Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Taxa: Dictyotaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-34 of 34

National Tropical Botanical Garden

Dictyopteris plagiogramma (Montagne) Vickers
PTBG1000029030Gordon Daida   C-1431979-12-27
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth of +2.0 m, intertidal, adjacent to spouting hole in flat. (Abbott #15231), 21.888133 -159.5028

Padina gymnospora (Kützing) Sonder
PTBG1000029033Gordon Daida   C 1271979-12-27
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location B, depth +2.0 m, tidepool on flat, Neomeris common. (Abbott #15082), 21.888133 -159.5028

Padina thivyae Doty & Newhouse
PTBG1000029012W. H. Magruder   K1071979-09-21
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kipu Kai. Limestone bench, west end of Ash Lizard, inner side, about 1/2 way from beach to point, in a hole about 1 m deep.

Stypopodium flabelliforme Weber-van Bosse
PTBG1000029005W. H. Magruder   K1561979-09-20
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kipu Kai. Limestone bench on NW side of Ash Lizard about 10 m from the beach.

Lobophora variegata (Lamouroux) Womersley
PTBG1000029004W. H. Magruder   K1531979-09-21
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kipu Kai. Deep tide pool at the end of West Point.

Padina sanctae-crucis Børgesen
PTBG1000029003W. H. Magruder   K1541979-09-21
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kipu Kai. Back of West Reef in large tide pools, about 20 cm deep at low tide.

Padina sanctae-crucis Børgesen
PTBG1000029002W. H. Magruder   K1331979-09-21
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kipu Kai. Inner part of reef flat, West Reef, in about 30 cm of water.

Padina sanctae-crucis Børgesen
PTBG1000029133Gordon Daida   B1061979-09-09
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth -0.25 m, pond on flat., 21.888133 -159.5028

Padina sanctae-crucis Børgesen
PTBG1000027202Gordon Daida   D1811980-03-28
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth 0.1 m, constantly flushed by hole, in flat eastern side of hole., 21.888133 -159.5028

Padina gymnospora (Kützing) Sonder
PTBG1000027203Gordon Daida   D 1861980-03-28
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth -1.0 m, high pond on flat (+2.5 m), intermittant flushing, edge with Acanthophora and Laurencia, high wave action., 21.888133 -159.5028

Padina gymnospora (Kützing) Sonder
PTBG1000027204Gordon Daida   651979-05-21
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth 0 m, ponds on flat., 21.888133 -159.5028

Dictyota acutiloba J. Agardh
PTBG1000027245Gordon Daida   B1081979-09-08
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth 0.3 m, ponds, water motion from hole in flat., 21.888133 -159.5028

Padina sanctae-crucis Børgesen
PTBG1000028985Gordon Daida   C143A1979-12-27
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth 1 m, flat edge, moderate to high surf., 21.888133 -159.5028

Padina sanctae-crucis Børgesen
PTBG1000028986Gordon Daida   B871979-09-08
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location B, depth 0.3 m, tidepools., 21.888133 -159.5028

Padina sanctae-crucis Børgesen
PTBG1000028992Gordon Daida   B1151979-09-08
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth -0.3 to -1.0 m, pond on flat., 21.888133 -159.5028

Padina sanctae-crucis Børgesen
PTBG1000028993Gordon Daida   B1661979-09-08
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth -0.15 m, little wave action, pond on flat., 21.888133 -159.5028

Padina gymnospora (Kützing) Sonder
PTBG1000028994Gordon Daida   D1851980-03-28
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth -1.0 m, high pond on flat (+2.5 m), intermittant flushing., 21.888133 -159.5028

Dictyopteris plagiogramma
PTBG1000029030Gordon Daida   C-1431979-12-27
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth of +2.0 m, intertidal, adjacent to spouting hole in flat. (Abbott #15231), 21.888133 -159.5028

Padina gymnospora
PTBG1000029033Gordon Daida   C 1271979-12-27
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location B, depth +2.0 m, tidepool on flat, Neomeris common. (Abbott #15082), 21.888133 -159.5028

Padina thivyae
PTBG1000029012W. H. Magruder   K1071979-09-21
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kipu Kai. Limestone bench, west end of Ash Lizard, inner side, about 1/2 way from beach to point, in a hole about 1 m deep.

Stypopodium flabelliforme
PTBG1000029005W. H. Magruder   K1561979-09-20
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kipu Kai. Limestone bench on NW side of Ash Lizard about 10 m from the beach.

Lobophora variegata
PTBG1000029004W. H. Magruder   K1531979-09-21
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kipu Kai. Deep tide pool at the end of West Point.

Padina sanctae-crucis
PTBG1000029003W. H. Magruder   K1541979-09-21
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kipu Kai. Back of West Reef in large tide pools, about 20 cm deep at low tide.

Padina sanctae-crucis
PTBG1000029002W. H. Magruder   K1331979-09-21
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kipu Kai. Inner part of reef flat, West Reef, in about 30 cm of water.

Padina sanctae-crucis
PTBG1000029133Gordon Daida   B1061979-09-09
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth -0.25 m, pond on flat., 21.888133 -159.5028

Padina sanctae-crucis
PTBG1000027202Gordon Daida   D1811980-03-28
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth 0.1 m, constantly flushed by hole, in flat eastern side of hole., 21.888133 -159.5028

Padina gymnospora
PTBG1000027203Gordon Daida   D 1861980-03-28
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth -1.0 m, high pond on flat (+2.5 m), intermittant flushing, edge with Acanthophora and Laurencia, high wave action., 21.888133 -159.5028

Padina gymnospora
PTBG1000027204Gordon Daida   651979-05-21
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth 0 m, ponds on flat., 21.888133 -159.5028

Dictyota acutiloba
PTBG1000027245Gordon Daida   B1081979-09-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth 0.3 m, ponds, water motion from hole in flat., 21.888133 -159.5028

Padina sanctae-crucis
PTBG1000028985Gordon Daida   C143A1979-12-27
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth 1 m, flat edge, moderate to high surf., 21.888133 -159.5028

Padina sanctae-crucis
PTBG1000028986Gordon Daida   B871979-09-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location B, depth 0.3 m, tidepools., 21.888133 -159.5028

Padina sanctae-crucis
PTBG1000028992Gordon Daida   B1151979-09-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth -0.3 to -1.0 m, pond on flat., 21.888133 -159.5028

Padina sanctae-crucis
PTBG1000028993Gordon Daida   B1661979-09-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth -0.15 m, little wave action, pond on flat., 21.888133 -159.5028

Padina gymnospora
PTBG1000028994Gordon Daida   D1851980-03-28
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth -1.0 m, high pond on flat (+2.5 m), intermittant flushing., 21.888133 -159.5028

Page 1, records 1-34 of 34


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