PTBG1000044318 W. M. Bush 39 1974-06-07
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Honolulu, Nuuanu, Henry Street.
PTBG1000044319 Tim Flynn 1641 1986-04-04
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Puhi Camp, west of Kauai Community College. From yard of abandoned homesite.
PTBG1000044320 Shawn Lum 134 1983-07-01
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Above Wailua, Wailua Game Preserve. Vegetation on plots stripmined for bauxite in 1958-60.
PTBG1000044321 Lynwood Hume 265 1987-07-26
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, KAUAI: Along Waimea Canyon Trail near junction of Kukui Trai l.
10736 Kerin E. Lilleeng-Rosenberger s.n. 1995-02-14
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Koloa District, Lawai Valley. National Tropical Botanical Garden.
10319 Art Whistler 11418 2000-10-30
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: Growing on a roadside near Malaeloa in a disturbed place, probably cultivated or passively so.
PTBG1000044323 A. Dores 207 2003-11-05
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, U Municipality, Nankepin Awak., 6.96 158.2705556
PTBG1000044323 A. Dores 207 2003-11-05
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, U Municipality, Nankepin Awak., 6.96 158.270556
PTBG1000044325 W. M. Bush 323 1976-02-01
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Honolulu, Manoa Valley, E. Manoa Road.
PTBG1000044326 A. A. Munir 6176 1988-06-06
Australia, NORTHERN TERRITORY, 38 km SE of Murgenella at the junction of road leading to Wunya Beach towards Aurari Bay., -11.716667 133.216667
PTBG1000044326 A. A. Munir 6176 1988-06-06
Australia, NORTHERN TERRITORY, NULL, 38 km SE of Murgenella at the junction of road leading to Wunya Beach towards Aurari Bay., -11.716667 133.216667