Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Taxa: Amphorogynaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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National Tropical Botanical Garden

17417D. E. Symon for N.P.W.S.   14091987-10-12
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Region 4. Gairdner - Torrens. N.P.W.S. Yellabina Survey. 10.0km SE of Lake Bring. Lake Bring Site. Quadrat 3. Patch II. Adjacent to shoreline of playa lake on whitish sands overlying compacted, heary lacustrine sedimont. Very open mallee woodland., 140m

E. N. S. Jackson   43271982-08-20
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, Region 12. Cape Ganeheaume Conservation Park, coastal road on eastern side of the Peninsula, ca. 2km by road from Park entrance., -36 137.6083333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000027145D. N. Kraehenbuehl   54061991-02-14
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, Region 8: Northern Lofty. Opposite Mrs. Pfitzner's Heritage Agreement Area, Tarnma. On roadside., -34.133333 138.966667

PTBG1000078887E. N. S. Jackson   43271982-08-20
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 12. Cape Ganeheaume Conservation Park, coastal road on eastern side of the Peninsula, ca. 2km by road from Park entrance., -36 137.608333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000027145D. N. Kraehenbuehl   54061991-02-14
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 8: Northern Lofty. Opposite Mrs. Pfitzner's Heritage Agreement Area, Tarnma. On roadside., -34.133333 138.966667

PTBG1000078965E. Lawson   1031991-08-15
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 13 Southeastern Mt. Scott. Conservation Park. Eastern Boundary area., -39.666667 140.066667

18427H. P. Vonow   7811988-10-10
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Region 7. Eyre Peninsula. Lincoln Highway, 46km NE of Cowell. Roadside, graded banks and gutters of fine red sand bordering old ripped-up road. Adjacent to low Mallee shrubland with Triodia.

P. J. Lang   83011991-03-06
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, Region 13. South-eastern. Section 338, Hundred of Conmurra, ca. 300m WSW of Camelback summit. 6923.IV 4274 E 58921 N, -37.11666666 140.1833333

E. N. S. Jackson   43981982-08-22
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, Region 12. Flinders Chase National Park. Rocky River; path along side of river from bridge near parking and picnic area ca. 4km W of 'Rocky River' Homestead W towards river mouth., -35.95416666 136.6833333

PTBG1000078971P. J. Lang   83011991-03-06
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 13. South-eastern. Section 338, Hundred of Conmurra, ca. 300m WSW of Camelback summit. 6923.IV 4274 E 58921 N, -37.116667 140.183333

PTBG1000078990E. N. S. Jackson   43981982-08-22
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 12. Flinders Chase National Park. Rocky River; path along side of river from bridge near parking and picnic area ca. 4km W of 'Rocky River' Homestead W towards river mouth., -35.954167 136.683333

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