PTBG1000048965 D. Mueller-Dombois 81121405 1981-12-14
Vanuatu, TAFEA PROVINCE, NULL, Above Dillon's Bay village, near "last corner".
PTBG1000048943 Tim Flynn 1391 1985-11-20
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Kohala Mts, Awini Ridge, P.T.B.G. preserve.
PTBG1000048964 Timothy J. Motley 2872 2002-05-07
French Polynesia, Cliffs above Area Village above pine plantation., -27.595833 -144.316667
PTBG1000048963 Timothy J. Motley 2756 2002-04-13
French Polynesia, Hiri side of Maitua ridge. West of TeVaitau Pa (fortress) (maybe more correctly be called Maitua nako and Vaitau is smaller Pa on next south ridge)., -27.611111 -144.331944
PTBG1000048962 Timothy J. Motley 2601 2002-03-18
French Polynesia, Southern slopes of Mt. Taga, above Area village., -27.595833 -144.330556
PTBG1000045775 Susan Hall s.n. 1971-09-26
Malaysia, Beside Path No. 5.
PTBG1000045763 Susan Hall s.n. 1971-04-11
Malaysia, Mt. Beremban, Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands.
PTBG1000048945 Art Whistler 9505 1994-05-09
Samoa, Uncommon in the lava flow scrub near the rim of Matavanu Crater. This is the a low elevation record for the species.
PTBG1000048968 Wayne Takeuchi 4296 1988-11-09
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Between Biaru and Ilaru. In transition zone to forest proper from the fire managed landscapes of lower elevations. In grassy field near Vaccinium (WT 4290). Common in disturbance situations (roadsides, burns, eroded blowouts), absent from intact stands. Codominant w. Rhododendron (WT 4291).
PTBG1000048967 Wayne Takeuchi 4290 1988-11-09
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Between Biaru and Ilaru. In transition zone to forest proper from the fire managed landscapes of lower elevations; in grassy clearing.Common in disturbance situations (roadsides, burns, eroded blowouts), absent from intact stands; lg population at the collection site. Plants at flowering peak. Sheet 1 of 2. Ancillary collection: *Fluid.
PTBG1000048966 Wayne Takeuchi 4286 1988-11-09
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Kuper range, along track to Biaru. Ancillary collection: *Fluid.
PTBG1000045775 Susan Hall s.n. 1971-09-26
Malaysia, NULL, NULL, Beside Path No. 5.
PTBG1000045763 Susan Hall s.n. 1971-04-11
Malaysia, NULL, NULL, Mt. Beremban, Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands.
PTBG1000048968 Wayne Takeuchi 4296 1988-11-09
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Between Biaru and Ilaru. In transition zone to forest proper from the fire managed landscapes of lower elevations. In grassy field near Vaccinium (WT 4290). Common in disturbance situations (roadsides, burns, eroded blowouts), absent from intact stands. Codominant w. Rhododendron (WT 4291).
PTBG1000048967 Wayne Takeuchi 4290 1988-11-09
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Between Biaru and Ilaru. In transition zone to forest proper from the fire managed landscapes of lower elevations; in grassy clearing.Common in disturbance situations (roadsides, burns, eroded blowouts), absent from intact stands; lg population at the collection site. Plants at flowering peak. Sheet 1 of 2. Ancillary collection: *Fluid.
PTBG1000048966 Wayne Takeuchi 4286 1988-11-09
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Kuper range, along track to Biaru. Ancillary collection: *Fluid.
PTBG1000059607 Hank Oppenheimer H81501 2015-08-19
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, East Maui. Pulehunui. On side of road to Haleakala National Park, near mile marker 5, edge of pasture., 20.755992 -156.280397
PTBG1000057878 Forest Starr Starr-050816-1 2005-08-16
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, East Maui. Waiale Gulch, Haleakala Ranch., 20.766686 -156.262525
PTBG1000048851 K. R. Wood 5001 1996-02-25
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Upper South guch of Honopu, enter via Honopu trail 4000 ft, NW along trail drop into gulch to N of trail, NW 335 deg.
PTBG1000048859 Steve Perlman 16157 1998-01-28
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui, summit near Puu Kukui, in forest between East Bog and Puu Kukui, just off Kahoolewa ridge.
PTBG1000048837 J. Regalado 632 1993-05-06
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Upper Waiakea Forest. Mile 16 W of Hilo on Tree Planting Road., 19.666667 -155.416667
PTBG1000048836 Derral Herbst 2005 1971-07-15
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Kona Coast, Ocean View Estates, George Schattauer's yard.
PTBG1000048833 F. R. Fosberg 42144 1961-09-11
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Saddle Road, 13.4 mi above Hilo.
PTBG1000048834 Tim Flynn 487 1983-07-27
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Saddle Road, mile maker 12. Along trail to Wailuku River.
PTBG1000048839 Tim Flynn 162 1982-01-28
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee State Park, Kalua Puhi Trail.
PTBG1000048840 Tim Flynn 469 1983-07-18
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee State Park, Alakai Swamp Trail, before first bog.
PTBG1000048841 David H. Lorence 5136 1987-03-23
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee State Park, S. edge of Kalalau Valley, at 0.4 mi. NE of Kalalau lookout.
PTBG1000048842 David H. Lorence 5694 1987-11-11
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Alakai Swamp Wilderness Preserve, trail to Kilohana Lookout; regional alt. 1120-1280 ft.
PTBG1000048845 Tim Flynn 2129 1987-03-24
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee State Park. Kalua Puhi Trail.
PTBG1000048852 Thomas B. Croat 44916 1978-12-03
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee State Park, along the trail from Pihea (elev. 4284 ft.) to the NE corner of Alakai Swamp .
PTBG1000048853 W. L. Stern 2950 1971-04-03
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee area, western margin Na Pali Kona Forest Reserve along Kalalau Lookout-Pihea Road.
PTBG1000048854 Thomas B. Croat 44979 1978-12-05
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Along the northeast edge of the Alakai Swamp; regional elevaiton 4000-4200 ft.
PTBG1000048855 Thomas B. Croat 44954 1978-12-05
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Along trail from the camp 10 road to Kilohana across NE edge of the Alakai Swamp; regional elevation 4000-4200 ft.
PTBG1000048856 Tim Flynn 161 1982-01-28
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee State Park, Kalua Puhi Trail.
PTBG1000048861 Steve Perlman 6542 1987-10-02
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Waianae Mts, Mt. Kaala summit.
PTBG1000048847 David H. Lorence 5793 1988-02-13
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Koke'e State Park, trail along Kawaikoi Stream at approximately 0.5 miles NE of Kumuwela Road and Sugi Grove campground area.
PTBG1000048848 David H. Lorence 6031 1988-06-17
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Namolokama Mountain, summit plateau; regional elevaiton 1280-1347 m.
PTBG1000048849 David H. Lorence 6382 1989-10-04
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Along the Power Line Trail, east of summit camp (near Mt. Kualapa). Alt. ca. 500-515 m.
PTBG1000048850 Tim Flynn 3731 1990-01-11
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Koke'e State Park; Alakai Swamp Trail from trailhead to junction with Pihea trail.
PTBG1000048860 David H. Lorence 5470 1987-08-02
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Manuahi Ridge (W. side of Pelekunu Valley); alt. 630-830 m.
10981 Thomas B. Croat 44954 1978-12-05
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Along trail from the camp 10 road to Kilohana across NE edge of the Alakai Swamp; 4000-4200 ft.
PTBG1000048843 K. R. Wood 8248 2000-02-17
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Laau Ridge, plateau region North of Puu Kamana and South of Kamakeanu., 22.133333 -159.533333
PTBG1000048844 Steve Perlman 18702 2003-12-23
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Alakai Swamp. Pihea Trail, connector trail., 22.261389 -159.724167
17568 William J. Hoe 1803 1967-08-28
United States, Hawaii, Kipahulu Valley, in vicinity of Base Camp 3., 1943m
17569 J. F. Rock 8582 1910-09-01
United States, Hawaii, E. Maui, Waikamoi Trail, Olinda.
12531 K.R. Wood 12378 2007-05-08
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: *Alaka’i, east of the Sincock bog system, Olapalapa camp and LZ, *Rhynchospora 70%, Racomitrium 20% Bog, with islands of Metrosideros 10% associated with Cheirodendron dominii, Carex alligata, C. montis-eeka, Oreobolus furcata, Dichanthelium cynodon, Coprosma elliptica, Vaccinium dentatum, V. reticulatum, V. calycinum, Wikstroemia oahuensis var. palustris, Nertera granadensis, Leptecophylla tameiameiae, Myrsine dentata, Viola kauaiensis, Korthalsella remyi, Lycopodiella cernua, Dryopteris glabra, Selaginella deflexa, Adenophorus epigaeus, Cibotium glabrum, Melicope clusiifolia, Ilex anomala, Astelia argyrocoma, Stenogyne purpurea, Atherium microphyllum, Hypolepis hawaiiensis, Dicranopteris linearis, Polypodium pellucidum, Asplenium sphenotomum, A. polyodon, 1402m
13083 K.R. Wood 12889 2008-03-12
United States, Hawaii, HAWAII: *Kaiholena Unit, TNC Ka'u Preserve, Old Plantation Springs area, *closed to open Metrosideros forest 50â"70% cover @ 8â"15 m with Cheirodendron trigynum 10â"30% cover @ 5â"8 m, over secondary canopy of native shrubs with Cibotium chamissoi 50â"80% @ 3â"5 m, Sadleria spp. 10â"20% @ 1â"3 m, and Broussaisia arguta 10â"40% @ 1.5â"4 m, dissected by riparian habitat, 1006m
9329 Mary Merello 3224 2008-04-03
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Kokee State Park, Pihea Trail along Kawaikoi Stream. Possible host of Ptycta spp. (Bark lice), in conjunction with Emilie Bess' Ph.D thesis research, University of Illinois., 1011m
3676 Natalia Tangalin 673 2006-01-06
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Kokee, past locked gate to second Kalalau lookout, at the bottom of the hill, down first drainage toward Napali. Metrosideros-Dicranopteris Wet Montane forest w/ Lysimachia glutinosa, Leptecophylla, Diploterygium, Machaerina, Scaevola, Argyroxiphium, Erigeron karvinskianus, Stenogyne kealiae, Cyrtandra.
PTBG1000048857 Harold St. John 10238 1930-02-06
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Nakalalua, thicket on ridge.
PTBG1000048858 Harold St. John 10318 1930-02-12
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Olinda, Kula Flume Line.
PTBG1000018157 K. R. Wood 12380 2007-05-09
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Alaka’i, East of the Sincock bog system. On slopes below Waialeale.
K. R. Wood 12892 2008-03-12
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, HAWAII: *Kaiholena Unit, TNC Ka`u Preserve, Old Plantation Springs area, *closed to open Metrosideros forest 50–70% cover @ 8–15 m with Cheirodendron trigynum 10–30% cover @ 5–8 m, over secondary canopy of native shrubs with Cibotium chamissoi 50–80% @ 3–5 m, Sadleria spp. 10–20% @ 1–3 m, and Broussaisia arguta 10–40% @ 1.5–4 m, dissected by riparian habitat
PTBG1000001237 K. R. Wood 12892 2008-03-12
United States, HAWAII, Hawaii County, Kaiholena Unit, TNC Ka'u Preserve, Old Plantation Springs area.
PTBG1000048846 Mary Merello 3212 2008-04-02
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, KAUAI: Kokee State Park, Puu O Kila lookout parking lot. Possible host of Ptycta spp. (Bark lice), in conjunction with Emilie Bess' Ph.D thesis research, University of Illinois., 22.15361111 -159.6194444
PTBG1000004290 Natalia Tangalin 679 2006-01-05
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Upper Hanakoa Valley from Pihea Trail Kokee.
PTBG1000048838 K. R. Wood 14163 2010-04-07
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Laau, plateau on dividing ridge between Lumahai & Wainiha Valleys.
Seana Walsh SKW79 2015-06-30
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Left side of trail just past compost toilet above upper weather port, ULP, 22.18562 -159.58258
PTBG1000001237 K. R. Wood 12892 2008-03-12
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Kaiholena Unit, TNC Ka'u Preserve, Old Plantation Springs area.
PTBG1000048846 Mary Merello 3212 2008-04-02
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Kokee State Park, Puu O Kila lookout parking lot. Possible host of Ptycta spp. (Bark lice), in conjunction with Emilie Bess' Ph.D thesis research, University of Illinois., 22.153611 -159.619444
PTBG1000004290 Natalia Tangalin 679 2006-01-05
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Upper Hanakoa Valley from Pihea Trail Kokee.
PTBG1000048838 K. R. Wood 14163 2010-04-07
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Laau, plateau on dividing ridge between Lumahai & Wainiha Valleys.
PTBG1000062503 Seana Walsh SKW79 2015-06-30
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Left side of trail just past compost toilet above upper weather port, ULP, 22.18562 -159.58258
PTBG1000048922 K. R. Wood 2430 1993-02-27
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, OAHU: Koolau Mtns. ; Kawailoa Survey; Flatlands above Castle Trail.
PTBG1000048868 K. R. Wood 3717 1994-11-06
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Upper Kuia. Regional elevation 3000-3200 ft.
PTBG1000048867 K. R. Wood 3921 1995-01-13
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Alakai; North Bog; NW of Kilohana overlooking Wainiha.
PTBG1000031672 K. R. Wood 4816 1995-11-29
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Kohala Mts.; above Honokana nui Stream; east of USGS trail.
PTBG1000048919 K. R. Wood 4250 1995-05-02
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, E. Maui, Kahikinui Forest Reserve; Drainages of Waoala; SE slopes of Haleakala; Elev.5900- 6200 ft.
PTBG1000048921 K. R. Wood 5175 1996-05-01
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui: Pu'ukukui; Elev. 5500-5790 ft.
PTBG1000048872 K. R. Wood 5928 1997-01-23
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Waialeale summit area; scattered bogs w/ intermitant drainages.
J. Regalado 660 1993-05-14
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve, along Pihea Trail., 22.083333 -159.666667
PTBG1000048914 Thomas B. Croat 44920 1978-12-03
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Along the trail from Pihea (elev. 4284 ft.) to the NE corner of the Alakai swamp.
PTBG1000048913 Steven P. Darwin 1125 1975-07-24
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Honopu Trail on dry, sunny bank.
PTBG1000048912 John J. Fay 319 1975-04-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Alakai Swamp Trail, between first bog and Kauai Koi Stream.
PTBG1000048909 T. G. Lammers 5375 1983-08-30
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Alakai Swamp. Along trail between Pihea and Kilohana. 1200-1250 m.
PTBG1000048910 Tim Flynn 468 1983-07-18
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee, Alakai Swamp Trail.
PTBG1000048917 Tim Flynn 186 1982-05-25
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Haalelepaakai Ridge off of Munro Trail. Beginning of trail down ridge.
PTBG1000048918 Tim Flynn 3555 1989-10-12
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Along ridge between Honokowai Gulch and Honokahua.
PTBG1000048923 David H. Lorence 5466 1987-08-02
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Manuahi ridge (W side of Pelekunu Valley); Elev. 630-830 m.
PTBG1000048871 Tim Flynn 3045 1988-06-18
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Halelea Forest Reserve; summit of Namolokama Mtn, regional elev. 4100-4200 ft.
PTBG1000048870 Tim Flynn 3128 1988-09-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve. Kawaikoi Stream trail, NE from Sugi Grove.
PTBG1000048874 Tim Flynn 430 1983-06-06
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Highway 55 across from the entrance to Puuhinahina Lookout.
PTBG1000048873 Tim Flynn 2273 1987-08-03
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve. Milolii Ridge, 3.1 miles from junction with Makaha Ridge road.
PTBG1000048863 David H. Lorence 5717 1987-12-10
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Upper part of Limahuli Valley from ridge separating Limahuli & Hanakapei Valleys (710 m. alt.) down to Limahuli Stream (520 m. alt.) above big waterfall.
PTBG1000048864 David H. Lorence 6274 1988-09-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee State Park, along Kawaikoi Stream Trail, about 0.5 km. northeast of intersection with Pihea Trail.
10984 Tim Flynn 186 1982-05-25
United States, Hawaii, LANAI: Haalelepaakai Ridge off of Munro Trail. Beginning of trail down ridge.
PTBG1000048862 David H. Lorence 6695 1991-01-29
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve; Wahiawa Stream & drainage;ESE of main Wahiawa Stream heading up 2 unnamed gulches to ridge connecting Kahili and Kapalaoa peaks. Regional elev. 730-820 m.
PTBG1000048911 David H. Lorence 9359 2004-07-27
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kalalau Valley, southern rim, along Pihea trail southwest of Pihea Peak., 22.154167 -159.618333
PTBG1000048869 Steve Perlman 18649 2003-10-12
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Alakai Swamp, Kawaikoi stream trail., 22.133333 -159.583333
10746 W. C. Gagne 492 1970-02-21
United States, Hawaii, MAUI: W. Maui, Makamakaole Gulch. Rainforest, step sides of gulch beside ditch trail. With Psychotria mariniana, Metrosideros, kukui., 500m
PTBG1000048920 Otto Degener 12492 1939-07-28
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui, Puu Lio.
PTBG1000005515 K. R. Wood 13500 2009-02-19
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, W. Maui, Kauaula Valley, back of valley, upper north fork of river. UTM: 07504// - 23107//
PTBG1000048908 K. R. Wood 14159 2010-04-06
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Laau, plateau on dividing ridge between Lumahai & Wainiha Valleys.
PTBG1000035313 K. R. Wood 14307 2010-09-10
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Wahiawa Bog [Kanaele Bog].
PTBG1000001239 K. R. Wood 11254 2005-04-26
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Small bog in southwestern section of reserve.
PTBG1000026910 Natalia Tangalin 2971 2012-02-09
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kaluahaula Ridge, above Kawaiiiki Valley, on trail just past down to Diellia erecta fence. Site of new LZ., 22.08407784 -159.5999756
PTBG1000033100 K. R. Wood 14876 2012-02-08
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Alakai, just west of Waialeale, 22.07098007 -159.5072937
K. R. Wood 15514 2013-05-22
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, central Alakai, headwaters of Koaie stream, southern portion of Drinking Glass proposed fence unit, 22.090773 -159.569519
Jesse Adams JWA_94 2014-11-21
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu County, Waahila Ridge: On Koolau Summit Ridge past Mount Olympus summit, after steep incline when headed East., 21.335752 -157.775263
PTBG1000053627 Seana Walsh SKW73 2015-06-16
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Pihea Trail, Kokee. About 4 feet off side of boardwalk, on the right side., 22.146734 -159.617816