PTBG1000006554 K. R. Wood 2979 1994-02-11
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Kohala mts, Upper Hamakua ditch trail, over Alakahi stream.
PTBG1000006760 Art Whistler W 4850 1981-08-27
French Polynesia, NULL, NULL, In flow forest on a ridge east of Vaiufaufa on Taiarapu Penninsula.
PTBG1000006761 Art Whistler W 4852 1981-08-27
French Polynesia, NULL, NULL, Growing in the forest east of Vaiufaufa on the Taiarapu Penninsula.
PTBG1000006576 Harold St. John 23424 1948-12-22
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Waikolu Valley, steep valley wall below Puu Kaeo.
PTBG1000006572 Harold St. John 23423 1948-12-22
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Waikolu Valley, steep valley wall below Puu Kaeo.
PTBG1000006575 Harold St. John 23388 1948-12-19
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Hanaliolio, head of Waikolu Valley, valley west of tunnel on pipe line trail. Morsy rain forest.
PTBG1000006577 Harold St. John 12553 1932-12-23
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Puu o Kaeha, Kawela, wooded top of ridge.
PTBG1000006562 K. R. Wood 2766 1993-09-16
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Kauaula Valley; Back of Valley on north fork. Elev. 3000-3700 ft.
PTBG1000006567 K. R. Wood 2770 1993-09-16
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Kauaula Valley; Back of Valley on north fork. Elev. 3000-3700 ft.
PTBG1000006563 K. R. Wood 3205 1994-05-20
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Kipahulu; Palikea Drainage; helicopter drop at Delta LZ. Elev. 2920-3050 ft.
K. R. Wood 2858 1993-11-10
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Border of Kawaihau and Hanalei District; Makaleha Mts.; North facing steep slopes below Kekoiki; Metrosideros- Dicranopteris Lowland Wet Forest w/ Gunnera, Perrottetia, Sadleria, Cyanea, Cyrtandra sp. nov, Bidens campylotheca, Dubautia knudsenii. Threats: Rubus rosifolius, Cecropia, Ageratum conyzoides, Erechtites valerianifolia. Elev. 2180- 2770 ft.
C. R. Long 3703 1966-01-08
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Castle Trail, Hauula Forest Reserve.
K. R. Wood 3595 1994-09-26
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Lihue District; Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve; Iliiliula drainage; south of Kamanu & Kalalea; Metrosideros Lowland Wet Forest w/ Labordia lydgatei, Cyanea recta, Hedyotis tryblium, Cyanea remyi, Cyrtandra oenobarba, rich w/ pteridophytes, waterfalls w/ saturated basalt walls. Elev. 1800- 2050 ft.
K. R. Wood 3973 1995-01-25
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Hanalei District; upper Hanakoa drainage via Pihea; Metrosideros-Dicranopteris Montane Mesic Forest & Riparian plant communities w/ Sticherus, Diplazium, Melicope puberula M.peduncularis, M.clusifolia, Cheirodendron, Perrottetia. Threats: Pigs, Rubus argutus, Paspalum urvillei, Erigeron karvinskianus, Mariscus meyenianus. Elev. 3370-3570 ft.
K. R. Wood 4344 1995-07-05
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, HAWAII: S.Kohala Dist.; S. rim of Alakahi; 300 deg NW asp; Metrosideros-Cheirodendron Montane Wet Forest w/ Cyanea tritomantha, Lobelia hypoleuca, Labordia hirtella, Asplenium excisum. Threats: Pigs, Polygonum punctatum, Setaria palmi- folia, Hedychium gardnerianum. Elev. 3300-3400 ft.
K. R. Wood 4340 1995-07-05
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, HAWAII: S.Kohala Dist.; S. rim of Alakahi; 300 deg NW asp; Metrosideros-Cheirodendron Montane Wet Forest w/ Cyanea tritomantha, Lobelia hypoleuca, Labordia hirtella, Asplenium excisum. Threats: Pigs, Polygonum punctatum, Setaria palmi- folia, Hedychium gardnerianum. Elev. 3300-3400 ft.
PTBG1000006582 K. R. Wood 4187 1995-04-05
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Summit of Manana trail, drop on wind ward side; Kaalaea. Elev. 2500-2600 ft.
PTBG1000006581 K. R. Wood 4186 1995-04-05
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Summit of Manana trail, drop on wind ward side; Kaalaea. Elev. 2500-2600 ft.
PTBG1000006580 K. R. Wood 4185 1995-04-05
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Summit of Manana trail, drop on wind ward side; Kaalaea. Elev. 2500-2600 ft.
K. R. Wood 4346 1995-07-05
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, HAWAII: S.Kohala Dist.; S. rim of Alakahi; 300 deg NW asp; Metrosideros-Cheirodendron Montane Wet Forest w/ Cyanea tritomantha, Lobelia hypoleuca, Labordia hirtella, Asplenium excisum. Threats: Pigs, Polygonum punctatum, Setaria palmi- folia, Hedychium gardnerianum. Elev. 3300-3400 ft.
PTBG1000006564 K. R. Wood 6121 1997-03-27
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Waihee Valley; very back of valley. Elev. 2200-3000 Ft.
PTBG1000006568 K. R. Wood 6085 1997-03-21
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Eke and surrounding ridges (Kahakuloa & ridges into Waihee. Elev 3400--4400 ft.., 20.916667 -156.566667
PTBG1000006571 Steve Perlman 15782 2027-03-01
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Waihee valley, back of valley. Main stream.
PTBG1000006578 Harold St. John 12534 1932-12-23
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Puu o Kaeha, Kawela.
PTBG1000006556 K. R. Wood 10931 2004-09-09
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Wainiha Valley, very back below Hinalele falls.
PTBG1000021069 K. R. Wood 11053 2004-11-23
French Polynesia, HUAHINE COMMUNE, NULL, Taiamanu summit region and ridge above Pinus plantation.
K. R. Wood 11057 2004-11-23
French Polynesia, HUAHINE COMMUNE, NULL, Taiamanu summit region and ridge above Pinus plantation.
K. R. Wood 11072 2004-11-24
French Polynesia, HUAHINE COMMUNE, NULL, Taiamanu summit region and ridge above Pinus plantation.
PTBG1000020946 K. R. Wood 12347 2007-04-13
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Manuka NAR.
PTBG1000011952 K. R. Wood 12563 2007-09-25
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, MAUI: *E. Maui, Koolau Gap, Keanae Valley, east Piinaau drainages, closed Metrosideros polymorpha forest, 70–80% closed canopy, heights ranging between 8 and 15 m w/ Cheirodendron trigynum, Perrottetia sandwicensis, Broussaisia arguta, Coprosma ochracea, Hedyotis terminalis, Clermontia arborescens subsp. waihiae, Cyrtandra grayi, Cyrtandra paludosa, Cyrtandra platyphylla, and Rubus hawaiensis (‘akala).
PTBG1000011955 K. R. Wood 12567 2007-09-25
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, MAUI: *E. Maui, Koolau Gap, Keanae Valley, east Piinaau drainages, closed Metrosideros polymorpha forest, 70–80% closed canopy, heights ranging between 8 and 15 m w/ Cheirodendron trigynum, Perrottetia sandwicensis, Broussaisia arguta, Coprosma ochracea, Hedyotis terminalis, Clermontia arborescens subsp. waihiae, Cyrtandra grayi, Cyrtandra paludosa, Cyrtandra platyphylla, and Rubus hawaiensis (‘akala)., 20.783333 -156.183333
PTBG1000011985 K. R. Wood 12571 2007-09-25
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, MAUI: *E. Maui, Koolau Gap, Keanae Valley, east Piinaau drainages, closed Metrosideros polymorpha forest, 70–80% closed canopy, heights ranging between 8 and 15 m w/ Cheirodendron trigynum, Perrottetia sandwicensis, Broussaisia arguta, Coprosma ochracea, Hedyotis terminalis, Clermontia arborescens subsp. waihiae, Cyrtandra grayi, Cyrtandra paludosa, Cyrtandra platyphylla, and Rubus hawaiensis (‘akala)., 20.783333 -156.183333
PTBG1000006560 K. R. Wood 12597 2007-10-24
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Koolau FR, Wailua Nui region, headwaters above Waiokamilo and Kano Stream.
PTBG1000006566 K. R. Wood 12601 2007-10-24
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Koolau FR, Wailua Nui region, headwaters above Waiokamilo and Kano Stream.
PTBG1000006357 K. R. Wood 12654 2007-11-29
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, E. Maui, Koolau FR, east fork of West Wailua Iki region. Shrubs in forest understory, occasional.
Hank Oppenheimer H20506 2005-02-16
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, MAUI: W. Maui, Wailuku District, Waihee Valley, south side. In open, muddy area formerly disturbed by feral pigs., 20.902778 -156.565
PTBG1000029427 Natalia Tangalin 642 2005-12-19
United States, HAWAII, Hawaii County, Puumakaala NAR; off Dissappointment Road, in fenced exclosure.
PTBG1000033802 Natalia Tangalin 673 2006-01-06
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kokee, past locked gate to second Kalalau lookout, at the bottom of the hill, down first drainage toward Napali.
PTBG1000034614 Steve Perlman 21004 2008-05-14
United States, HAWAII, Hawaii County, Upper Wailuku River, off Saddle Road by 14 mile marker., 19.79416667 -155.2672222
PTBG1000034590 Steve Perlman 21257 2008-11-07
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, W. Maui, Waihee Valley, back of valley near "Wall of Tears.", 20.9025 -156.7669444
PTBG1000034587 Steve Perlman 21259 2008-11-07
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, W. Maui, Waihee Valley, back of valley near "Wall of Tears.", 20.9025 -156.7669444
PTBG1000034583 Steve Perlman 21262 2008-11-07
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, W. Maui, Waihee Valley, back of valley near "Wall of Tears.", 20.9025 -156.7669444
PTBG1000001052 Hank Oppenheimer H100802 2008-10-06
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, E. Maui, Hanehoi Stream., 20.878451 -156.235486
PTBG1000002429 Natalia Tangalin 2397 2010-09-01
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Makaleha Mtns, north-facing cliffs of Kekoiki Peak., 22.239638 -159.423611
PTBG1000002427 Natalia Tangalin 2398 2010-09-01
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Makaleha Mtns, north-facing cliffs of Kekoiki Peak., 22.239638 -159.423611
PTBG1000033807 Natalia Tangalin 523 2005-10-19
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Koolau Mts, Waiahole Forest Reserve, Waianae Ditch Trail, toward Kipapa, 3rd gulch from the intake on steep talus covered hillside., 21.48888889 -157.8858333
PTBG1000019993 Natalia Tangalin 527 2005-10-26
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Pelekunu Valley Rim up past Pepeopae and cabin, up to fence.
PTBG1000036628 K. R. Wood 14416 2010-12-17
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Waiahi South branch, North of Kamooloa, headwaters.
PTBG1000019918 Natalia Tangalin 1124 2007-03-28
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, E. Maui, Waikamoi, Upper Flume Road, Haiku Uka, Koolau Forest Reserve, North slope of Haleakala Crater, boardwalk trail to end and into Haipuena gulch., 20.804627 -156.220219
PTBG1000004044 Tim Flynn 3314 1989-04-07
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve. Kuilau Trail from Keahua Arboretum (Elev. 580-980 ft.) Upper Opaekaa Stream below and east of ridge. In bowl at base of water fall.
PTBG1000004043 Tim Flynn 3314 1989-04-07
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve. Kuilau Trail from Keahua Arboretum (Elev. 580-980 ft.) Upper Opaekaa Stream below and east of ridge. In bowl at base of water fall.
PTBG1000006759 Tim Flynn 3650 1989-10-28
Samoa, Siga'ele Crater. Elev. 2500-2800 ft.
PTBG1000006758 Art Whistler 7740 1990-12-31
American Samoa, MANUA DISTRICT, Locally common in the hurricane damaged forest on Li'u Bench.
PTBG1000029310 Natalia Tangalin 2883 2011-10-25
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Wahiawa Mts, Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve, Northeast of Kapalaoa Peak.
PTBG1000051313 Natalia Tangalin 3377 2012-10-05
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Summit of Mt. Haupu, on north facing slope about 100 ft. below summit., 21.92638016 -159.4032288
PTBG1000034576 Steve Perlman 21619 2009-05-05
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Kamakou Peak, Uapa; above Kamalo Gulch, Molokai Forest Reserve., 21.06200981 -156.5200195
PTBG1000034685 Steve Perlman 19929 2005-12-19
United States, HAWAII, Hawaii County, Puu Makaala NAR, Aku unit, Disappointment road., 19.3314991 -155.140564
PTBG1000034572 Steve Perlman 21640 2009-05-19
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Waihee Valley, back of Valley below Kahoolewa ridge on South side of stream., 20.54056931 -156.3354034
Steve Perlman 21651 2009-05-20
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Waikamoi Preserve, along Lower Waikamoi Pipeline, Honomanu gulch., 20.48520088 -156.1215515
Steve Perlman 23139A 2012-11-15
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Honomaele stream, above Nahiku- Hana area, 20.7674408 -156.0712891
PTBG1000046771 Hank Oppenheimer H101302 2013-10-04
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, West Maui, Waihee Valley, along stream., 20.911572 -156.560546
PTBG1000046808 Hank Oppenheimer H101301 2013-10-04
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, West Maui, Waihee Valley, along stream., 20.907348 -156.56762
PTBG1000046759 Hank Oppenheimer H121308 2013-12-04
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, East Maui, Honomanu Gulch., 20.806232 -156.211165
PTBG1000046778 Hank Oppenheimer H121304 2013-12-03
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, East Maui, Hanawi Natural Area Reserve, Kuhiwa Valley, Kuhiwa Stream., 20.763685 -156.112933
PTBG1000046857 K. R. Wood 15592 2013-08-08
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Iole headwaters., 22.033344 -159.499313
PTBG1000043852 Tim Flynn 326 1982-10-15
French Polynesia, Mt. Marau. Along nature trail along stream bed.
PTBG1000041897 Hank Oppenheimer H71305 2013-07-24
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, West Maui. Waihee Valley, back headwall on North side of river., 20.90433 -156.576356
K. R. Wood 15775 2013-12-30
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Waiahi, upper central headwaters, 22.105485 -159.501564
K. R. Wood 15776 2013-12-30
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Waiahi, upper central headwaters, 22.105615 -159.500586
K. R. Wood 15777 2013-12-30
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Waiahi, upper central headwaters, 22.105463 -159.500168
K. R. Wood 15775.02 2013-12-30
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Waiahi, upper central headwaters, 22.105485 -159.501564
PTBG1000050610 Hank Oppenheimer H111403 2014-11-24
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, East Maui, Kahikinui, upper Kamole drainage basin, NNW of Puu Pane, SE of Kahua., 20.668914 -156.259323
PTBG1000050840 Hank Oppenheimer H91413 2014-09-23
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Hana Forest Reserve, Waihoi Valley, below ungulate control fence downstream from waterfall on south side of valley, base of pali below Kaumakani., 20.714532 -156.065491
PTBG1000050620 Hank Oppenheimer H111406 2014-11-24
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, East Maui, Kahikinui. Upper Kamole drainage basin, NNW of Puu Pane, SE of Kahua., 20.667806 -156.259467
PTBG1000050597 Hank Oppenheimer H111402 2014-11-24
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, East Maui, Kahikinuui. Western Manawainui drainage basin., 20.668992 -156.250074
PTBG1000050712 Hank Oppenheimer H91416 2014-09-24
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, East Maui, Koolau Forest Reserve. East fork of Honomanu Stream., 20.790791 -156.217113
PTBG1000050621 Hank Oppenheimer H121408 2014-12-05
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Kaluaaha, west fork along perennial stream., 21.09409 -156.838324
PTBG1000035045 Merlin Edmonds ME287 2015-02-10
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, ULP in main gulch. Wainiha side., 22.18619 -159.57999
Hank Oppenheimer H71547 2015-07-24
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, East Maui. Kahikinui, central Manawainui drainage basin., 20.66644 -156.242887
PTBG1000052972 Hank Oppenheimer H71548 2015-07-24
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, East Maui. Kahikinui, central Manawainui drainage basin., 20.665835 -156.241747
PTBG1000051477 Hank Oppenheimer H61524 2015-06-26
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, East Maui. Koolau Forest Reserve. West fork of East Wailua Iki Stream., 20.799009 -156.142079
Hank Oppenheimer H61518 2015-06-24
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Koolau Forest Reserve, Kano Stream., 20.808461 -156.162744
PTBG1000034590 Steve Perlman 21257 2008-11-07
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui, Waihee Valley, back of valley near "Wall of Tears.", 20.9025 -156.766944
PTBG1000034587 Steve Perlman 21259 2008-11-07
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui, Waihee Valley, back of valley near "Wall of Tears.", 20.9025 -156.766944
PTBG1000034583 Steve Perlman 21262 2008-11-07
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui, Waihee Valley, back of valley near "Wall of Tears.", 20.9025 -156.766944
PTBG1000001052 Hank Oppenheimer H100802 2008-10-06
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, E. Maui, Hanehoi Stream., 20.878451 -156.235486
PTBG1000006759 Tim Flynn 3650 1989-10-28
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Siga'ele Crater. Elev. 2500-2800 ft.
PTBG1000034576 Steve Perlman 21619 2009-05-05
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Kamakou Peak, Uapa; above Kamalo Gulch, Molokai Forest Reserve., 21.06201 -156.520019
PTBG1000034572 Steve Perlman 21640 2009-05-19
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Waihee Valley, back of Valley below Kahoolewa ridge on South side of stream., 20.540569 -156.335403
NULL Steve Perlman 21651 2009-05-20
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Waikamoi Preserve, along Lower Waikamoi Pipeline, Honomanu gulch., 20.485201 -156.121552
PTBG1000046759 Hank Oppenheimer H121308 2013-12-04
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, East Maui, Honomanu Gulch., 20.806232 -156.211165
PTBG1000046778 Hank Oppenheimer H121304 2013-12-03
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, East Maui, Hanawi Natural Area Reserve, Kuhiwa Valley, Kuhiwa Stream., 20.763685 -156.112933
NULL K. R. Wood 15775 2013-12-30
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Waiahi, upper central headwaters, 22.105485 -159.501564
NULL K. R. Wood 15776 2013-12-30
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Waiahi, upper central headwaters, 22.105615 -159.500586
NULL K. R. Wood 15777 2013-12-30
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Waiahi, upper central headwaters, 22.105463 -159.500168
NULL K. R. Wood 15775.02 2013-12-30
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Waiahi, upper central headwaters, 22.105485 -159.501564
PTBG1000050840 Hank Oppenheimer H91413 2014-09-23
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Hana Forest Reserve, Waihoi Valley, below ungulate control fence downstream from waterfall on south side of valley, base of pali below Kaumakani., 20.714532 -156.065491
PTBG1000050597 Hank Oppenheimer H111402 2014-11-24
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, East Maui, Kahikinuui. Western Manawainui drainage basin., 20.668992 -156.250074
PTBG1000050712 Hank Oppenheimer H91416 2014-09-24
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, East Maui, Koolau Forest Reserve. East fork of Honomanu Stream., 20.790791 -156.217113
PTBG1000051477 Hank Oppenheimer H61524 2015-06-26
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, East Maui. Koolau Forest Reserve. West fork of East Wailua Iki Stream., 20.799009 -156.142079