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Mauka of McGregor.

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PTBG1000052438Otto Degener   222571952-03-08
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Nualele Valley.

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PTBG1000033877Natalia Tangalin   3962005-06-22
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, East branch of Kunoa Gulch. In Exclosure.

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PTBG1000035241K. R. Wood   137492009-05-14
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, E. Maui, Kipahulu Valley, Palikea Stream, Delta Camp region.

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PTBG1000036669Natalia Tangalin   31512012-04-24
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, West Maui, Waihee Ridge Trail, 20.946533 -156.549774

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PTBG1000050324Steve Perlman   231202012-11-14
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Kawaipapa stream, above Nahiku- Hana area, 20.84474 -156.55481

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PTBG1000058005Natalia Tangalin   34932013-04-10
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, East Maui, Makawao Forest Reserve, Kahakapao Loop Trail to Fong Road, on the edge of gulch., 20.818468 -156.268539

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PTBG1000051025Otto Degener   221151952-03-26
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Edge of Forest Reserve, Olinda, Maui.

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PTBG1000051007Otto Degener   218851952-02-18
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, East of Pololu Valley, Hawaii.

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PTBG1000052445Otto Degener   220611952-03-09
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Mauka of McGregor.

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PTBG1000052438Otto Degener   222571952-03-08
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Nualele Valley.

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PTBG1000006806Diane Ragone   s.n.1990-08-01
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Mauna Lani Hotel, Waiakoloa. In native plant garden, in sand over lava, sand imported from off-island. Sea level.

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PTBG1000006804J. Remy   315bis
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Voyage de M. J. Remy, 1851-1855

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PTBG1000006803K. R. Wood   98342002-06-07
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Okala, off-shore islet near Kalaupapa.

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PTBG1000029776K. R. Wood   117072006-01-09
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Around summit.

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PTBG1000029777K. R. Wood   117082006-01-09
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Around summit.

9943K.R. Wood   11641991-08-25
United States, Hawaii, Pohakea Gulch; north of Manawainui gulch; south of Hanaula., 960m

9943Derral Herbst   19911971-07-11
United States, Hawaii, Along Hana Highway; common.

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PTBG1000006802K. R. Wood   03271990-05-09
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Waiehu; Near 9th hole of golf course.

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PTBG1000006828K. R. Wood   13681991-11-12
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, NW side of Kamalou valley gulch

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PTBG1000006844Harold St. John   229941947-12-24
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Ridge 3/4 mile north of Laaukahi, Koloa. Open crest of ridge.

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PTBG1000006853Patti Welton   601988-11-06
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Waahili Ridge. Along Trail.

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PTBG1000006836Natalia Tangalin   902004-06-15
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Mt. Kahili, near top of Kahili Mountain Ridge Trail. Tree grows from 650 ft - 1614 +. N 21deg 58' 02. 6" W 159deg 29" 45. 2"

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PTBG1000006841K. R. Wood   109742004-11-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Iliiliula Valley, northern slope below dividing ridge and flats of Iole Valley.

Page 1, records 1-100 of 741


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