Steve Perlman 21534 2009-03-11
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Near Sokehs/Kitti Municipality boundary, Nan Madap, below Temwetemwensekir., 6.888055556 158.1858333
PTBG1000048758 Wayne Takeuchi 4035 1988-09-22
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Kuper Range along Biaru Road., -7.6 146.8
PTBG1000048755 Wayne Takeuchi 4086 1988-09-30
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Kuper Range, along unpaved track to Biaru., -7.6 146.8
PTBG1000048756 Wayne Takeuchi 4549 1989-07-11
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Labu swamp.
PTBG1000048757 Wayne Takeuchi 4549 1989-07-11
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Labu swamp.
PTBG1000048687 Gordon McPherson 5749 1983-06-08
New Caledonia, Mt. Rembai region, above Col d'Ameiu.
PTBG1000048765 Scott Lucas 858 1982-11-23
Sri Lanka, CENTRAL PROVINCE, On trail up Pidurutalagala from Nuwara Eliya, ca 2 miles up trail.
PTBG1000005775 Relio Lengsi 72 2006-05-17
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Nett Municipality, Nanpil Village, Near nanpil dahm (water keeper)., 6.920278 158.204167
PTBG1000021248 Y. Kondo Loc. 84 1966-03-29
PTBG1000034811 Wayne Takeuchi 4549 1989-07-11
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Labu Swamp.
PTBG1000035076 Art Whistler W 3126 1975-08-19
American Samoa, Above Fitiuta on the trail to Luatele.
PTBG1000035125 Art Whistler W 3932 1974-08-24
Samoa, In the forest on a ridge NNE of Togitogina Farm.
Steve Perlman 21534 2009-03-11
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Near Sokehs/Kitti Municipality boundary, Nan Madap, below Temwetemwensekir., 6.888056 158.185833
PTBG1000048758 Wayne Takeuchi 4035 1988-09-22
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Kuper Range along Biaru Road., -7.6 146.8
PTBG1000048755 Wayne Takeuchi 4086 1988-09-30
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Kuper Range, along unpaved track to Biaru., -7.6 146.8
PTBG1000048756 Wayne Takeuchi 4549 1989-07-11
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Labu swamp.
PTBG1000048757 Wayne Takeuchi 4549 1989-07-11
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Labu swamp.
PTBG1000005775 Relio Lengsi 72 2006-05-17
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Nett Municipality, Nanpil Village, Near nanpil dahm (water keeper)., 6.920278 158.204167
PTBG1000021248 Yoshio Kondo Loc. 84 1966-03-29
PTBG1000034811 Wayne Takeuchi 4549 1989-07-11
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, Morobe Province, Labu Swamp.
PTBG1000048686 D. Mueller-Dombois 81081313 1981-08-13
New Caledonia, SOUTH PROVINCE, Ile-des-Pins Commune, NULL
PTBG1000048685 Gordon McPherson 1900 1979-09-25
New Caledonia, 1.5 km West of Col d'Amos on road from Koumac to Ouégua, above Diahot Valley.
PTBG1000048666 Art Whistler 11553 2001-11-11
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Above Asau.
PTBG1000048685 Gordon McPherson 1900 1979-09-25
New Caledonia, NULL, NULL, 1.5 km West of Col d'Amos on road from Koumac to Ouégua, above Diahot Valley.
PTBG1000035131 Art Whistler W 2 1972-06-29
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Found in Forestry Block 25 inland from Asau. "Sapatua".
PTBG1000053438 Art Whistler 11566 2001-11-12
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Just to the east of the black sand beach near Taga.
PTBG1000048641 Steve Perlman 18650 2003-10-12
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Alakai Swamp. Kawaikoi stream trail.
PTBG1000048653 K. R. Wood 7956 1999-08-26
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Ioli headwaters; along summit ridge below Kawaikini; South of Iliiliula; steep pali slopes to East and deeply disected drainages to West. Regional elev. 2600-3400 ft., 22.033333 -159.5
PTBG1000048645 Tim Flynn 6774 2001-01-24
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve, new Pihea Trail alignment., 22.15 -159.623611
PTBG1000048644 David H. Lorence 8428 1999-09-11
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Na-Pali Kona Forest Reserve, Alakai Wilderness area, along trail from Alakai Picnic Area to Alakai Swamp Trail, elevation 3800 ft., 22.133333 -159.616667
PTBG1000048643 Natalia Tangalin 23 2004-04-07
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee, off the road to the 2nd Kalalau lookout. North above gulch after the 2nd drainage.
PTBG1000048637 Steven P. Darwin 1155 1975-08-05
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii County, Volcanoes National Park; Crater Rim Trail.
PTBG1000048646 Tim Flynn 3533 1989-09-12
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Limahuli Valley. On West side of valley.
PTBG1000048647 Chipper Wichman 199
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Hanalei, Limahuli Valley. 75° slope, North exposure.
PTBG1000048676 David H. Lorence 5155 1987-04-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Pihea Trail, from Pihea lookout south along W edge of Alakai Swamp.
PTBG1000048654 Tim Flynn 1447 1985-12-17
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Limahuli Valley. On ridge extending into valley on East side.
PTBG1000048655 Tim Flynn 883 1984-07-10
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee. Pihea Trail.
PTBG1000048656 Tim Flynn 355 1983-01-07
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee. Pihea Trail.
PTBG1000048649 Tim Flynn 56 1981-06-10
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee State Park. Honopu Trail.
PTBG1000048650 Thomas B. Croat 44866 1978-12-02
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Highway 550 along Waimea Canyon. Puu o Kila lookout at ca mile 19.
PTBG1000048651 John J. Fay 254 1974-11-25
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Along road to Wahiawa Bog. Mountains above Kalaheo.
PTBG1000048652 Derral Herbst 2358 1972-03-07
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee, Nualolo Trail.
PTBG1000048657 Steve Perlman 5256 1987-02-24
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Waianae Mts, rim of Makua Valley, West by .25 mi of intersection of Peacock Flats Trail and Makua rim on N side of trail near large Norfolk pines.
PTBG1000048658 Steven P. Darwin 1086 1975-07-03
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Koolau Mts, Manoa Cliff Trail.
PTBG1000048642 Michael Kiehn MK-031223-7 2003-12-23
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve, Alakai Swamp Trail.
Steve Perlman 18640 2003-10-12
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Alakai Swamp, Kawaikoi stream trail in Metrosideros - forest habitat with Cheirodendron, Styphelia, Gahnia, Vaccinium, Astelia argyrocoma, Hedyotis terminalia, Scavola glabra, Wikstroemia, Cibotium, Peperomia, Melicope clusiifolia, Elaeocarpus bifidus, Pittosporum gayanum, Ilex, Pleomele, Perrottetia, Coprosma kauaiensis, 22.133333 -159.583333
7293 Clay Trauernicht 643 2008-12-04
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Upper Awaawapuhi Valley. Side gully along N slope of valley. Diverse mesic forest with koa overstory, Psychotria greenwelliae, Pouteria, Dodonea, Melicope spp in midstory. Psidium guayava establishing in patches., 1100m
1600 Clay Trauernicht 699 2009-01-22
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Wahiawa mountains. In small,SE-facing stream drainage on S slope of main peak N of Wahiawa stream. Growing in moist, shady, dense understory below canopy of Metrosideros polymorpha, Cheirodendron faurei. Antidesma, Broussaisia, Labordia sp, and Clidemia hirta in understory., 762m
1600 Clay Trauernicht 746 2009-02-19
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Steep, N-facing slope of upper Awaawapuhi valley. Diverse mesic forest with Metrosideros polymorpha, Syzygium sandwicensis, Cheirodendron trigynum, Psychotria greenwelliae, Cyanea (hirtella?), Dodonea, Vaccinium, Clayoxylon, Coprosma, Ilex, Dianella, Dicranopteris, Psidium cattleianum, Hedychium., 1225m
3519 Natalia Tangalin 1829 2008-11-11
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Kokee, upper drainage of Honopu Valley, W of main hwy. Montane Wet Forest w/ Metrosideros, Nothocestrum peltatum, Urera glabra, Perrottetia, Broussaisia, Nestegis, Boehmeria, Coprosma, Pipturus, Pleomele, Charpentiera, Dodonea, Dianella, Melicope, Lysimachia, Hedyotis terminalis, Scaevola, Dubautia raillardioides, Lysimachia, Cheirodendron trigynum, Kalanchoe pinnata, Passiflora mollissima., 1097m
PTBG1000048640 Clay Trauernicht 649 2008-12-08
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, N rim of Koaie Canyon along Mohihi-Waialae Trail., 22.1125 -159.5891666
PTBG1000048648 Clay Trauernicht 659 2009-01-06
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Upper Limahuli Valley. On ridge separating Hanakapiai and Limahuli valleys. Collected along proposed fenceline., 22.18666667 -159.5863888
PTBG1000048638 Clay Trauernicht 678 2009-01-08
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, On the ridge separating upper Limahuli and Manoa valleys. Collected along proposed fenceline., 22.19555556 -159.5783333
PTBG1000048639 Natalia Tangalin 1916 2009-02-02
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Waimea Canyon. Koaie Canyon. Collected about 10 ft above the Koaie Stream on SE side.
PTBG1000022626 Natalia Tangalin 474 2005-09-23
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kawai'iki, off Kaluakaulu Ridge, upper forest and drainage to the South of Koai'e and North of Waialae.
PTBG1000021328 Natalia Tangalin 3005 2012-02-21
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Upper Limahuli Preserve, Wainiha side drainage down from the Express Way from upper weatherport. To Cyanea rivularis outplanting area under large Tetraplasandra kauaiensis trees., 22.18562317 -159.5791931
PTBG1000046681 Natalia Tangalin 3369 2011-09-28
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Anahola, Moloaa Forest Reserve, ridge above Papaa Valley below Kawalumakua Peak., 22.06450272 -159.3414154
PTBG1000035376 Steve Perlman 23033 2012-10-02
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kokee, Awaawapuhi trail, about .5 miles in., 22.14298058 -159.6541138
PTBG1000034568 K. R. Wood 15225 2012-09-19
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kumuwela, gulch just South of Maluapopoki Stream., 22.11699486 -159.6482544
PTBG1000035598 Emory Griffin-Noyes EGN 583 2012-12-13
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Limahuli Lower Preserve., 22.21426392 -159.581192
PTBG1000036661 David H. Lorence 10381 2013-02-06
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kuia NAR, Mahanaloa Valley, near Weller fenced exclosures., 22.13646126 -159.6997223
PTBG1000039000 David H. Lorence 10381 2013-02-06
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kuia NAR, Mahanaloa Valley, near Weller fenced exclosures., 22.13646126 -159.6997223
Natalia Tangalin 3345 2012-09-21
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kawaiiki, Below Kaluakaula Ridge, upper forest and drainage to the south of Koaie and north of Waialae. Of of trail to LZ for Asplenium dielmannii fence., 22.091721 -159.60936
Natalia Tangalin 3562 2013-11-22
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kuilau Trail, below Keahua Arboretum., 22.08583 -159.41315
PTBG1000051214 K. R. Wood 15811 2014-01-29
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Makaha, north facing slopes below and west of Kokio keokeo., 22.12 -159.69
PTBG1000035050 Merlin Edmonds ME288 2015-02-10
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, ULP along Wainiha fence, near Pali Ele'ele, 22.18496 -159.57915
K. R. Wood 16218 2015-01-14
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Pohakuao, hanging valley above northern fall and cliffs and below Manono Ridge., 22.183222 -159.627379
PTBG1000048640 Clay Trauernicht 649 2008-12-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, N rim of Koaie Canyon along Mohihi-Waialae Trail., 22.1125 -159.589167
PTBG1000048648 Clay Trauernicht 659 2009-01-06
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Upper Limahuli Valley. On ridge separating Hanakapiai and Limahuli valleys. Collected along proposed fenceline., 22.186667 -159.586389
PTBG1000048638 Clay Trauernicht 678 2009-01-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, On the ridge separating upper Limahuli and Manoa valleys. Collected along proposed fenceline., 22.195556 -159.578333
PTBG1000048639 Natalia Tangalin 1916 2009-02-02
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Waimea Canyon. Koaie Canyon. Collected about 10 ft above the Koaie Stream on SE side.
PTBG1000022626 Natalia Tangalin 474 2005-09-23
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kawai'iki, off Kaluakaulu Ridge, upper forest and drainage to the South of Koai'e and North of Waialae.
PTBG1000021328 Natalia Tangalin 3005 2012-02-21
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Upper Limahuli Preserve, Wainiha side drainage down from the Express Way from upper weatherport. To Cyanea rivularis outplanting area under large Tetraplasandra kauaiensis trees., 22.185623 -159.579193
PTBG1000046681 Natalia Tangalin 3369 2011-09-28
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Anahola, Moloaa Forest Reserve, ridge above Papaa Valley below Kawalumakua Peak., 22.064503 -159.341415
PTBG1000035376 Steve Perlman 23033 2012-10-02
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee, Awaawapuhi trail, about .5 miles in., 22.142981 -159.654114
PTBG1000034568 K. R. Wood 15225.00 2012-09-19
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kumuwela, gulch just South of Maluapopoki Stream., 22.116995 -159.648254
PTBG1000035598 Emory Griffin-Noyes EGN 583 2012-12-13
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Limahuli Lower Preserve., 22.214264 -159.581192
PTBG1000036661 David H. Lorence 10381 2013-02-06
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kuia NAR, Mahanaloa Valley, near Weller fenced exclosures., 22.136461 -159.699722
PTBG1000039000 David H. Lorence 10381 2013-02-06
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kuia NAR, Mahanaloa Valley, near Weller fenced exclosures., 22.136461 -159.699722
PTBG1000057834 Natalia Tangalin 3345 2012-09-21
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kawaiiki, Below Kaluakaula Ridge, upper forest and drainage to the south of Koaie and north of Waialae. Of of trail to LZ for Asplenium dielmannii fence., 22.091721 -159.60936
NULL Natalia Tangalin 3562 2013-11-22
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kuilau Trail, below Keahua Arboretum., 22.08583 -159.41315
PTBG1000051214 K. R. Wood 15811.00 2014-01-29
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Makaha, north facing slopes below and west of Kokio keokeo., 22.12 -159.69
PTBG1000035050 Merlin Edmonds ME288 2015-02-10
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, ULP along Wainiha fence, near Pali Ele'ele, 22.18496 -159.57915
PTBG1000077595 K. R. Wood 16218 2015-01-14
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Pohakuao, hanging valley above northern fall and cliffs and below Manono Ridge., 22.183222 -159.627379
PTBG1000062607 K. R. Wood 17460 2017-06-28
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kauaikinana headwaters east of Pihea trail., 22.149644 -159.622304
PTBG1000050753 George Staples 1599 2014-12-03
United States, HAWAII, Honolulu, Wahiawa Bot. Garden, In Hawaiian Garden, along steep ramp walkway down from Main Terrace into Hawaiian Garden. Grid square I-5. Provenance: unknown, 21.503333 -158.018056
PTBG1000050753 George Staples 1599 2014-12-03
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Wahiawa Bot. Garden, In Hawaiian Garden, along steep ramp walkway down from Main Terrace into Hawaiian Garden. Grid square I-5. Provenance: unknown, 21.503333 -158.018056
PTBG1000048770 C. A. Cid Ferreira 10639 1991-11-08
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Mancio Lima Municipality, Mancio Lima Ramal do Banho, 5 km from Mancio Lima., -7.8 -72.8
PTBG1000048736 Michael J. Balick 4069 2000-08-12
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Sokehs Municipality, Dolon. Form of Fredirick panuel, beside and including old Japanese road from 1940's., 6.990556 158.355278
PTBG1000048734 David H. Lorence 7892 1996-12-06
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Utwe Municipality, Along coastal road ca. 4 km W of Utwa, 1 km W of Sipyen Waterfall., 5.283333 162.958333
3112 Steve Perlman 12888 1992-07-12
United States, Hawaii, OAHU: Makaleha Valley.
17174 Steve Perlman 21556 2009-03-17
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Tafunsak Municipality, Yela river valley, ridge on west side in wet forest with Pouteria micronesica, Angiopteris evecta, Antidesma kusaiense, Freycinetia ponapensis, Campnosperma brevipetiolata, Syzygium stelechanthum, Elaeocarpus carolinensis, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Ixora casei, Psychotria hombroniana, Dendrocnide latifolia, Maesa carolinensis, Elaeocarpus kusanoi, Boehmeria celebica, Dicranopteris linearis, 168m
4293 Art Whistler 11553 2001-11-11
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: In the disturbed and plantation forests above Asau., 200m
1210 Tim Flynn 4519 1991-04-11
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Koloa District; Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve; along Wahiawa Stream through wet forest dominated by Metrosideros/Antidesma; Dicranopteris with large stands of Pdidium cattleianum. Elev. 2200-1800 ft.
Steve Perlman 21560 2009-03-17
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Tafunsak Municipality, Yela river valley, ridge on west side., 5.319722222 162.9427778
PTBG1000048735 E. Albert Amor 132 2004-01-26
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, U Municipality, Nindol, Awak., 6.946111111 158.2608333
K. R. Wood 14068 2010-01-25
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Malem Municipality, Mt Oma summit ridge and slopes.
K. R. Wood 14068 2010-01-25
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Malem Municipality, Mt Oma summit ridge and slopes.
PTBG1000048733 Saul H. Riesenberg 81 1947-11-15
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE
PTBG1000005901 P. Emos Eperiam 74 2006-04-19
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Kitti Municipality, Collected next to a house in the village of Enipein Powe., 6.821111 158.213889