Undet fungus
K. R. Wood 9712 2002-04-23
French Polynesia, NULL, NULL, Maungaaiai, upper forested slopes of Anatakuri., -27 -144
Undet fungus
Tim Flynn 5210 1993-01-19
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Waimea District, Poomau Canyon. Secondary forest dominated by Aleurites with understory of Triumfetta, Plumbago, and Lantana. Heavily grazed by goats. Elev. 1400 -1800 ft.
Undet fungus
David H. Lorence 7412 1993-07-09
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Koloa District: National Tropical Botanical Garden, Lawai Valley; nursery by Pump 6, elev. 10 m.
Undet fungus
Tim Flynn 5932 1996-02-09
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Waimea District, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve, Koaie Valley. Mixed forest of Metrosideros, Nestegis, and Dodonae with Diplazium, Cyrtandra, and Perrottetia; invaded by Lantana, Rubus, and Thelypteris spp. Elev. 3000 ft.
Undet fungus
David H. Lorence 7807 1996-09-01
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Koloa District, Poipu area (S shore), public beach access along E side of Sheraton Hotel (destroyed by Hurricane Iniki). Secondary coastal strand vegetation with Scaevola taccada and Tournefortia argentea, elevation ca. 2 m.
Undet fungus
David H. Lorence 7708 1995-08-29
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Koloa District, National Tropical Botanical Garden in Lawai Valley. Cattle pasture adjacent to Waterfall area on east side of Lawai Stream, under ticket of Cascabela thevetia, elevation ca. 30 m.
Undet fungus
David H. Lorence 7720 1995-11-11
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Koloa District. National Tropical Botanical Garden in Lawai Valley. Above waterfall area at valley head; secondary thicket of Leucaena, Cascabela, Psidium, Samanea, and Schinus, elev. ca. 50 m.
Undet fungus
Tim Flynn 6125a 1997-04-19
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Kawaihau District, Kuilau Trail from Keahua Arboretum Secondary vegetation along trailside with native remnants: Lantana, Dicranopteris, Nephrolepis, Desmodium, Melastoma, Metrosideros, Rhodomyrtus, and Thelypteris. Elev. ca 600 ft
Undet fungus
Tim Flynn 6137 1997-04-29
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Puu Ka Pele Forest Reserve, Kokio Keokeo picnic area, Makaha Ridge road. Secondary vegetation of planted Eucalyptus and Pinus with understory of Styphelia Melinis, and Digitaria surrounding a mown lawn area of Plantago, Sporobolus, and Axonopus. Elev. ca 950 m.
Undet fungus
Tim Flynn 6143a 1997-04-28
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Waimea Canyon State Park, Hwy 550 near mile 12. Heavily disturbed Acacia koa forest with Lantana, Psidium, Dodonaea, Stenotaphrum, Axonopus, Plantago and Setaria.
Undet fungus
Tim Flynn 6235 1997-09-02
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Sokehs Municipality, Nanimwinsapw; House/yard of Ioanes and Angelina Santos. Elev. 1-2 m.
Undet fungus
David H. Lorence 8138 1997-10-01
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Koloa District: South end of Waha Road, trail along edge of abandoned coffee field; secondary vegetation with Panicum maximum and other weedy grasses, some grazing by horses., 21.891667 -159.522222
Undet fungus
D. Morakotkarn 9 2000-02-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, National Tropical Botanical Garden in Lawai Valley, near Chalet at Pump 6., 21.891667 -159.508333
Undet fungus
D. Morakotkarn 10 2000-02-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, National Tropical Botanical Garden in Lawai Valley, near Chalet at Pump 6., 21.891667 -159.508333
Undet fungus
D. Morakotkarn 11 2000-02-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, National Tropical Botanical Garden in Lawai Valley, near Chalet at Pump 6., 21.891667 -159.508333
Undet fungus
Tim Flynn 6664 2000-03-18
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Hanalei District. Manoa Stream near the "Dry Cave" at the stream crossing. Secondary vegetation of Norohnia, Termi nalia, Aleurites, and Mangifera with groundcover dominated b y Sphagneticola. Elev. ca 20 ft.
Undet fungus
David H. Lorence 8471 2000-03-27
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Kalaheo. Yard of house at 3581 Kaloke Road., 21.908333 -159.522222
Undet fungus
K. R. Wood 3372 1994-07-19
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air force Base, Munitions storage area near 13th street.
Undet fungus
K. R. Wood 8107 1999-12-22
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, MAUI: W. Maui, Lahaina District, West Maui Forest Reserve, Puu Kukui summit region, Metrosideros montane wet bog community, epiphytes and bryophytes common in the shrub layer, associated pteridophytes include Asplenium contiguum, Blechnum occidentale, Sadleria pallida, Cibotium glaucum, Athyrium microphyllum, Dryopteris acutidens Dryopteris glabra, Dryopteris subbipinnata, Nothoperanema rubiginosa
Undet fungus
K. R. Wood 8101 1999-12-17
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lumahai, very back of valley, above 1600 ft falls, 22.1 -159.5
Undet fungus
K. R. Wood 12700 2007-12-13
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, MAUI: E. Maui *Hana District, Koolau FR, East Kopiliula, *Metrosideros forest with understory of Dicranopteris & Diplopterygium dissected by riparian veg, associates of Cheirodendron, Acacia, Ilex, Broussaisia, Clermontia, Scaevola chamissoniana, Myrsine lessertiana, Melicope spp, Hedyotis spp, Coprosma spp, Perrottetia, shrubs of Vaccinium, Styphelia, Cyrtandra, Rubus hawaiensis, ferns and bryophytes are common
Undet fungus
K. R. Wood 13016 2008-05-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: *Haena District, Waiahuakua Valley, *Aleurites non-native forest associated with mesic Diospyros-Nestegis relic forest with Pisonia umbellifera, Wikstroemia oahuensis, Freycinetia arborea, Ochrosia kauaiensis, Psydrax odorata
Undet fungus
K. R. Wood 13051 2008-05-22
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: *Kawaiiki, off Kaluahaulu ridge, upper forest and drainage to the south of Koai’e and north of Waialae, *Metrosideros-Acacia mixed mesic forest w/ Dubautia laevigata, Hedyotis terminalis, Cheirodendron trigynum, Dianella sandwicensis, Poa sandwicensis, Bidens cosmoides, Peperomia membranacea
Undet fungus
K. R. Wood 13129 2008-06-18
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: *Wainiha, upper east fork, *Metrosideros 40-60% closed w/ 12-15 m tall canopy, understory of Perrottetia, Psychotria spp, Dubautia spp, Labordia spp, Tetraplasandra kavaiensis, T. oahuensis, rich fern and bryophyte understory
Undet fungus
K. R. Wood 13250 2008-09-04
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: *Kalalau Valley, below Kahuamaa Flat [western ridge], Pohakulele region, *Diospyros mesic forest w/ Diospyros hillebrandii, Pouteria sandwicensis, Syzygium sandwicensis, Antidesma platyphylla, Psychotria mariniana, Myrsine lanaiensis, Bobea elatior, Rauvolfia sandwicensis, Pteralyxia kauaiensis, Santalum freycinetianum var. pyrularium
Undet fungus
K. R. Wood 13282 2008-09-12
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: *Wainiha, upper northeastern fork, *closed Metrosideros forest, 8-12 m canopy, understory dominated by Antidesma w/ mixed wet associates, Syzygium, Broussaisia, Perrottetia, Cyrtandra spp, Psychotria spp, Dubautia spp, Labordia spp, Coprosma waimeae, Cheirodendron spp, Tetraplasandra kavaiensis, T. oahuensis, rich fern and bryophyte understory, steep slopes with Dicranopteris
Undet fungus
K. R. Wood 13325 2008-10-03
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: * Pohakuao, forested slopes near trail, *mixed mesic forest dominated by Diospyros, adjacent to diverse mesic cliffs with Artemisia australis, Schiedea apokremnos, Carex meyenii, Eragrostis variabilis, Chamaesyce celastroides, Lobelia niihauensis
Undet fungus
K. R. Wood 13899 2009-09-04
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Malem Municipality, Mt Oma, climb up from Emeson Phillip property.
Undet fungus
K. R. Wood 13900 2009-09-04
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Malem Municipality, Mt Oma, climb up from Emeson Phillip property.
Undet fungus
K. R. Wood 13910 2009-09-05
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Utwe Municipality, Summit ridge east of Wakap, climb up from Utwa river.
Undet fungus
PTBG1000043863 K. R. Wood 13921 2009-09-07
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Malem Municipality, On south coast between Malem & Utwa, from Fukunstral to Mostral Point.
Undet fungus
K. R. Wood 13955 2009-09-11
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Utwe Municipality, Finkol summit and slopes climbing up from Finkol stream.
Undet fungus
NULL Natalia Tangalin 488 2005-09-27
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Makaleha Mtns, Kapaahi, Kawaihau Dist, End of Kahuna Rd, past water tank, along Makaleha Stream, North most sub-stream, NE side of stream.
Undet fungus
NULL David H. Lorence 7622a 1994-12-22
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kuia Natural Area Reserve (NAR), in Mahanaloa Valley, N-facing slope of valley N of Milolii Ridge, above confluence with Paaiki Valley.
Undet fungus
NULL Natalia Tangalin 3273 2012-08-13
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Wahiawa Mts, Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve, drainage below Kapalaoa Peak and below Hulua Peak and above Kanaele Bog, up small N side-drainage off stream w/ Dubautia pauciflorula., 21.984636 -159.500458
Undet fungus
NULL Tim Flynn 7741 2014-03-05
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee State Park. Halemanu-Kokee Trail., 22.12515 -159.6501
Undet fungus
PTBG1000049837 Tim Flynn 7749 2014-03-05
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee State Park. Halemanu-Kokee Trail., 22.12443 -159.65279
Undet fungus
NULL Natalia Tangalin 3764 2014-04-25
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Merwin Conservancy, Haiku, Peahi Valley, Haumana Road of of Hana Hwy., 20.927107 -156.263709
Undet fungus
NULL Natalia Tangalin 3765 2014-04-25
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Merwin Conservancy, Haiku, Peahi Valley, Haumana Road of of Hana Hwy., 20.927107 -156.263709
Undet fungus
NULL Natalia Tangalin 3938 2014-09-27
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai Valley. National Tropical Botanical Garden, Middle Valley, Dillingham, below bridge and next to Stream.
Undet fungus
NULL Natalia Tangalin 3758 2014-04-17
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Waiahole Forest Reserve, Hidden Valley, above Kaaawa, between Kahana and Maakua and below Puumanamana, 21.54392 -157.86429
Undet fungus
NULL Natalia Tangalin 3744 2014-04-16
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Kaluaa, Waianae, Honouliuli Forest Reserve, 21.4574 -158.09683
Undet fungus
NULL Natalia Tangalin 3959 2014-11-18
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Upper Limahuli Preserve, off of Blue Line in SW Bowl, 22.183859 -159.58409
Undet fungus
NULL Natalia Tangalin 3934 2014-09-09
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kahili Mtn. Park, Kahili Ridge. In weedy gulch to S of main ridge trail., 21.964855 -159.493454
Undet fungus
NULL Natalia Tangalin 3613 2013-12-27
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Mt. Haupu, Trail up ridge behind maintenance sheds, middle of the range, 21.93215 -159.4171
Undet fungus
NULL K. R. Wood 16603 2015-09-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Awaawapuhi, north facing slopes SW of Kainamanu., 22.146011 -159.657179
Undet fungus
NULL K. R. Wood 3372 1994-07-19
Guam, NULL, NULL, Anderson Air force Base, munitions storage area near 13th street.
Undet fungus
PTBG1000056653 K. R. Wood 3320 1994-07-03
Guam, NULL, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base, between Ritidian to Pajon Pt, 40 deg N aspect.
Undet fungus
NULL K. R. Wood 3290 1994-07-01
Guam, NULL, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base, La Fac Pt.
Undet fungus
NULL Tim Flynn 8704 2016-12-09
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee State Park. Along southeastern boundary of DOFAW mid elevation nursery site proposed expansion zone. On old trail to antennae, 22.139148 -159.647382
Undet fungus
NULL Tim Flynn 8709 2016-12-09
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee State Park. North east of DOFAW mid elevation nursery site in proposed expansion zone., 22.1413 -159.647067
Undet fungus
NULL K. R. Wood 17195 2016-11-17
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Nuololo, Kuia Natural Area Reserve., 22.139627 -159.674245
Undet fungus
NULL K. R. Wood 17196 2016-11-17
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Nuololo, Kuia Natural Area Reserve., 22.139627 -159.674245
Undet fungus
NULL K. R. Wood 17197 2016-11-17
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Nuololo, Kuia Natural Area Reserve., 22.143246 -159.675174
Undet fungus
NULL K. R. Wood 17189 2016-11-13
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Nuololo, headwaters just west of Kaunuohua Ridge., 22.137976 -159.655901
Undet fungus
NULL K. R. Wood 17150 2016-10-18
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Honopu, northern slopes and drainage below Kainamanu., 22.148891 -159.653217
Undet fungus
PTBG1000065360 Tim Flynn 8390 2016-06-02
Samoa, ATUA DISTRICT, NULL, Le Mafa pass. Summit of Mt. Poutavai., -13.956944 -171.608333
Undet fungus
PTBG1000083817 K. R. Wood 17472 2017-07-13
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kopakaka, south of Makaha., 22.118099 -159.691527
Undet fungus
Tim Flynn 8844 2018-01-26
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Hono O Na Pali Natural Area Reserve. Waiahuakua Valley., 22.19374 -159.61266
Undet fungus
K. R. Wood 17567 2017-10-30
French Polynesia, NULL, NULL, Forests above Hakahetau, along drainage and trail to Poumaka., -9.39015 -140.08993
Undet fungus
K. R. Wood 17803 2018-03-07
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Forests between headwaters of Kuia and Mahanaloa, Kuia Natural Area Reserve., 22.126424 -159.668733
Undet fungus
K. R. Wood 17744 2017-12-07
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lumahai Valley, drainage running below southern end of Namolokama., 22.122279 -159.49886
Undet fungus
PTBG1000083823 K. R. Wood 17352 2017-04-18
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lumahai, upper valley., 22.120901 -159.50348