PTBG1000040394 W. M. Bush s.n. 1974-04-15
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Honolulu, Makiki, Kinau Street.
PTBG1000040409 Tim Flynn 7040 2002-03-17
Cook Islands, NULL, NULL, Temakatea Village., -22.141111 -158.074444
12579 Tim Flynn 7038 2002-03-17
Cook Islands, MANGAIA: Inland road east of Onerua town. Secondary vegetation of Aleurites, Hernandia, Asplenium, Psidium, Passiflora and Dioscorea., 40m
5222 Tim Flynn 7343 2007-06-21
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Koloa District, Lawai Valley. Allerton Estate at Lawai-Kai, fruit orchard. Cultivated plants.
2681 Tim Flynn 7339 2007-05-01
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: Koloa District, Kalaheo. Farm of Jane Yoshimuri, off Lauoho Road. Cultivated plants., 146m
PTBG1000040398 Eric Garcia s.n. 2007-06-20
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lihue. Old Industrial area. Growing on fence at JB's Repair Shop.
17138 S. Perlman 10232 1988-08-08
Mts. of Vaipikopiko; new road from Hanaiapa, cut off to Vaipahee Falls; on Kaava Ridge, Vaipikopiko side., 890m
PTBG1000040397 Hank Oppenheimer H120651 2006-12-25
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Waihee, Waihee Dunes. Northing: 2317020.93 Easting: 759006.57, 20.935494 -156.509503
PTBG1000005190 Hank Oppenheimer H40719 2007-04-11
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, W. Maui, Waihee Dunes., 20.934588 -156.507132
PTBG1000031025 Hank Oppenheimer H120651 2006-12-25
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, W. Maui, Waihee, Waihee Dunes., 20.935494 -156.509503
PTBG1000040399 Tim Flynn 451 1983-06-27
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai. Headquarters of the Pacific Tr opical Botanical Garden (Kumu). End of Hailima Road.
PTBG1000040396 Liloa Dunn 23 1998-12-01
United States, HAWAII, St. John's Courtyard.
PTBG1000051856 Natalia Tangalin 3499 2013-04-14
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, West Maui, Waihee-Waiehu, Waihee Coastal Dunes and Wetlands Refuge, about 3 miles north of Kahului on Hwy 340, 20.94562 -156.509079
PTBG1000040397 Hank Oppenheimer H120651 2006-12-25
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, Waihee, Waihee Dunes. Northing: 2317020.93 Easting: 759006.57, 20.935494 -156.509503
PTBG1000005190 Hank Oppenheimer H40719 2007-04-11
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui, Waihee Dunes., 20.934588 -156.507132
PTBG1000031025 Hank Oppenheimer H120651 2006-12-25
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui, Waihee, Waihee Dunes., 20.935494 -156.509503
PTBG1000040399 Tim Flynn 451 1983-06-27
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai. Headquarters of the Pacific Tr opical Botanical Garden (Kumu). End of Hailima Road.
PTBG1000040396 Liloa Dunn 23 1998-12-01
United States, Hawaii, NULL, St. John's Courtyard.
PTBG1000051856 Natalia Tangalin 3499 2013-04-14
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, West Maui, Waihee-Waiehu, Waihee Coastal Dunes and Wetlands Refuge, about 3 miles north of Kahului on Hwy 340, 20.94562 -156.509079
6319 K.R. Wood 4293 1995-06-12
United States, Hawaii, KAHOOLAWE: Puu Koae, offshore islet. Top SW peak. With Panicum fauriei, Sida, Portulaca molokiniensis, Boerhavia, Heteropogon., 70m
PTBG1000040401 David H. Lorence 8023 1997-07-02
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, National Tropical Botanical Garden in Lawai Valley; Big Valley on west side of Lawai Stream, on western-most monkeypod tree (from stream), by big boulder, elevation 30 m., 21.9 -159.5083333
PTBG1000040410 Scott Lucas 993 1982-12-21
Sri Lanka, UVA PROVINCE, Growing along road from Mahiyangane to Amparai at Ambalawatte.
PTBG1000040410 Scott Lucas 993 1982-12-21
Sri Lanka, UVA PROVINCE, NULL, Growing along road from Mahiyangane to Amparai at Ambalawatte.
PTBG1000040403 Tim Flynn 450 1983-06-27
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai. Headquarters of the Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden. End of Hailima Road.
PTBG1000040403 Tim Flynn 450 1983-06-27
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai. Headquarters of the Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden. End of Hailima Road.
PTBG1000040411 Scott Lucas 905 1982-12-07
Sri Lanka, At Rangalla along the road to Loolwata, near the 23 mile post.
PTBG1000040411 Scott Lucas 905 1982-12-07
Sri Lanka, NULL, NULL, At Rangalla along the road to Loolwata, near the 23 mile post.